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Everything posted by daxlarsen

  1. I got a TFO professional seriest 7'6" 3wt 4pc for christmas, and I couldn't wait till june 16th to bust it in, so I took it for a spin on the bow and the first fish I got was a 21" football of a brown trout. I was sure on more than one occaison that my rod was gonna snap haha. But it didn't. It's a damn good rod for less than $200. great warranty, great rod, awesome action. with a dry fly on I can cast just about cast the entire length of the fly line. I don't have much experience with higher end rods, but between my sage launch and my TFO prof. I must say there is such a huge leap in quality and castability from the lower end rods I've owned/used of my friends. Unless you want to spend another 300 on top of the 200 a TFO would cost then you simply can't beat the quality/craftmanship of a TFO, they are simply good well priced rods.
  2. my bro stuck it to future shop a couple weeks ago. My younger cousin wanted a 32" TV, so my brother printed off a receipt at "cost" for sony store and then canceled the order. The receipt was all my cousin needed to get the same tv at future shop for 10% below cost hahaha.
  3. I make the best leaders. Just buy a spool of leader material 15lb test and 10lb test and then put 6ft of 15lb and 3ft of 10lb, then tippet. If you don't mind the extra knots and a few extra minutes to put leaders on. I like this way because if you find yourself needing to get really deep, you don't have to throw 5ft of tippet on, you can just lengthen with actual leader material. **edit. It's also a whole lot cheaper
  4. awesome pics man, what a beautiful country we live in, you did a nice job capturing some of it.
  5. hmm....I thought they used hot air to power turbines to keep this site running.
  6. well said lol *edit, also, can you please return my bikini bottoms. thanks.
  7. I did the same thing, last night i emptied my car after camping, I left my rod and reel on the roof. after an extra night under the stars, I actually managed to hear the rod slip off the roof of my car before i drove out of the parking lot and I was able to catch him before he got away lol
  8. if you can, there is a place called oxypro or something along those lines in the glenmore industrial park. Just off barlow and 62nd i think (right near the staples, timmies, taco bell) anyways a block or 2 up 62 it's on the left hand side, before starpoint. They sell and rent everything welding. Might I inquire as to what you need it for, maybe I can lend some novice expertise.
  9. Hit up mackinnon on saturday, there were grasshoppers everywhere, about a size 6 so they must have been out for a while already.
  10. yah after a 15 minute walk through 12"of water and slush, my foreman called and said to pack her up just as we walked on site hahaha so weak. I told him we were already on site and would rather just work than be forced to do dishes at home, and he wasn't having it
  11. noice fish mate.
  12. I don't agree with any of this, I caught a 21" brown yesterday that was maybe 2 lbs. It was so skinny I could almost close my fingers around it with one hand. A friend of mine caught a lake rainbow last year (bonavista I think) it was 8lbs exactly and taped at 26.5" so I would say it's gotta be damn close to that. Course It coulda been a skinny 30" fish who knows.
  13. sooo I had a 3' pike chase my 20" rainbow in the other day, if he bit my rainbow, would that count as bait fishing?
  14. I had a couple capes that were really chemically smelling. If this is what you're refering to then it eventually goes away after your ol' lady complains enough.
  15. mmm meh, it's ok I guess.....
  16. I usually don't even touch the fish if I can manage to get my mits on the fly and give it a twist, I just put the net there for comparison purposes.
  17. If she's taking half your *hit, sell it all to a non mutual friend for peanuts, give her half the cash (make sure you get receipts) and then buy it back from your friend in a little while under the table style lol.
  18. hmm lol I think you better moderate yourself for a photo of poor fish handling procedure lol. On the other hand, maybe the fish liked it. Was he wagging his tail (I'm assuming it was and that's why it's in your pants)
  19. that's priceless hahaha. I wonder if bob the builder is planning a live action movie?
  20. again, just cause you havn't seen anything close doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There are a few pictures of 29" fish on this thread and if you're suggesting it's impossible (because no one has photographic evidence) to prove that a fish merely 1" bigger exists in the bow river then you are pretty nieve. And like you said, 9 people on this entire website have landed a 30"+ fish, and frankly I don't find it that surprising that noone has pictures. My biggest fish was a 24.5" brown trout, and I don't have a picture or any witnesses. Would you suggest that 24" brown trout don't exist in the bow either then? Scroll back a few pages and take a look at that 29" brown, you seriously think that fish looks like it's not gonna get any bigger? that fish looks pretty young to me and I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear that it is gonna grow at least another few inches before it's done growing.
  21. daxlarsen

    2 Flys

    using a wooly bugger or other leach pattern is a good idea for adding weight to your line to get to the bottom (without having to add splitshot). a wire SJW does the same thing. journeyman hit it right on, imagine your flies underwater, if you put the bigger, heavier fly on the bottom, it will pull the line tight, and allow the little nymph minimal movement in the water. as the bigger fly is going to move where it will, it's better to have the little nymph not forced to move less naturally then it would if it were just dangling at the end of 18" of tippet.
  22. If someone is gonna tell you they don't beleive you caught a fish as big as you say you did, just take it as a compliment. It means they have never seen anything close and therefore can't beleive it. If you said you caught a 33" fish and they had caught a 29" fish, it would be a whole lot more beleiveable. On the other hand, if you said you caught a 33" fish and their personal record is 22 1/2" well then it's gonna be hard for them to beleive you lol.
  23. so being new to fly fishing, I probably don't want to land anything bigger than 25 this year, I think I'll save the dirty thirty for my mid life crisis. OH! also, I guess it's a good time to ask, anyone members of the 20/20 club? I think I'm gonna try and join this year, but it seems like something you REALLY would need to commit to.
  24. sorry can you provide a picture to verify this please, I just don't beleive you.
  25. hmm lol I've been known to give spin casters a SJW to tie on a few feet trailing from their spinners to try and convert them from time to time hahahaha
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