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Everything posted by Maximum

  1. He had that look on his face because I was firing up the Hibachi grill right next to him! j/k of course! FYI, I hooked and landed this guy in <2min, I always keep my camera hanging from my neck so I'm not wasting time looking for it. Landed him, unhooked, layed him ontop of my net in the water, snapped it and released. From when I netted to release, <1min.
  2. Got out bright and early with Max and LK to hunt some bullies. Pretty slow but I did manage to catch this snakey 28" bastard! Longest trout I've ever caught but certainly not the best looking!
  3. looks like its 11pm outside my office downtown now.
  4. Those are probably from kneeling on the hull of the boat "chumming" while he wasn't feeling well! I've seen it happen before, definitely not a pretty site. Nice fish BTW Dave! That'd be worth getting a replica made for the wall!
  5. I'm a Crackberry addict. 8800 is what I have now. not sure what I'd do without it.
  6. I hear that company is terrible, they'll hire any riff raff that walks in pretending to be some fancy tool designer.
  7. Brent, now that's the way you take a fish pose!
  8. Just took care of this, thanks for the reminder.
  9. Yup, that's the same one I saw, total trap door waiting for someone.
  10. Was down at the confluence last weekend, ice shelf were 10ft+ and some real death traps out there so be careful.
  11. Wow! That's insane, I wonder what kind of indigestion that caused!
  12. Exactly! I've heard guys whinning about whitefish and suckers and how they do/should toss them in the bush if caught but can't seem to connect the dots that the big trophy Browns or Bulls they are fishing for need to eat.....
  13. I always liked fishing but stopped for a few years due to school, work etc. Got back into it, and one day walked into a local fly shop to renew my license. The owner started talking to me about trying FF so I signed up for their intro course, one thing led to another and I was hooked! Never looked back since. And with the FFC board forming right around the same time, I met lots of other fellow chronics like Maxwell and SJW which helped me even further because I was a lost cause for a while there.
  14. Tako, I don't want to start a racist flame war, but you are so wrong here. My name is not disimillar from Wong, I might even be of that same ethnicity but guess what, my passport says I'm Canadian and since I was born here I would hope you would consider me Canadian. I know its a dead horse but I'll beat it anyways, every single poacher I've ever seen on the Bow (haven't spent much time on the BC coast so I can't opine) has been what you would deem "Canadian" that is not Asian. I just want you to know that there are some non-fish whacking "wong" types out there. Where's Rich?? I think he's more Wong than I am!
  15. Happy Birthday Rick!
  16. I got out to the show today with the wife. Good show! Nice to Dave, Max, LK and few others out there. BTW, call me when I win the raffle!
  17. Thanks guys. one year older none the wiser.
  18. Salmon fishing in the Queen Charlotte Islands. Not flyfishing but still an unreal experience in an unreal part of the world.
  19. Everyone should have this pre-programmed into your cell phone for easier access too.
  20. Right on Greg, way to put these guys in their place!
  21. I don't see what Birchy circled. I see a lady right in the bottom left corner. Looks like she has her head resting on her left shoulder.
  22. Someone's been drinking his milk! I too remember when I was as tall as Maxwell......now he towers over me.
  23. If you're not a drunken a-hole I wouldn't be worried. What worries me about Mexico is that 3/4 people I know who have been in the past several years all had bouts of amoebic dysentary (da shites!).
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