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Everything posted by EvilWeevil

  1. same problem here
  2. maybe you were getting some bounce back? sometimes on short distance casts you will hit the end of the free line and it will bounce back and pool like you are saying ?
  3. hahaha lol it kinda made the careful handling of that fish pointless didn't it ? cool vid fisher king
  4. heres my fishing vehicle and a display of my fine parking skills
  5. i just wear the boots nothing else , I kinda get funny looks somedays when I am on the river fishing away naked in my boots but I just tell them the boots are to comfortable to come off to and then I turn my back to them and bend over to tie my laces ,people seem to leave shortly after that
  6. well the thing about driving a jet boat like that you can manage 3-4 inches of water if you know how to drive them but it really does take practice and learning to read the river and just knowing whats ahead on the river so you make the correct decisions when life is on the line ,no one would ever let them down if they turned the wrong way and got stuck on the way to a rescue I am sure after that accident the figured they needed to run the river to see what poiunt the could get to and how long it would take and all that
  7. man that is sweet!!!! and what a steal at only 3.99 i would give my left nut for only one of those! I hope mine shows up before that big golden bug hatch every year !!
  8. lol yeah you know I kinda had to smirk at that one myself ,can't help but wonder if it would have been how to bag a freezer full of trout if more people would have taken notice sooner and no I am not knocking anyone either I think you guys are doing a great job its just one of those things that make you go hhhhmmmmmmm?
  9. great thread !! on sunday this happened to me twice my first day fishing for bulls ever! first cast into this little pool hook a 1 pound bull cool! 2nd cast into the next pool I come to, another little bull sweet! I get to the main river (the highwood) walk my way down find some nice runs and pools I spot two nice bulls a few casts later I add 2 nice 4-5 pounders to my tally after some backtracking I cross the river and get back to the same pool cept on the other side ,standing on on outcropping i cast into the current watch the streamer sweep around move into the calmer water nothing ,but I see some movement down there . Next cast same thing strip it back in watch it clear the ledge in the water about 10 ft infront of me the current sweeps the streamer to the top of the water and WHAM!!!!! from behind the ledge a monster bull!! around 10 lbs oh man I am hooting and hollering trying to scramble of the ledge keeping the fish on well i played him for about 10 min then he got the best of me and I horsed him to much and snapped off ....................I was swearing a bit but smiling all the while I just had to grin to myself and remind me that at least I will have a good "the one that got away story" anyway losing fish like that is what makes fishing fishing I think if you always knew you were gonna land a fish it would be pretty boring after awhile I think oh yeah also it teaches you a lesson to for me it was bring the 8 wht heavier test line and more bunny strips cuase he took the one that was working lol
  10. i have a pfuegler trion great reel nice and solid ........and a sage die cast peice of junk also have a tfo mayfly reel that has been abused and used and still works like new .......don't buy the sage thats all i can say
  11. I got it !!!!!!!! my new goal for the summer .......... I want to catch a 20 lb pike and stick it down my pants it will be so sweet
  12. well all i know a fish down the pants seemed pretty normal to them but he got all excited at the end when he went "did you see that!" now what would get you more excited than a fish down the pants thatswhat I want to know lol
  13. well I have been checking out this lake for a bit and I kinda want to hike in and try it out but I know nearly nothing about this lil lake does anyone on here have any info that might help me before I go heading out blindly on my own lol
  14. some of the flow charts have it so you can take a look at past information so what I do is look at the flows from when I was at the river say last year and I know it was flowing good and then i compare it to this year or high flows and such
  15. I was wondering just how much fun it would be with a shotgun lol...........ooops maybe I should cover up my neck a lil the redness is showing haha
  16. okay I am not trying to pick things apart here, but us fly fisherman can and do carry the same diseases in our waders and equipment
  17. hhhhhhhmmmm I think I like it !!! they need someone who can take charge I don't think Jim Playfair was a bad coach as far as knowing the plays and all that ,I just think the flames really needed someone with a stronger personality behind the bench,someone who can get the players attention like sutter did hopefully keenan can do that !
  18. does it count as fly fishing if the fish are actually in the air? http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...eoid=1125465453
  19. last year those guys cuaght 3 or 4 rainbows over 30 pounds if its the same guys that i heard about there is some awesome fishing in that lake if you know where to go !!! ..........but its a freakin huge lake
  20. damn I was really hoping this thread was started by a hot 19 year old female
  21. I read a study saying that the tests they had done none of the hooks in a fishes mouth disolved out in either fresh or saltwater and having cuaght some walleye with hooks that were stuck in the jaw some looked pretty skinny and sick, I think whenever possible it is best to get the hooks out but when they are gut hooked like that you usually end up killing them by the time you get it out anyway
  22. we are all hoping that you will awnser all our questions Don
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