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Everything posted by Pipestoneflyguy

  1. Love my pontoon - it's like it was built with fishing specifically in mind or something.... Fishing from a kayak kinda seems like hamering nails from the top step of a stepladder, you know, the one that says "Not a step" right on it, or target shooting while standing on a slackline - I would think it's a matter of time before something really bad happens LOL - mind you I am pretty awkward and clumsy in the 1st place....
  2. Wishing all the best of the season to a great community !
  3. Up here Icebreaker has been the most popular under goretex for the last couple years - I switched from old-school Lifa because of the massive improvement in comfort, not performance - I think just about anything you buy other than grandpa's red cotton long-johns will work pretty good - winter wading or early spring floating I add a pair of fleece pants.
  4. Thanks fellas - can't wait till the day I hand him the reins to my secret spots between the Bow headwaters and LL ! LOL Rick I realize the guy with the goat is ugly, but that's all me !
  5. Glad to announce I have a new apprentice flycaster in the family Charlie Nellis Moss born Nov 26th in Canmore - 8lbs and 1 ounce Charlie is also my father, and grandfather's name, note that is a proper southern Charlie, not Charles LOL - and Nellis is after Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada which is where Sandy and I were when we decided to drive to Vegas and get married.
  6. Yeah - like that Go-RVing commercial where the grandpa is tying an adult stonefly pattern when clearly it is caddisfly hatching conditions outside - the nerve, and I thought advertising executives were stand-up guys ! LMFAO I dunno Peter - they consulted alot of climbing experts when making such gems as K2, Cliffhanger and Vertical Limit - not convinced things would get any better !!! I was inspired to become a climber from watching the "Eiger Sanction" as a kid - I was led to believe that training for a big climb consisted of chasing your buddies 20 year old topless daughter up a mountain and when you get to the top you get to have sex with her - LIES LIES LIES - this never happened to me once - don't even get me started on Clint Eastwood making me think it was OK to go jogging in the desert wearing jeans !
  7. I've got a friend up here that restores / builds them - he almost fishes exclusively with bamboo - it's pretty impressive what he can do with one of them. If you want, PM your email Sun, and I'll get him to contact you - Like most bamboo guys, he loves talking about bamboo almost as much as he loves fishing with it, LOL.
  8. if you have a smart phone download Shazam
  9. Seen only one so far in the Bow Valley (about a week ago) - but probably AT LEAST 10-20 hawks for every golden eagle out there - I have stopped chasing locals reports up here because they get misidentified so often. - kinda the same thing, folks so badly want to see a golden eagle instead of a hawk or an osprey it tends to affect their vision if you know what I mean LOL Pretty awesome sighting by the sounds of it, and the behavior certainly is typical of a golden eagle, hope it wasn't a harliquin that became lunch !
  10. I would call that a very successful prosecution !
  11. Thanks Peter given that he is a tourist I am going to go ahead and facebook him, - to quote PJ O'Rourke " Very little is known of the Canadian country since it is rarely visited by anyone but the Queen and illiterate sport fisherman" - this guy was clearly NOT the Queen and needs to be educated LOL BTW - if you come skiing bring the kilster LOL - its above zero still - Saddle Pass is gonna be a slog !
  12. Kay, saw this a couple weeks ago and and decided not to comment only b/c I've been around here long enough to be able to predict what kinda of response a post like this will get (borderline troll), and well,... yada yada yada it upsets me too. I am not defending or condoning this guys behaviour in any way, but that said, beyond the expected expressions of shock, horror, anger and disgust pehaps a meaningful discussion about how our community reacts to a situation like this could possible result in some sort of productive outcome in future occurences. Beyond the shock and emotion anyone with a sense of environmental stewardship feels when they watch this, I started thinking about how I would respond to his video on youtube (You know - where the guy will actually see it) The first thing I asked myself was simple, "Is this guy horribly indifferent or just plain ignorant". First of all he posted it on youtube, knowing people would see it - I can only assume that if he knows anything about the state of bull trout in this province, and the rules that govern the fishing of the species, and anything reagrding the best practices for handling fish he would not have posted this video. I decided I would give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he is completely ignorant of these factors, and to take it even further, even if he did flip through the regs and read a few things, perhaps he is also completely ignorant as to why bull trout is protected, and why those regulations and best practices exist in the first place. I went to write a comment but then realized I had to register and create an account and all that jazz and I just didn't have time two weeks ago so I came back here today to link back to the video and do just that - As I had previously decided to give the fella the benefit of the doubt and approach the comment from the perspective of someone mentoring an angler who clearly need to be educated on why we do many of the things we do. I also watched his other videos and it is obvious the guy enjoys fishing and does it in different locations so, just maybe, he would be receptive to some friendly advice, that would lead into a reminder of the legal and environmental consequences of his actions if he didn't change his ways - well I read all the comments posted, and I gotta say at this point I am not even going to waste my time trying to educate him b/c he will never read beyond the first couple comments - the opportunity to intercept and educate has swirled the bowl and is now gone ! You know who benefits from flaming the hell out of the guy, it isn't the bulltrout population !!!!, the guy sure isn't learning anything, would anyone here take advice from someone who started a discussion by calling you names like that, I guess maybe the guy/gal doing the flaming feels a little better ??? As far as environmental stewardship goes, flaming that guy is as equally idiotic as his own actions IMHO. There is nothing heroic about it, and it does more harm than good. Want to be a hero of environmental stewardship, Walk into a crowd of redneck a-holes that you hate and try to educate them. Protecting the environment is only a part of the environmental stewardship equation, Education through mentoring is just as important, if not moreso, given a job well done on the later, prevents the need for the first. On a site that prides itself on promoting stewardship I often find myself dissappointed in how little effort goes into understanding what that really means, and further to that, acting in a manner commensurate with stewardship outside of this forum.......whatever.....flaming a guy anonymously is easy, whereas actually making yourself available and persuading someone to see things from your point a view probably seems like a whole lot of work eh ! rant off... wait rant back on - Flyfishgirl - I see your new so I'll politely make a point,...fish handling skills are the product of good learning and experience - they are in no way, what-so-ever related to the type of fishing rod a person chooses to use.
  13. I know a spoon-chucker in town who has a combination alcohol/anger problem - he unloaded a can into his neighbours house one night because she was having a party and he had to work in the morning - can't speak for bears but I know it works on cougars LOL
  14. Sadly this type of occurence is happening multiple times a day up here. I gotta say, getting within 10 feet of a mom with a cub is pretty risky, Fishpro, I won't insult you like some chose to, because I suspect you know how risky that was, but I will say there is a pretty fine line between brave and foolish, and that's flirting with the latter ! I just hope everyone reading this clearly understands that, at that distance, outrunning the person beside you isn't going to work, if that bear went defensive/aggressive you wouldn't have time to even lower your camera from your eye before you were on your back getting mauled. The best that's gonna come of it is you'll be the subject of a youtube video that gets a million hits posted by German tourist with his wife screaming in the background. Oh yeah, nice pics though, and I commend your testicular fortitude, you must walk like a cowboy !
  15. My Boss has family down there - Hail right through the roof of the house and a daughter got knocked out cold trying to save her horse
  16. I have never had my telscopic collapse, and mine is an older model leki ski touring pole (read friggin strong), and I have put nearly full body weight on it many times. Don't do something silly like lube it and it'll hold just fine. Just clean it once in a while. I wouldn't trust electrical tape (or any tape including duct) on a hot day to keep a a shock corded staff from pulling apart - I have had to yard mine out of pinched rocks with both hands a number of times. almost did the "nestea plunge" a couple times LOL One thing I like with the telescopic is I can lengthen it to chin height which is an ass-saver in belly button to wader height crossings which can occur late on hot days - mine even came with a second foam handle about 12 inches down for two handing (meant for steep slope trasversing) just put your rod in your mouth and your stable enough to cross water you couldn't do with only one hand on the staff. It shortens to about 16 inches with two 3/4 turns of each segment and pops into the same spot you carry your tube on your backpack
  17. Same as Peter - old colapsable ski pole - works stellar - and I have a second one just like it if it gets lost
  18. Hey Taco Pete, Deb and I are in for the Willow outing on July 28th. Look forward to seeing you again Jim !
  19. So my Friend and I both had to send our rods back for warrantee repair. Mine is Orvis and his is Sage - we were curious to see who received better service. We figured his might be a little faster and cheaper because it was going to Washington instead of Vermont but apparently this wasn't a factor. We both mailed our rods on June 4th from Lake Louise. His Sage came back July 11th, my Orvis returned July 12th Both of us paid about $70 each for shipping and fees. All things considered Warrantee service from both companies was pretty well identical in every way. The Orvis did come back with a small container of Ferrel wax to apply and use. 5 weeks seems a tad long mid season but that said, it's a hell of a lot better than dropping $ 850.00 on a new rod so overall I am very happy. I am very pleased with the quality of work on the replacement blank - I am pretty sure they built the blank as I found a few snips of wrapping thread with the new blank. Thanks to Country Pleasures for offering to assist - going direct through Orvis was seamless, as was my friends experience dealing with Sage.
  20. I have one of the costco $100 12 volt units It does kill the truck battery surprisingly quick when the truck isn't running (takes about 4 hours to drain batt to won't start level) - that said it is awesome for grocery runs onto the city and road trips - the fact that there is no ice makes for a quick and easy clean up too - we do use it quite a bit, just not for camping - other thing is it is great for keeping things hot that need to be hot (just reverse the plug)- we make our contributions to family xmas dinner at home and they show up ready to eat 2 hours of driving away, good for pot-lucks and family picnics too. couple regular old colemans for extended camping work great.
  21. GET BACK IN THE TRUCK TRAVIS !!!! Words to live by..... Or for us flyfisherman, to quote "Chef" from Apocolypse Now "Never get out of the %&$#in boat"
  22. Man I am an I-moron - I can't believe I just paid 3 bucks for that ! :$*%&: I guess after playing with shazam I believed my phone could do anything LOL Goodflymclovin - I'm buying a jetboat just to drive over your line ! Not a word Rob, not one EFFIN word !
  23. Anyone know of any cool flyfishing oriented apps I could look at for my new 4s
  24. I posted this on MountainRiverWalker's facebook page this morning... Orvis Helios 905-4 5 wt flex tip flyrod - $875 Orvis warrantee repair fee - $30 Shipping one rod & tube to Vermont - $41.50 Having Candyman pick up your favorite flyrod out of a row of TFO's and rental Dragonfly's, to show a class of newbie flycasters how NOT to thread a flyline and actually breaks your effin rod demonstrating how NOT to do something - then hearing my voice yelling across the entire town of Lake Louise "WHAT THE F%&$ PAUL" - PRICELESS !!! I called Country Pleasures and they were very helpfull and offered excellent service - I decided to go to Orvis Direct and so far am quite pleased with the process. Good luck with yours Copper As I mailed my rod yesterday, the missus mentioned that another buddy also mailed 3 sage rods yesterday - I think Peter's comment nailed it right on the head !
  25. One of the deepest snowpacks I've seen in my 18 years up here in LL
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