Amen to that, I used to drive a hatch back and if I left wet gear in the car even for a few hours my eyes would be watering the next time I had to drive.
As far as I know they've only found the one guy (Quebecker who drowned). I hope someone finds the poor guy soon so his family can put him to rest and so no poor fisherman, ie me, has to go to therapy after snagging him and pulling him up from the depths....
Here's my guy, he's 3.5 now, this was about 1 year old. He doens't come fishing yet as his idea of being my fishing companion would be running into the hole, peeing in the water, than splashing his way downstream!
Haha, same thing with me. The car wash I got to only has one bay for muddy vehicles which they had closed off for some reason so I had to go to the regular ones. I'm pretty sure I'm no longer welcome there.
Got out to a stream in SW BC this weekend. Had a blast nailing cutties, however noticed many missing part of their gill plates. They were otherwise healthy and strong. Could this be a genetic abnormality? Has anyone seen this before?? It looks pretty nasty.
Thats the truth. Anyone who knows me knows I'm pretty dark already. I used SPF 30 down in the Carribbean earlier this year and burned. I had to up it to 55 and I was all good. Don't forget that when you're standing in water the reflection of the sun off the water makes it even worse than just normal sunlight.
For a decent trout, ie >18" I'd say on average from hook set to net I'm about 2 mintues tops. I always try to get them in ASAP. I used to be more hesitant but with 10lb test on and a solid 6wt rod, I've learned to just power them in. Plus my little girly arms get tired if I hold on any longer!
That's pretty far up there! Maybe some fool rafters fell in?? One time on the Bow I had a CO come blasting over on a Sea Doo to check my license. That was pretty much the end of my day fishing that spot since I'm sure he spooked all the fish away within 200m.
Not to sound like a dink but someone drowned and died on Monday on the Highwood. They were probably responding to the call. I'm pretty sure you'd appreciate it if you were on the other end of that call. Unless you were talking about Monday, then I have no idea....
That's still my biggest worry fishing is stumbling across that. BTW, they've still only found one of the two guys who drowned going over the weir......