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Everything posted by Giovanne

  1. They look great. I find the scruffy looking ones catch more fish!
  2. I totally agree^^ I can't see how this would be a real time saver. A real pain in the ass is what I can see.
  3. Who cares where it runs, either way its getting bonked!
  4. Greyhound
  5. These gizmo coffee makers seem to be all the rage. Anyone remember the betamax or the laser disc player?
  6. D- grasshopper Even if that is what is not "raining" they will eat the hopper. Warm september day, spring creek, big rainbows; I could not imagine using any other immitation. What about "F"- San Huan Worm?
  7. Boy its gunna be a long winter...
  8. Since you're just fillin' in quotes with what you want, I thought I'd take the same liberty..
  9. Interwebs Shtick
  10. Oh the irony..
  11. "I won't wade into this, but..."
  12. enlighten us minions....
  13. They just make *hit up, change rules, new rules, etc, etc, to justify their jobs. Time to change the guard in this Province.
  14. Why? If that was true then what is this guy doing here? ::ice fish::
  15. A big part of the problem is the upper crust making policy, setting budgets, etc, etc, would never sit in an emergency for 20 hours or be on a 4 year wait list for a surgery. Same with the politicians in the Province. None of the decision and Policy makers at alberta Health Services, or the Provincial Government are effected by the policy they implement. The two tier system of health care is very alive and well in Alberta. Anyone remember last year during the panic to get the H1N1 vaccine? At the height of women, children, and seniors waiting in long line-ups in the outdoors the Calgary Flames had enough vaccine delivered by Alberta Health services and a nurse to give injections to the team, admin, and their families. This yet is another window that shows us how things function inside Alberta Health Services. The health care budget in this Province grows each year, it consumes around 40% of the annual Provincial budget. More money is not making it better; using wait times as the measurement is just keeps getting worse. There are more administrators than front line workers in the Alberta health care system.
  16. http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/203.asp
  17. Did you try them on? Looks as if you did but you are asking how they fit???
  18. It's obvious that City Planners have pretty much given up on easing peak time traffic congestion when they install a sign that updates to tell you someting that you already know. If your stuck on Deerfoot for an extra hour it is grade school math that you will be a minimum hour later than usual to your destination...
  19. Sounds like this repair job is a bit over your head Uberfli. :lol:
  20. The Leagues non-action clearly shows it was not a sucker punch.
  21. Just wear them inside out, that'll stop the left foot from leaking.
  22. Uberfli, The little fisherman character at the bottom of your signature line has a nasty tailing loop!!!! Not sure how to fix leaky waders with exception of patching the hole with aquaseal? I have found that once you patch the hole that is leaking, generally you will no longer have a leak. If that does not work (you mention it is the left bootie leaking) you could just wade with your right leg? MAy be a bit inconvenient, but it would remedy the situation!! Now here is how you can fix that tailing loop!; http://www.sexyloops.com/flycasting/tailingloops.shtml Good luck!! G
  23. River Monsters- one of my favorite shows. If you have not seen it you should check it out! http://animal.discovery.com/tv/river-monsters/
  24. Speaking of leaky waders a number of years ago I had a roof that leaked. Never could figure it out. Had to call a roofing company to get to the bottom of it. I cannot believe how much they charged me for the service call. I think that them roofers and mechanics are cut from the same cloth. They see you coming and hit you hard in the pocket book, knowing they basically got you as you called them! Does anyone else have any stories where you were overcharged by a mechanic or roofer, or any other tradesman for that matter? Boy oh boy its cold out, would hate to be a roofer, or any other occupation were you had to be outside in these bitter temperatures! anyone have a job where they work outside in the bitter cold, how do you do it?
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