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relk19 last won the day on October 31 2014

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  1. Environment Canada has some historical data, but it is somewhat limited. You may be able to find what you are looking for here. At the bottom there is a Historical Station search page that may be able to help you.
  2. Was out at Policeman's last night, they have a bunch of no parking and open excavation signs on the road after the parking lot right now. Was walking on the bank upstream of the parking lot and it looks like they have started the work on it.
  3. Done and done. Really short survey, if you want a quality trout fishery closer to Calgary, take this survey to show our support for the idea!
  4. I attempt this all the time, but never seems to work
  5. Call it in. Just this past weekend I saw some containers that looked like sardine (or some other type of fish) tin cans at a spot close to Longview along the Highwood, wish I could have called it in myself.
  6. Anybody ever have any luck with mouse patterns on any local rivers before? These sorta videos really get me excited to tie some of those bad boys, but haven't had any luck the few times I have tried them.
  7. So how long do we need these lower temps and rain until we see the rivers start to cool down?
  8. That is a great point Toolman. While we are at it, I'd like to throw out the idea of putting restrictions for water flow change to be a certain percentage of the flow rate per hour (something like 10-20% perhaps?). This would hopefully alleviate those sharp spikes or drops in water flow we tend to see on the Bow River. I do not have any knowledge of how the dams work, but there must be some way to gradually lower the water level, rather than drop it significantly for a couple hours then pop it right back up.
  9. Any fly shop in town will likely be able to find you a guide for the day. My personal favorite is Fish Tales, but there are many others out there (Country Pleasure, Bow River Troutfitters, etc...).
  10. I have had some success on a Kaufmann stone pattern, and have heard Jimmy Legs produce pretty well in the Bow as well. I haven't tied them myself yet, but a quick google search produces some how tos on tieing them.
  11. Never had luck on the worm myself. Tried it half a dozen times or so with no luck. Can't see it being very tough to tie though. Thanks for the advice everyone! Giving me some good food for thought
  12. I am looking at getting into fly tying, but am looking for some advice. Got a bunch of the small tools and whatnot for Christmas, and will be picking up a vice in the next day or so from fish tales (not too sure which one yet, but will be inquiring when I get there). In regards to the learning process, what fly would you recommend I start on out the list of flies I plan to tie for next year? Caddis Caddis Pupae Sex Dungeon Skid Bitch Soft Hackle Wet Fly Bow River Bugger Chernobly Ant Prince Nymph Clouser Minnow Stimulator Chironomid Adams Fly Griffiths Gnat I plan to start off easy and have to take my time and look up the certain techniques as I run into them. Any help is appreciated! I may be taking the fly tying course at Fish Tales in February, but that is still a little ways away and I wanted to get my feet wet before then!
  13. I don't own one but I am thinking of getting one and will throw in my two cents. The head mount will probably give you the best POV perspective, but will also look the goofiest (IMO). If I end up getting on, I plan on mounting it on a monopod to try and get some good shot of the fish underwater, or hopefully even coming up to take the fly.
  14. Griffiths gnat is my go to for midge imitations, looks like a big clump of them together. Works well even in the summer months as well.
  15. Same for me, except it is a google sheets spreadsheet. Don't keep track of my skunk days, although maybe I should. I am curious how many fish people catch a year? I am at 63 for the year as of right now, which is a pretty big improvement over the 30 something I caught last year.
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