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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. The manager at Dutch Creek is NOT involved in this!! Parks found out about it and scouted the area to find out who was responsible. and came up with nothing.. Maybe the guy was just "Fishing" on a free website to see what kind of interest he could drum up.
  2. The smell of alcohol masks the smell of food at the "Cutty Hut"!! Haha! In the vehicle is fine,
  3. Wind in the South? Nawwwww!!
  4. You're right Brian......this topic will never go away until random camping reg's are enforced. I spoke to a "Park Ranger" a few weeks ago and he said that a different department other than SRD may be authorized to start enforcing these reg's. That is a step in the right direction because currently nothing is being done in the Castle (which I hear is the worst) and Oldman, Racehorse, Livingston, Dutch areas
  5. A lot of people seem to know my business....but I have to agree with Brian...The PP's are empty and the random camping villages are growing.
  6. I have had the pleasure of watching Hydromans son grow up fly fishing over the years at RHC and it is a pleasure to know both of them and his younger son. "Olivia" is pretty cool too. I'm looking forward to another season and the morning coffee's!!
  7. Wow!! I'm definitely going to look into this. I'm sure he has been shutdown. This breaks a few regulations. What was he thinking?
  8. The drinks in the "Beer Garden" that I work at are actually cheaper than the regular prices inside the bar.....PM me in a few weeks boys and we can set something up re: fishing
  9. The ad is gone. I would have liked to have seen it, If this guy's place of work and his residence is Dutch Creek and he wants to rent out a trailer. What's the harm. What else is he supposed to do? He lives there. Then again I didn't see the ad and not sure of his intentions. I'll ask him about it. See him lots.
  10. You're setting yourself for some abuse ....My opinion, especially watching my friends with their young families ,is that you will have a change in priorities...enjoy.
  11. Has anybody restrung an existing net with a Brodin replacement net? Can they (replacement nets) be purchased in Calgary?
  12. Parachute Caddis Ant .......don't bait fish!!
  13. PM me in July and we can make a plan. I'm there Sunday PM til Wednesday AM every week. Jagermeister works as well!!
  14. I will be camping at Racehorse Creek on the Trunk Rd SW Alberta....drop by!
  15. It's called fly fishing.......chalk it up to experience. Next day you will slay them!!
  16. Dry flying.....a few Nymphing....a ton!!
  17. No...there is a 16 day maximum stay according to the Provincial Parks Act.....but I would suggest you get in touch with Barry, the operator of Rocky Mountain Camping http://rockymountaincamping.ca/ by e-mail and ask him. He might be able to work something out with you. I am there seasonally and haven't been asked to leave....yet. It just depends on the staff (CO's) that patrol the campgrounds, and every year they are different. It sucks knowing that any day they can ask you to move, I wish they would enforce the maximum stay regulation for random campers. Unfortunately they follow under Forestry (SRD) and they have no one to enforce the random camping regulations. Ridiculous....but I'll leave that discussion to another thread!! PM me for more info
  18. I just use my battery on the "Cutty Hut" for interior lights and that's all. One charge lasts 60+ days. When it does get low I bring it home to recharge it. The "Cutty Hut" is really just a tent with walls, as I do everything outside (cooking etc,) It is dry (no water in it) and the only feature I ever use is the furnace which is an old school catalytic with no fan to drain the battery. It's all I need....but I do enviously eyeball a lot of the RV's that roll by. But alas...I am a simple man and it works for me. Hope to pull it in for the season in a month!! Can't wait!!
  19. Don't camp beside me at RHC!!!
  20. I need a net. I am the worst ever fish handler. I can't seem to grab them.....not a "Cutty whisperer"!!
  21. I knew I would get some wise ass comments!! I guess if I dish it out..........!!!!!
  22. I have recently purchased a Fishpond Waterdance waist pack and I was wondering if anybody could suggest a way for me to carry my net. I would prefer to not having it hang from the waist pack. Thanks...
  23. A friend's father passed away quite a few years ago and he has asked me to find a charitable group or organization that he could donate his late father's fly fishing gear to. I haven't seen the collection but from what he say's it is top end rods and reels and other gear. The gear will be older (10yrs+) but I'm sure it's in good shape. If you know of any deserving charities, let me know and I will pass the info on to him. Thanks.
  24. Most of my flies are in split foam, double lidded boxes. Small drys in individual compartment type boxes. 90% of my flies are dry's.
  25. Don't get me going on the prescription eyeglass rip off in Canada, it's brutal. There was a lens sale at Lenscrafters,,,50% off , so i inquired about the Oakleys and they were not included in the sale,, along with Maui Jims. I recently purchased 2 pairs of eyeglasses with progressive lenses from $39 glasses.com, A pair for me and a pair for a homeless guy, $100-$120/pr. They also sell prescription sunglasses with various lenses and polarized coatings. I haven't seen any reviews on these so far so I can't vouch for them, but I am pleased with my eyeglasses, especially for 1/4 the price. http://www.39dollarglasses.com/
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