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Everything posted by birchy

  1. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...1&langId=-1
  2. No doubt man!! I had to re-read it a couple times to make sure I read what I thought I read! hahaha.
  3. Now I just have to figure out where to find one. I don't tie.. found that one with my R&D tool - Google.
  4. Oh.. and I'm the "gate keeper" for SJW.. gotta get past me in order to get a shot at the champ!
  5. Exactly what I was going to say. Most people don't show off the small trout they catch right? Unless it's a brown trout that fits in the palm of your hand...
  6. I'm more like rickr.. and proud when I don't fall. Except with me.. I never just fall.. I always fall IN to the water. Typically scaring all the fish away while I'm at it.
  7. Two fish were in a tank. One said to the other, "Do you know how to drive this thing?"
  8. birchy

    Brads Pig

    Gorgeous cutty man!!
  9. Yep! Unreal that I happened to be in Orlando for only the 2nd time in my life, and it was at the same time as a shuttle launch!
  10. It was amazing. You could CLEARLY see the booster flames, and then boosters separate and the shuttle keep going and everything!
  11. Once in a lifetime thing for me! : You'll have to forgive the video quality.. it was taken with a digital camera and he loses focus halfway through and can't get it back. Either way, the video doesn't really do it justice.
  12. Let's just say "Behind every good man, there's a woman rolling her eyes!"
  13. Bob.. you said it man! I'm going to catch that guy again and this time I'll have a measuring tape and scale.
  14. No worries man! I hijack threads all the time! I'll see what I can do... us maritimers are pretty tight.
  15. Check out MissintheBow's article on Chironomid'ing, in the "Featured Articles" section.
  16. From my Orlando trip.. the keynote address at Tech-Ed 2007:
  17. Either that, or I'll use the rest to buy a bunch of chocolate dipped altoids.. Click here if the movie does not play.
  18. Anyone know how much of a difference there is between the $245 Economy Breathables, and the $420 Deluxe Breathables? I suppose it's the whole "you get what you pay for" thing. But I would imagine that only fishing once per week on average would allow me to get away with the cheaper ones?
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