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Everything posted by EvilWeevil

  1. no i am pretty sure it was on the highwood too...
  2. feel free to pm the location beauty fish!!!
  3. i have the sattelite radio listen to pretty much everything howard stern is a staple and the last week they have put on an all ac/dc channel 24/7 ! its so sweet im actually thinking of growing my mullet back now
  4. i use a hip pack for most everything and a lanyard if i go hiking for the day i also wear a back pack
  5. you could talk to the guy at hitchcocks hideway on defienbaker lake he has a couple outfitters that run out of there and he will clean em and bag em for you when you get them to ... reine yanke is the guys name i think and the plus with going there yuo can go fishing for some big rainbows if you have a boat to I think the closest town is bursay ? or birsay saskatchewan and if you want something closer i know some guys in alsask right on the border but i would have to dig for the names and stuff
  6. lol leave it to an aussie! thats the ultimate in catch and release though not even putting a hook in the fish
  7. theres a few lakes in sask around meadow lake that the stock with splake and tiger trout also , I know splake are in a small lake right near keeley lake and if you poke around on the sask fish stocking page you can find where there is more to
  8. iI can't believe that lil geek peirre mcguire is going to be doing his lame monster performers thing behind the hockey night in canada song it is just wrong !!! oh man that bugs me
  9. well if I was in that country this time of year in my spare time you would find me exploring defienbaker lake right close to the fish hatchery in all the bays around there you don't even need a boat just some huge streamers and lots of backing
  10. i used the caddies fins that went over the boots they float and work great and they were comfortable .....i bought a set of force fins later i find them really uncomfortable they dont fit over they boots and to me they were way heavier i think this year i am going back to the over the boot style
  11. i have been wearing the cheapy hodgeman waders for 3 years now no leaks what so ever they have lasted longer than two pairs of boots so far save your money the cheap ones work good to
  12. also sylvan lake has a good 15 16 inches and people are driving on it all over to i cut my holes out with a chainsaw this year the bar was 16" and would barely make it thru
  13. and as far as ice thickness goes 4 inches is safe for on foot 5"for snowmobiles and quads 8" to 12 for small cars and small trucks 12 to 15 inches for half ton trucks and if you are in a place where alot of snow gets on the ice early it can insulate the ice and make it slower freezing alot of higher mountian lakes are frozen over right now with about 6 inches of ice and one a new lake i always always check the ice thickness before i head out especially this time of year you need to drill a hole and measure it usually here in Sylvan we are driving on the ice around christmas time but the ice is usually only 12 inches thick then also if anyone here ever gets bored for a day and wants to do some ice fishing in a heated 8' x 12' shack give me a shout and i can either let you use it or I will join you for the day its always on sylvan lake here stocked with wood and toasty toasty warm
  14. yup got one for a couple months now it works great underwater shots turn out pretty cool I have a couple of neat shots of my freinds with the camera in the water looking up a fish eye veiw i guess ,recently I also tested out the shock proofness of the camera to had the computer cable plugged in to it ,cat ran by snagged the cable yanked it of the desk snapped the port cover off *&(&%$# anyway warranty should cover that otherwise its been a good camera except the lack of a real zoom buts its great for fishing pictures and the things i normally take pictures of oh and btw is cat fur any good for fly tying i recently have aquired a fresh pelt grey, long hair maybe we could trade swatches if anyone is interested
  15. I slept with a girl who slept with the drummer from the headstones oh and she lived with Pamela anderson for awhile to lol yup thats about it for me oh just wait when I was young i used to throw rocks at chad kroeger of nickel back I sure showed him lol
  16. i have hung them over they tailgate of my truck until one day i went thru some brush and my line got tangle in it anyway i got spooled that day lol
  17. i had a pair of water skeeters that totaly blew out after being a year old and after a few long hikes, i have the korker giudes now with the boa system they are super light and really easy to get in and out of but you might want to get the lace up ones i think they would have a little better ankle support the boa system is really good but it just doesn't seem to tighten the way laces will ,i guess its kinda apersonal preference thing i like to do up my boots pretty snug
  18. i have been pricing out tires and rims here in alberta its gonna cost me about 2500$ 35x 12 sized tires down in the states i can get them for 1200 $ same with a winch and a bumper i can save about 1000 bucks there to
  19. bear with me while I line up this put
  20. ULTRAlite whereabouts are you from ?? you said 3 hours east That is pretty close to my old home range of Oyen ,are you from anywhere near there ?
  21. I have a water skeeter rebellion I think is the name but I want to upgrade I have been looking at the dave scaddin pontoon skykomish sunrise it looks like an ideal pontoon to me skykomish sunrise I like the sliding platform it looks pretty convenient and for a guy with a bad back it would be nice to be able to stand and stretch out you can also do a search for dave scaddin pontoons and his site has some vids and stuff to
  22. no doubt my first atempt was this big scary lookin wooley bugger kinda thing lol actually my first ten attempts were beyond words nice tie there yugo spice !
  23. I use the uv knotsense glue for my fly line to leader connection not for extra strenght or anything just to smooth over the knot so that it will slide thru the eyelets really easy and then I never have to worry about it snagging on an eyelet as for the leader to tippet you could try it ,but i don't know what it would get you and I am not dure if it is bouyant or not.
  24. I also had a coagar follow me last night .I made the mistake of making eye contact just before leaving the sylvan lake saloon,thankfully I made it into the cab before she attacked
  25. I am to lazy to actually do anything but complain lol I was hoping the problem would fix itself
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