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Everything posted by brownonbow

  1. Fly name: GLITTER DONE! Recipe... Hook: favorite dry fly hook, size 16 and down Thread: olive 8/0 Tail: White antron, z-lon, para post, or macrame yarn Rib: Gold UNI-French 5 gr Sm (reversed wrapped) Body: Mylar Hackle: Deer Hair Head: Caddis ice dub shown, could use peacock herl alternatively http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af317/...pg?t=1262060475[/img] http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af317/...pg?t=1262060752[/img] http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af317/...pg?t=1262060823[/img] http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af317/...pg?t=1262060859 http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af317/...pg?t=1262060968[/img]
  2. Here the movie link
  3. The hoppinator is something that I stumbled upon on you tube. You have to check this fly out, it is simplicity and function rolled into one. As the name implies it is both an indicator and hopper thanks to a mono loop at both the eye and rear end of the hook. Like I said simplicity...although I think this fly looks pretty good considering that it's primary role is to be an indicator. I tied one in orange for the fast runs and choppy stuff when you really want to get a good look at the indicator. Time will tell if it will actually catch any fish. The other colors I chose to tie were a tan and a brown one too. The only addition to the original that I made was to wrap the hook with a base layer of black peacock ice dub on both the brown and the orange patterns. I opted for olive arizona semi seal for the tan pattern. In addition to covering up the hook and mono, the base layer of dubbing tends to give it a buggier look. I could tie this fly all day, I find that it does not have the frustrating elements about it like some other flies do. Do check out this video, it is great. Click here if the movie does not play.
  4. Can anyone tell me how to post pictures? I tried to post multiple pictures but the size allowed was too small. My camera is only a 5.1 megapixel point and shoot so I am thinking it's something else. I want these pictures to be seen on the site, I don't want a link to an album. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  5. I saw this on you tube and it is kind of a similar mono system to what jordo is using. It turns your hopper into an indicator that can be moved up and down your leader to adjust the nymphs depth. Hope this link works:
  6. Okay here's my list: Martin 6 wt TFO 6 wt TFO 3 wt G-Loomis GL3 6 wt Scott S3 4 wt Hill country rods 3wt Sage vps 6wt Sage z-axiz 5 wt Seems that just when you think you've bought the last rod- you know the "this is the one" rod! It its then that the marketing guys come up with some more hype, and men being what they are, make another trip to the flyshop! Whatcha gonna do? Buy another rod!!! My wife said just the other day when she saw the invoice from e-bay "another rod?" I didn't understand her disapproval at the time, but now seeing it written down...wow. I haven't received the last one yet, here's to hoping the z-axis doesn't disappoint. Anyone who has experience with it, love/hate, I'd be interested to hear your feedback. Tight lines
  7. Expensive lure if you lose a couple of those throughout the day.
  8. I enjoyed this book
  9. Fish that fly it will catch fish and lots of em'. Really a nice easy tie. Everyone should try swinging a wet, they are effective and a lot of fun!
  10. mmmm,skittles...
  11. I was intimidated by the bow at first, psyched out by all those I knew and talked to about the bow. Really it's not as bad as they would have you believe. Look where others are fishing every time you go out, as already mentioned. Look over every once and a while to see how they are doing. Streamers are going to be the easiest way to hook into some fish because you don't have to worry about dead drifting it. You can just throw it in and strip it back till you feel the pull of a fish. Learn how to nymph fish efficiently on another river you know to hold fish, then take those skills to the mighty bow. Try dead drifting a woolly bugger under an indicator. It's great practice because the presentation of a bugger is not critical to it's success. (unlike those little nymphs) As far as dry fly fishing goes it has been my experience that you rarely can call them up to the surface if they are not already feeding actively. But when you do see them feeding definitely give it your best shot, if your rewarded it is a sublime feeling to say the least. Be prepared to stay late as the fishing picks up the later and darker it gets. Hope this helps just a little, maybe get you into a few. Anyhow when it all comes together for you be prepared to sell the golf clubs because unlike the golf course there are no bad days on the river.
  12. Impressive, great post, tight lines and tight loops. WOW!
  13. If you look at most flys that are in the bins at flyshops the majority are gold beadheadeed. I was just wondering if anyone has noticed any difference in these two beads and the way the fish respond to them. Does one produce better than the next? What do you like to tie up?
  14. Hello all, Looking through the site over the past few weeks and have to say that I'm really enjoying all the great info that is being shared. Was inspired by the VLADI worms. Decided to tie some up and after about the 6th one got into a rhythm. Just a couple of suggestions for those of you wanting to tackle this fly..er..worm. 1. I watched the video and found it very helpful but would suggest using red floss to base coat the hook rather than the regular 6/0 thread they used. 2. I tied mono in the first few attempts for the rib and found it a little difficult to use. I switched it up to a red 10 grain # 30 soft wire and found it much stronger and it holds tight as you wrap, therefor your last step of whip finishing is an easier process as well.
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