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Everything posted by Giovanne

  1. I believe this is how most guys learn now and get keyed in on only one method, trying no other method? My 5 flies for small streams; -Stimulator -Green Drake -Elk Hair caddis -Clouser- Big one -Bow River Bugger- Big one
  2. He lost me after he told me that story. Probably one of those guys you see nymphing the bow @ 5:00am the beginning of July..
  3. I think you'd have more "wins" with a hopper-hopper.
  4. Ran into a fellow a couple months ago on a cuttie stream that shall remain unnamed and he commented to me how the cutties kept trying to eat his indicator...
  5. So I don't agree with the whole sucker punch comment and you start to run your mouth... Show me the cheap shots at other people big talker? Funny how we obvoiusly disagree on a GAME and you choose make it personal? I do agree that Avery steps over the line on occasion which I have already acknowledged. I think Avery adds to the game from an entertainment perspective. As well he is playing in the NHL, so there must be a quality that the GM of the Ranger likes hence his employment. I am just presenting the facts that show it was not a sucker punch. Drop your gloves in a hockey game and you get punched. Before Avery threw a punch they had both engaged each other, the staredown , gloves off then the punch. Avery was quicker- Too bad for the big, slow Smid... As well who knows what was said the minutes and seconds before the incident? No one likes Avery, yet so many talk of him. The League wants him to remain because of this fact. Other than the playoffs regular season NHL hockey is like watching paint dry. The league needs this kind of bullshit, he will get a wrist slap at best from the league. Guys like Avery, Hextall, Pronger, Lemieux are as important to the game as Crosby and Gretzky. Edit- Ryan I looked at the video you posted and I still say it was not a sucker punch. Just because they did not do the ice tango and size each other up skating in circles for a bit before the first punch has no relevance on this- Not a sucker punch. If I was a coach or GM I would want Avery on my team. No doubt he would be a difficult palyer to handle, but worth it with the right manager IMO. Have you ever heard Mike Keenan tell some of the stories about Hextall? Way more of a hot head than Avery ever will be and one of the most popular players of all time.
  6. Answer me this; -You say that Smid did not want to fight? Yet he flung his gloves off as he faced Avery milliseconds after Avery did. This is a fact, watch the video. -So now you have two players facing each other that both have their gloves off and Avery gives him a quick bop, how can you consider this a "sucker punch"? The #1 way to say "lets go" without saying a word in hockey is to fling your gloves off. Both players had done this, and facing each other before a lick was thrown. Smid has fighting reflexes like a 90 year old grandmother, this is also is what the video shows. I do agree that Avery sometimes walks on the wrong side of the line, example is the comments to Phaneuf. But to say that the punch to Smid was a sucker punch is clearly not the case. Edit- My example of a `sucker punch`in this situation would be if Smid did not drop his gloves and all of a sudden Avery popped him one. That would clearly be a sucker punch. Fling your gloves off and you`d better have the goods to back up your actions, as its fight time once you commit to fighting with the glove fling. Curious what other `sign`Avery should have waited for?
  7. This will be the season where Calgary's love affair with the Sutters abruptly ends.
  8. You should campaign the Rangers GM and tell him why you are right and he is wrong. Armchair meet quarterback.. Edit- The stats speak for themselves- in the games where Avery has displayed goonery his team has won the majority of the time.. Double edit- For those of you that call this a "sucker punch" watch the replay again. Smid drops his gloves immediately after Avery does, they are facing each other and Avery bops him one. Definately NOT a sucker punch!
  9. Avery is a very talented player and fills the role intended, period. If this was not the case, he simply would not be playing in the NHL. He creates the kind of rivalries that the public craves in sports. You better bet that IF the Rangers were playing Edmonton again this year that all eyes would be watching. Sport needs a villian and he is willing to fill those shoes. All you pacifists on here that watch hockey, flip the channel back to Glee.
  10. Name the boat "hijack"
  11. Interesting point when discussing things like bad drivers, etc, it is always the other guy.. Not directed at you hogstopper, just an observation of coffe shop small talk. Drove to the corner for a coffee this morning and people certainly do drive like fools on the first snow day. Although it was difficult to see everyone as my defroster had not melted all the ice on my windshield at that point.
  12. I have all season's on the van, I will be fine.
  13. The sign that there is no more to add to a topic is when the dimwhits arrive to post their drivel..
  14. Thanks for the link. I'll be sure to add some of my own spots on that list.
  15. I don't know one guide that does it, or got into it "to make alot of money"
  16. Don't forget how the # of guides has at least doubled in the past 5 years. One guide even puts a jet boat in with the group and buzzes up and down, hammering the same runs over and over, through the drift boats like it is no big deal. There is a smart way to use a power boat, so most never even know, but you have to drive a bit and start in the morning where the others finish in the evening. Too cheap for the extra truck gas? just lazy? or does not consider others on the river? The wreckless behavior of some makes the others say "if you can't beat them join them" As things change over time they become the norm, sad really.
  17. I have no problem, get a thicker skin. Just commenting on my perception of things. Stating that it is easier to fiure out where to go, how to get there, and what patterns to use because of sites like this. I do admit I liked how it used to be, but this is how it is now. I am on here and read things too, just not giving it all up on reports and such. The disclaimer is there seems to be 2 types of reports on this site; the kind where a couple of tasteful pictures get posted, some general comments, and some scenery pictures. These are great and makes me want to get my act together and get better at pictures like this. Great to read and I should do my part as It adds to a great site. You don't have to give up the goods on an area to put together an entertaining report. Let people do their own recon, figure where to go. Then there are the second kind; the ones where one boasts of crazy numbers of fish (rarely if ever a picture) and the two or three buddies that were fishing together talk to eack other via the report for all to read, slapping each other on the back for days on the report thread about what a great day they had and they should do it again. This adds nothing to the site, IMO. One thing with all of this talk of too much pressure that rarely gets mentioned is limiting the guide days. Go to the FC or Police launch in the summer at 9:00 AM and it is a traffic jam of boats putting in. These are the people making money off of the resource, nothing wrong with that but it sure has gotten busy with guide boats. The current sysyem of it being a free for all should definately be addressed since we are talking of the increased pressure the Bow River receives. Before there are any regulation changes in regard to power boats, regulation changes that effect residents, etc the number of guide boats has to be addressed. I believe this to be the single biggest increase to fishing pressure on the lower Bow.
  18. You have hit on the other problem. Easterners moving here.
  19. To say that this (and other websites) have not increased pressure on the Bow is absurd. As well look at all the other out of the way water that now gets regular reports, videos posted, etc. Before the internet and sites like this it was trial and error to find a good run, knowing what pattern, etc. Now you just have to read a report or two to see what is working, and where. Not saying it is the end all be all, but some time behind the keyboard puts a guy way ahead compared to years ago. We live in an age where people want instant gratification, and it has never been easier. Tie on a nymph and catch 30 fish, this is what is popular now. The real Bow is still there, and those that have it dialed still keep it tight to the hip. Oh ya, having it dialed does not include fishing a worm under an indi....
  20. The slower those boats go past you the bigger the wake they throw! When I am out fishing or floating and I hear a motor I just want them to keep it full gas and get past, that is the most courteous thing they can do.
  21. Great picture. The sunrises sure have been great this week, orange all the way to the west horizon this morning.
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