I am looking at getting into fly tying, but am looking for some advice. Got a bunch of the small tools and whatnot for Christmas, and will be picking up a vice in the next day or so from fish tales (not too sure which one yet, but will be inquiring when I get there).
In regards to the learning process, what fly would you recommend I start on out the list of flies I plan to tie for next year?
Caddis Pupae
Sex Dungeon
Skid Bitch
Soft Hackle Wet Fly
Bow River Bugger
Chernobly Ant
Prince Nymph
Clouser Minnow
Adams Fly
Griffiths Gnat
I plan to start off easy and have to take my time and look up the certain techniques as I run into them. Any help is appreciated! I may be taking the fly tying course at Fish Tales in February, but that is still a little ways away and I wanted to get my feet wet before then!