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Posts posted by birchy

  1. its not so much easier to cast when you're over lining, as it is easier to load the road. ..go with the WF3, trout taper mastery if you're looking at a great line


    Exactly what I had in mind actually. :) Specifically the fire orange.. so I can see my loops better.

  2. A good friend of mine recently sold me a like new TFO Ti 8' 3 weight..


    I need to get line for it and I was wondering if I should get WF3F or WF4F. I'll be using it for the small streams and mostly dries..


    I know the standard would be the WF3F, but I've heard alot of people say it's easier to cast when you go one heavier.



  3. Yeah.. they stock like a bizillion little 'bows in there every year! Haven't tried fly fishing it yet but CDock and I ice fished it last year and caught a few. But like Glenbow said.. mostly little guys. Although they do stock some big rainbows too each year.. they're in there.. but the lake is so huge your chances of hooking one are small IMO.

  4. Everything by Gierach - esp Sex Death and Flyfishing

    All of Jim McLennan's books - esp Flyfishing Western Trout Streams

    Active Nymphing by Rich Osthoff (this is my new favorite book)


    Thanks boyz!


    Did a few searches on the Calgary Public Library's website and they have pretty much all the books you've mentioned! That'll keep me busy for sure!

  5. Heading out to Castlegar on Wednesday to visit the wifes family and introduce Noah to them.. planning on doing alot of fishing whilst the girls are going goo goo over the baby.


    ALSO planning on reading some more fly fishing books. Books I've already read:


    The Freshwater Angler Series.. (the 4 or 5 different books on nymphing, dries, reading the streams, etc.)

    The Essential Guide to Fly Fishing by Clive Schaupmeyer (shameless plug)

    Orvis Fly Fishing Guide (I'm going to grab the "Ultimate" Guide for sure)

    The Wit and Wisdom of Fishing


    Any suggestions?

  6. An adorable little girl walked into ny pet shop and asked, "Excuse me, do you have any rabbits here?"


    "I do," I answered, and leaning down to her eye level I asked, "Did you want a white rabbit or would you rather have a soft, fuzzy black rabbit?"


    She shrugged. "I don't think my python really cares."

  7. I may have been exagerrating a little bit.. haha.


    I only landed one.. and lost another one. MTB was hooking fish on pretty much every single cast.. it was crazy. But they were taking little tiny baetis nymphs and he couldn't get good hooksets with the size 22 imitations.

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