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Everything posted by lonefisher

  1. I just said 5 counts veh man because I am sure they won't even try to stick him with 5 counts of sec degree murder....... they should but I bet they don't........ But yeah they should hit both the guy and the company as hard as legally possible..... specially if he was a known alcoholic.,... I have a feeling I know what he will get convicted of though not sure the actual name but basically impaired/reckless driving causing death/ bodily harm..... But if I remember back I think such a charge would allow the judge a pretty wide window of sentencing....... PS on a fairly unrelated note I think its a joke that at this point in time Pickton can apply for parole in 10 years....... (Unless i misread the paper this morning)((anyways thats a whole nother thread))
  2. That was such a tragedy...... I sure hope he doesn't get some BS reduced charge..... vehicular manslaughter 5 counts.......
  3. Good luck weedy! I didn't start today...... Rickr maybe your right about the temporary escape from the issues I know when I am frazzled I either go grab a coffee, a smoke or a bite to eat..... Just need to toss a healthy alternative in there I guess. Weedy a month in a mental institution might be just what I need to kick the habit. Maybe we should start a petition.
  4. weedy thats not a bad idea........ I don't like smoking anymore..... there are certain cigarettes that I really really like, like after meals ect but for the most part I only smoke A because of the addiction, and B because its a stress relieving habit for me now....... I have heard of the hypno therapy thing working as well...... I dunno it might help to make it a contest...... I'm pretty much a pack a day as well so I think it would be fair......
  5. Rick I think you are right it takes mass willpower..... the patches and zyban made me go goofy and after a while seemed to do little for the cravings...... I think my biggest problem is (and I am not really trying to cop out but) work..... I work all customer service and regardless of the willpower I have to quit a really frustrating day blows it all away....... anyways I suppose I should just quit my job and do something that is less stressful but I hate to have to do that just because of cigarettes. Most people I know who have quit the cold turkey way have had a really good reason to do it. Usually children...... thats what made both my father and grandfather quit and evidently many other's...... I guess I could make some babies......... (just kidding )
  6. Total voodoo witchcraft! Just kidden it helps my grandfather for a knee..... ailment (can't remember the actual condition) but he is about as skeptical of that sorta thing as anyone and he figures it helped a fair bit Flyangler maybe as someone within that field (sorta) you might be able to tell me if that laser stop smoking treatment is effective? I met a guy tother day who said 1 visit and he quit from 1 pack plus a day says he hasn't smoked since (20 years) Conversely is there an accupuncture treatment for this....... I am a die hard smoker..... I hate it now but I just can't kick the habit.
  7. Did I stutter be- be- be- be- be BEEYAHH!
  8. Thanks Rick I am now traumatized for life
  9. works great but only at certain times in my opinion..... I don't see an ethical issue myself but perhaps others might...... I can't say I use em all that often though
  10. WOW....... Thats a serious serious fish...... on 5x..... sweet
  11. wow just voted sorry I was late. tight contests I coulda voted 4 times and still been torn..... sweet ties all around.....
  12. I reallly really hate the new thing they keep callin me with now..... you answer the phone and the automated voice (yeah not even a human that can hear the abuse I sling) says something like "macy's ect ect ect" I swear at the automated voice on the off chance someone is listening and hang up..... Happens a LOT lately..... How do you get rid of that one max?
  13. Awesome Glen simply freakin awesome...... Looks like paradise. Can't wait to seem some aus pics..... I take it those were NZ pics? Anyways enjoy yourself yer not missin much over here. Although there is a riveting global warming discussion goin on...... Take it easy man!
  14. Ahhh thats just a regular guinea fowl though check out the neck feathers on a vulturine though. http://www.honoluluzoo.org/vulturine_guineafowl.htm http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/Guineas/BRKAcryllium.html wanna check out another cool one check out the himalayan monal pheasant http://www.gbwf.org/pheasants/monal.html edit- I added another link to the vulturine guinea as the first one seems to only work when it feels like it.
  15. Looks like a nice tie though it looks like you had the same trouble with the tag as the one I am workin on..... Nice materials for sure did you buy the peacock pheasant feathers individually or did you scoop a whole skin? Also if you don't mind another question what would you figure a whole vulturine guinea fowl skin is worth? Might have got a line on one but it looks like it will be damn pricey......
  16. Thanks for reposting that Bloom thats a killer fly. Are those k lakes fish in the top 2 pics? Or am I just experiencing phantom similar rock syndrome.
  17. beauty fly barnes..... shouda waited till the end no'one else will want to compete against that one
  18. Hats 1 T-shirts 1 m Hoodies 1 L Toques 1
  19. Ladystrange minnewanka is not open for icefishing whatsoever. closed all winter unfortunately. However there is getting to be some serios ice out here on lakes like spray and the K lakes. I know you can leave shacks on spray for the winter if you call the canmore F&W number from he regs book they should tell you when shacks can go on and have to come off. Most people lock em and take valuables out...... no motorized vehicles allowed on spray so little chance of someone swiping a full shack...... But that also makes it tough to get the shack out on the ice and back off...... People usually take em on in pieces on sled or skis and constuct em on the ice..... Basically the only way to do it unless you want you shack to sit right off the boat launch..... To find fish in spray I usually try to get in water 60-90 feet deep and fish right on the bottom.... I am sure there is more productive ways like cameras and fish finders ect but I don't have em.....
  20. Those are sweet I definately want a couple if they turn out ok
  21. neither do I RKNB's I don't imagine shes a stupid person.... But obviously she is a little dumb for making this mistake and a bit ignorant of their laws...... anyways it seems like she will make out OK. Last I heard she was lookin at a bit of jailtime and then deportation..... No whips or capital punishment..... I imagine she will not be in a hurry to teach in that country again.......
  22. 11 foot pole---- poke! oK might be safe I hope for the best for this woman, yeah she should have known better, yeah its their law and its their religion. I can respect that..... but come on she might be dumb and she might be ignorant but she's over there trying to teach.... I doubt she was trying to be malicious, and I don't think she is a real criminal for this offense. Thats all I can say
  23. Ummmmm really really hate to drag this on ladies but I'm still a bit confused..... which nipple are we measuring to?
  24. congrats man. Looks like a hell of a honeymoon. Great pics as well
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