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Posts posted by birchy

  1. Birchy,


    Barry and I fish together some. Hence the stuff. And the name is Andersen.


    Best be careful or I'll make you fish with a decent rod.

    Enjoy the book. The sections on the biology of trout distills about 4 years of a degree in a chapter.


    And for those that don't know, the book is about sold out. If you find a copy, grab it. There may not be another.


    catch ya'




    Oooh Burn!


    Of course I'm kidding Mr. Andersen. Or is it, Neo?


    Anywhoo.. I'm am REALLY enjoying the book so far. And I'm not a reader.. so that's saying something. I will definitely be recommending it to others from now on.

  2. Thanks for all the input on this topic. I think I'll try to get out and try both next spring then make my decision but right now I think I'm leaning towards a pontoon boat due to the cost/portability/flexibility.


    I checked out a lot of brands and saw a pretty cool one from cabela's....let's you cast from a standing position!




    That's an excellent 'toon. One of the guys on here actually just sold one a little while back in the "Trading Post".

  3. I was just there and the fishing is SLOOOOW right now. I didn't catch nothing all week.


    Talked to a friend of mine out there and he said "yeh, there's a guy that fly fishes down in front of my place pretty much every day from dusk till dawn.. he's been fly fishing for years and really knows his stuff.. I was talking to him and he said he only caught 2 ALL week." So I didn't feel so bad then...


    Although i'm sure you'll find a way to catch something Toolman.

  4. I thought the boys on the bus were horrible last year. This years edition of the edmonton oilers will set new all time lows for mismanagement and performance. Everything Lowe and Mctavish touch turns to crap. Penner has gone from a decent power forward to a 5 million dollar pylon and the rest of the "young guns" look woefully outclassed every time out. Thank god the ownership continues to have blind faith in this bunch of misfits. Hopefully they will bring another exoiler out of retirement to "help out"( heard rumors that Dave Semenko will be the new power play coach). Will make for an entertaining year following the train wrecks surrounding this team. Not to late to dye that copper and orange red.


    I think alot of people forget who Penner was playing with last year. He doesn't have the same talent around him right now but he'll be okay in the long run.

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