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Everything posted by EvilWeevil

  1. I have been feeding mine, the Now brand it's been a good food canadian made premium food I am gonna switch back to arcana for awhile I think just to switch it up maybe that Origen it looks good also
  2. So we just ended up going to the point campground didn't fish at all so no report there , nice campground we enjoyed it a lot ,the old dog made it there with no problems although it was a slow hike at his pace but he is a trooper! So nice to be able to do even a short hike and camp over with him ! Thanks for the heads up on those campsites über fly
  3. Thanks again über fly I think the Taylor lake one fits what we are looking for
  4. That looks pretty doable thanks über fly .....Any other suggestions?
  5. It's been a long time since I posted on here but I am am wondering if anyone has any good suggestions for a nice lake to hike in to ? I am not looking for secret hotspots or anything and honestly the fishing doesn't even need to be that great , here is a couple things I am looking for though , a hike of around 5km one way that's pretty easy ( we have a 15 year old dog that is coming along) hmmm that is the major concern is his we'll being on the trail he is still fit but would tire out on long climbs and also is like a runaway train on the downhills lol ,any tips or suggestions would be great !! Oh and it's. an overnight hike we want to do
  6. roflmao hahahhahaah that was awesome damn otters anyway
  7. i have the revos and yes a little but pricey but i am very happy with them , this is my second pair i like them becuase they come with glass lenses that scratch way less then the plastic that alot of manufacturers use, i have had alot of different brands seems like if yyou spend around 100 to 200 dollars for good polarized glasses they come with the plastic most oakleys fall in there and i have had a couple pair even at the same time as i had my first revos there were both scratched up bad enuf that i diddnt want to wear them anymore the revos with the glass lense was scratch free , i even had them for 5 years i think before some one sat on them , i think all brands put out decent glasses with minimal difference between them just pay the extra and get the glass as far as i am concerened
  8. you can use the tent poles as nunchucks thats a plus
  9. hammocks = yummy meat filled pinatas
  10. well usually the companies the insurance people use are well established and professional and there bids are in that area that they should be .... and they know there job ...now something as simple as re shingling a roof they know what the prices should be, they deal with thousands a year .....unless you have someone reputable in your life that needs the work just let the guys the insurance company trusts do they work that way if there is any problems you can always go back to the insurance company to say that they did bad work (which they probably wont) why would you worry about the price when the insurance company is footing the bill you should just be concerned that they do a good job
  11. if you are doing just a broom finish on the concrete you should seal it right after the finish is done it helps lock in the moisture and helps the concrete to cure better if you are going to acid stain the concrete you should wait till after the acid staining also if you are not going to apply the sealer right away you should lay poly over the concrete to help lock the moisture in for the curing process
  12. I actually caught 4 fish while reading this
  13. it looks like a sequel to "honey i shrunk the kids"....honey i shrunk the jackfish
  14. i have just bought a temple forks for 130 $ comes with a liftime warranty and is a nice rod i gave it to my girlfriends boy its a great rod it was my first rod too and i still have it, find a cheap working reel and some good line you can be set up for a reasonable price ...i did look around at some other combo stuff that you find at the box stores and stuff in red deer didn't find anything that really stood out some combos for 100$ but i would rather put my money into something more worth while
  15. my dad owns a grocery store in the central area and its funny how many of the sellers buy produce from him and then sell it as bc cherries or farm grown ...sad really and he doesnt do it knowingly ussually finds out after the fact but it happens on a fairly regular basis ....im sure not all of them do it just there is a few in every bunch right ...but in the end it is usually the same suppliers supplying the produce even if its labeled bc fresh or taber corn you might just end up paying more for the printing is all ....unless you by it straight from the grower
  16. i just went thru this with no warranty vard sent mine express post for twenty bucks or so paid the fifty to sage for warranty sent the whole rod and case like they asked for and they got my rod back inside of two weeks so i was happy ......just print and fill out their warranty card like they ask at their website .....if its a four peice 9' rod like i have you can get a box that fits perfectly around it at the post office
  17. looking to go camping with my dad and my girlfriends two boys was thinking of the athabasca river as it is somewhere totally new to us but have no clue where to fish this big river was thinking around the town of athabasca maybe and going after some walleye .>anyone have any suggestions?
  18. you need to go to wire leaders that 50 - 60 pound flourocarbon just doesnt cut it with pike fly fishing works good with hard tackle usually but i hae had even small ones bite thru that crap just depends how you hook em .....i used to swear by the flouro to still do for icefishing .......nice catch though
  19. i dont know whats scarier those pics or the two man luge technique......it sounds like the kinda closeness two men out on a fishing trip shouldn't be involved in j/k
  20. its legal to be boating there its just sad rcmp dont know the laws and as far as registration numbers i dont know about them but it seems very few boats of any nature have them and i have never ever been asked for it or questioned about them in 20 years of boating
  21. anywhere you go as long as its a fresh bundle grab the would (wood)edit*(see thats why i am a carpenter)from the middle off the bundle .......pine comes very wet and twists as it dries after you buy it it is important to stack it all nice and neat together and put some straps around it to keep it straight ,also if it sits around in the sun it will twist and warp ...and if its not structural you can get finger joint studs they stay alot straighter then normal lumber but have absolutley no side load capacity they are just good for framing interior basement walls mostly
  22. i think sask is way ahead of us in the stocking area the even stock alot of their walleye and pike lakes ....i think its to do with the tourism dollars is my guess and i dont know bt i think sask would bring in probably close to what alta brings in in licences maybe even more and although i love fly fishing and i am mainly a catch and release fisherman I would way rather see alberta put a program in of stocking walleye in our established walleye lakes so we could keep some fish out of there everynow and then
  23. in the great immortal words of ogre ...... NERDS!!!!!!
  24. i last fished there 3 years ago and we were catching 5 -6 pounders not the numbers that we did in years before that but still enough to make it fun ......so going by that i would say some of those fish are still living and just getting bigger and bigger hhhhhhhhhhmmm whats the chance of getting one of those pigs in with an 8 wght sure would be fun
  25. if a wild dog jumped on your back and started attacking you would you beat it off?
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