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CDone last won the day on December 30 2015

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About CDone

  • Birthday 03/10/1966

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    Sunny side of the Wet Coast

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Cutthroat Trout

Cutthroat Trout (6/10)



  1. you`ll want to use epoxy as you need to make sure there is adhesion to the blank as well as the rings on either side. Personally I would probably replace the ring above and below also just in case water has gotten into the glue. As Lornce says dry fit a ring, then split using a fine toothed saw or even better a razor blade then take a round file and enlarge the inner hole to match the diameter of the blank, a little larger is fine as the epoxy will fill the gaps. Apply epoxy (I use 30 minute epoxy) liberally to all surfaces. Fit the 2 halves and use tape or something else to hold the cork in place (I use zip ties). Probably the hardest thing about this type of repair is getting the new ring turned down to the size of the existing cork, a cork lathe ,akes quick work of it but you can do it by hand as well just takes longer. Colin
  2. This is the radio I use here in BC for our logging roads, totally programmable for our roads here. And licensed or not the truck drivers appreciate knowing where you are, only use it to monitor traffic and call out KM's, always get a thumbs up from the logging trucks that pass me. Colin
  3. yup much too close to the next guide, old glass rods had some crazy guide spacing, Certainly look's Fenwick-ish to me.
  4. He is no longer involved with Vision Canada, when he was, he was a "field staff' meaning he was able to purchase(?) gear at guide cost. I would hope that any money he gets from selling the gear will go towards paying back the amount that is owed to Vision Canada, doubtful though. Colin
  5. The Waitahnui is a beautiful river, watched some massive trout (rivaled any of the VI steelhead I had seen up to that point) lazily swim around completely oblivious to my cicada patterns. The evening bite at the mouth where it flows into Lk. Taupo was a blast. Saw some folks casting nets on a few beaches for some Mackeral and what not, sure they could have been tempted to take a fly if one gave it a shot. Spent a month there but never did get to the South Island, certainly on my bucket list, Darrin you are a lucky guy, enjoy!! Colin
  6. I have taken back my previous support of Shoreline Risers and Andrew Watson, there are certainly some problems there in regards to his business dealings. Hope he can turn it around but until then anyone with any outstanding money owing or other concerns would probably be best contacting the Cochrane RCMP. Colin
  7. A couple wraps of golfer's lead tape around the spool before you put on the backing and line will help and save you the cost of getting another reel. Some rod manufactures actually suggest what weight of reel to balance the rod, to bad not all of them do, nothing on Sage's website. Colin
  8. In Calgary, unfortunately no one, what line are you looking for? I may be able to help. Colin
  9. Thats the falls below the Gap. On the Maycroft road just before the Gap, you'll see all the vehicles parked on the right at the trailhead. Half a dozen parked there yesterday. Colin
  10. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/58394716/edge-rods-env-linen-rods-by-gary-loomis Interesting. Colin
  11. I've got lots here as well, waders, rods, flies what ever you could need. Colin
  12. Nicely done, really like your colour choices. Colin
  13. Did it work for you? and what are the costs like (repeat visits ect.) I'm on my 4th round of cortisone for my shoulder and would love to try an alternative. Picking up the spey rod was one of the best things I did for my tennis (chefs) elbow, on longer outings I don't have any pain at all, unlike using the singlehand rod where I can barely move my arm the next day. Colin
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