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Everything posted by Wolfie
you should ask one of ur friends to ship you a live one m8..boy what a conversation piece that would make with the "Ladies".............................Wolfie
Do You Feel The Store You Purchase From Is On Your Side?
Wolfie replied to Wolfie's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Before I separate my comments to the both of you, I wanted to state that both..have said what I'm sure the rest of us have felt..I like to get my $$$$'s worth , and so yes I shop the big boxes..that's why they are in the business..they buy large quantities , sell for cheaper than the little guys..BUT..I'll tell you this..if that big box doesn't have the staff that shows not only an interest in me, or is willing to share their knowledge..I'm GONE..and that's that! And so far I've been to every shop in Calgary with the exception of two...Fishing hole and the new one everyone has been talking about..South Bow..but that one I will. bhurt.. ..boy they certainly gave you the run a round..Eh!, well I hope you get ur rod back with a new piece, or better still an "Upgrade", now that would be nice...huh! mikefromsundre.. ....exactly what bhurt said.."you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover", If whatever store you shop in for what our demands, those places should have staff that is "PPL MINDED" and "product knowledgeable"..if not take your hard earn $$$$ to a place that will show u the time of day................Wolfie -
Do You Feel The Store You Purchase From Is On Your Side?
Wolfie replied to Wolfie's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
BBT..as a matter of fact i ordered 3 sizes but straight out of China..which will cost me $60.00 for all three and NO shipping charges cause my neighbor is bringing them back for me...[El Cheapo] that I am... mikefromsundre... ..my problem is m8 all of my kids rods are mine to begin with, I don't give them to them anymore since my oldest broke a 12.5' Loomis on a damn Chinook, years back..horse playing a big silver............Wolfie -
Do You Feel The Store You Purchase From Is On Your Side?
Wolfie replied to Wolfie's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
ya ya.....but m8..would you call that .."Murphy's Law?"......................................Wolfie -
Do You Feel The Store You Purchase From Is On Your Side?
Wolfie replied to Wolfie's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
bhurt... ..some super points you have brought out, and I don't think that you are disagreeing with me but explaining a completely different side of things which is good because it brings more light to the convo. ..take this for example: ..just from what I've heard, in various shops, be it the little guys or the big box..it is the highlight of their sale pitch.."if you break it you can be fishing again within a day since their CANADIAN DISTRIBUTOR is located here in Calgary" so many times I've heard this, and I'll state right now , for a rod that "so I was told" is assembled in either Taiwan or China, the action is quite good, BUT..is it pure graphite or composite..OK, for the inexpensive cost side, yes it maybe a good rod , as you said for the beginner..where as that person can if the situation did arise , go directly to SpringBrook and pay a bit of $$$$ for a replacement part or entire rod.. .. ..with this statement , u think I don't know that ppl who have several rods of the top line and the not so top would have the tendency to abuse the low end...hardly because I can not judge everyone , only myself..and here is an example of me..I own some very expensive material goods..and not so, but like you they are treated the same because they are mine!..yet my boys are the opposite to me, only cause again $$$$ talks..therefore if something happens to anything of theirs..they just replace it..so in reality, ppl in general the percentage is 50/50..don't you agree.. ..the bit about ur broken tip from Sage, hmm, who is to say that one of them [shippers/packers of Sage] didn't break it or put in a broken tip to begin with..or as you stated below, the person who read ur mail, or listened to u while you explained urself had made up their mind not to believe you..there are a lot of factors involved, but if you put out good $$$$ to get a new part, then m8..I'd be talking with management about this second situation. ..just one more I'll respond to, and this is it..: ..first off, the rod was a 4 piece..and has it's own tube, which I'm sure when rods are shipped to the distributor or retail store , they are always in their tubes for that very reason.."disrespect for other ppl's property"..EX: shipping and handling.. and I had stated that because it came from one of their stores, it may have been on display because it was the last one the big box had...thus it was in the hands of "fate"..and my dermis... ..Oh ya..the old saying is "you can catch more flies with "honey", then with vinegar...as so talking nice to ppl will come up always with a proper situation in the end...................................................Wolfie -
Do You Feel The Store You Purchase From Is On Your Side?
Wolfie replied to Wolfie's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
see can go one more step beyond that Jack..from what I've seen and heard the TFO line is the 'average' price line of the graphite's, and yours among quite a few more are the "above average" price range and quality of product.. and so a buyer of any of ur's or the rest, Will take pride in what they are using and will take extra care in the handling..however..TFO has set the presidence by asking a minimal extra fee for replacements, thus making it harder for you to build a better , stronger warranty, catering to those who have "respect" for what their $$$$ can buy..............Wolfie -
Do You Feel The Store You Purchase From Is On Your Side?
Wolfie replied to Wolfie's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
bhurt..well things have changed tremendously since I was in the business that is for sure, and reading ur example , I can understand the need for the manufacturer to put a charge on either the replacement part or replacing with a whole rod..but you see..It was part of our job back then to deal with the customer in regards to damaged products and believe me, I've seen many scams pulled as well...I only used TFO as a prime example because it is here in Calgary, which gives easy access to everyone to just buy one of those rods, abuse the crap out of them , pay a few more bucks , get another one and away you can go...get my point now? ..jayjj11..I guess from ur comment you assumed I was talking about an actual incident, whereas I was giving an example as if it could/did take place...but it was said to give strength to the following statement after that..ppl who own/run big boxes, has the advantage over the small shops and that is a given..and I know ppl try and take advantage of any situation, just to get something for free..it is in our make up..not everyone but enough of us..and I understand that things had to change, because both the retailer and the manufacture was taking a beating do to excessive damage of their products... ..as to my personal incident..being a rod builder for 17 years, back in the province of Ontario, I'm totally qualified to asset the fact that it was either a defect caused by ..the manufacture or more than likely as I told the manager in charge that it was due to a customer, considering it was on display in another store. ..one only waxes the male tips if it requires it, and in my case, that was not the case..there was a hair line crack on the male part..caused by a whack of some kind, abuse to the rod.................Wolfie -
Do You Feel The Store You Purchase From Is On Your Side?
Wolfie replied to Wolfie's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Well Jack, you are right in a lot of points...big boxes..$$$$ talks, that's a given, but how many of us puts them in their place..probably not to many. As far as the small more personal shops are concern, I , personally have to lean towards them, because ..in my case of choice, the shop is not pushy, willing to share not only conditions but product knowledge even at the expense of time [which we all now doesn't come cheap these days], but most of all if they do not have the item u want..they'll refer u to whatever place that does.. ..and yes..TFO..has built up their rep just by that...offering for an extra fee ..either a replacement section or a whole complete rod..well that is all good for everyone...well not so..ME..because of my years of experience, it doesn't sit well...and here is my Opinion.. ..U buy a rod..cost is $200.00..not the top but top for ur hard earn dollar.. ..something happens to it and you believe it is not ur fault for you are always careful of ur toy.. ..u take it back to TFO and they say :for $25.00 they will either replace the section or give u a newer rod if u choice to upgrade.. ..but NO..the break was manufacturer's defect, the rod blank had a weak spot in it..why should you "pay" more money when it is NOT ur fault... ..................that is my point..they should have someone there who can make that type of decisions at the warehouse...................Wolfie -
boy that is some talent that guy has ...fly tier extraordinaire for damn sure ..and so much detail..........Wolfie
..grrr...you cheated......got it off the same site I did............Wolfie
well partly correct but still no cigar...a 'spider ..yes!...........Wolfie ...Doc..you will have to travel to wicked place to get one...and bring water!
any ideas as to what this is? .................... .................Wolfie
hell don't be treehugger..the shot was at me , maybe cause you used to be "Iceman2"..and ppl are afraid of you..."ice picking a guy in the joint"..how original is that?......but...I knew you were joking cause I didn't see and fish scales on it................Wolfie
On Monday of this week, I had an incident that left me stranded at the Highwood. Brand new rod, 4 piece St. Croix Imperial bought on the 17th of July, exactly one month prior to the day...exploded right at the second ferrel, leaving a fair bit of male still in the female end. There I was ..first time at the Highwood, all excited after reading posts of the adventures you all have posted..3rd forward cast and boom!..NOT very PLEASED I was cause I had no backup except for my ultra lite spinner...and this was not the way I wanted to go. ..came home and got on the phone to the place I bought it..taked with one of the staff in the 'fly section', only to be further mad and disappointed. I was told that I would have to send the rod to the manufacture down in the States and let them decide whether it was a defect or a man made error. This was not standing well with me..for I know how the relationship between retailers and manufacturers are in the 'buying' process, only because I was a buyer for a very large chain of sporting good stores for 7 years, in my early days, and nothing has changed cause $$$$ talks and everything else walks! ..I decided to talk with the management of the store where I bought rod..explained my situation to him, including the short period of time that the rod was purchased, brought in my 'bank statement' to show proof of purchase because I couldn't find the bill of sale..and when I got to the store and arrived at the customer service desk, I was greeted with either my $$$$ for the rod or a replacement...[now I was told that this store had a return policy of 3 months, by the manager I was dealing with, which gave me back the confidence in the store I was dealing with.] ..Well I accepted my $$$$ back, shook hands with the management, assured him I'll still be coming back as a customer of the store..and left almost $200.00 richer than when I came in. .....................Wolfie..........NOW, I'm looking for a new rod, which I believe "Max" has sold me on!
yes...you are correct on that, it was tested here in Canada as well with the German fisheries way back when, both worked together on certain things pertaining to Esox, but as I said only the amount of pressure it took to hold them was enough to stun them, any excess pressure may and I believe did cause premature blindness. Yet the feeding habits was not altered, since the time that this method was done was well over 30 years ago and ppl now have taken the learning steps to be more aware of how handling should be done as to Not to impose abuse to any fish or animal................Wolfie
Oh...u think it is idiotic do you..well let me tell you something lad..considering that Mr. Esox has a will of it's own and will attack out of pure hell, the only way to calm it down was to do as i wrote..the pressure that it takes for you to hold it, is enough to stun it..it is like putting you into a sleeper hold but letting you up just before you black out..besides...considering we do not know each other and more than like will not, but to calm ur bleeding heart down, my statement was given in jest to a fellow BC'er..which undoubtedly went over your head............Wolfie
I got some interesting news this evening about this style of fishing...was talking with my neighbor who is Chinese, and he was telling me that it isn't Japanese but originally comes from Taiwan, and that these rods are very popular in China. He also told me the cost, in Canadian dollars the rods , depending on length of course would range from $20.00-$40.00 cdn., and so I ordered 3 of them..11', 13', 15'..he was telling me that this style of fishing, they use bait as well and catch very large fish..Without the need for a reel, wish I could get the magazine he showed me , that way I would scan some pics to show everyone. ...........Wolfie
What's In A Handle?
Wolfie replied to Castuserraticus's topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
so you changed your user name ....eh..'treehugger'...u do that when u had enough .. .................Wolfie -
Thank Yuo So Very Very Much!
Wolfie replied to lovetolaugh35's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
...really happy you for you Vicki...imagine 2nd place...hope you buy a new rod or reel with that hard earned cash........Wolfie -
Well..I can tell ya Rickr...you just haven't met me or my Wolfie as of yet...till then...ask the "toolman"..
first off have u seen their video on the style of fishing, , if you have and it's a go..then maybe you better place ur order for a rod and line to be ready for the end of Sept...........
that championship is being held on the Elk River..browns were introduced into that area back in 1883.....Wolfie
Happy Birthday Fng And Theflygirl
Wolfie replied to bigbowtrout's topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
better late than never.....Birthday greetings to both of you..and many more to come..............Wolfie -
Main lander...fished Pike and Muskie with a fly rod back in Ontario many times, just stick ur thumb and first finger into their eye sockets..the pressure, you need to hold them will temporarily stun them long enough to get the hook out of them..this will not cause damage to them...................Wolfie
Wow...fantastic bit of info, I thank you very much DMcD, as well as I'm sure, so will others..I'm going to make a jig, from all of the directions there and I guess we will see the out come..I thought I had seen somewhere in one of the shops they sold these types of leaders, have to check into it further................Wolfie