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Posts posted by birchy

  1. In pretty much all the books I've read so far the "prime feeding times" for trout are in mid-day during the cooler months and early morning and late afternoon in the hot months. I know this is a rule of thumb.


    My question is.. are trout feeding after dark during this time of year, or is the water too cool now?


    I guess what I'm really asking is.. Is it a waste of my time to go out after work right now when it's dark so early?

  2. A young man just had his first customer, which turned out to be a BIG BURLY truck driver. The young man walked up to the table where the truck driver was sitting and asked; can I take your order sir? The truck driver replied, sure kid I want three flat tires and two headlights. The young man was very puzzled and said, I beg your pardon? The truck driver said again, look kid; I want three flat tires and two headlights. The young man was still puzzled, but replied; yes sir, whatever. The young man then took the request to his boss who was the head cook. He told him about the truck driver's order, and that he wanted three flat tires and two headlights, “I think he's in the wrong place.” The head cook said, I know what he wants, he wants three flap jacks and two eggs sunny side up; the truck driver is just trying to be smart, I know him. The cook said to the waiter here, take this bowl of beans, give it to him and say this. The truck driver said, Listen kid, I didn't order this, I said I wanted three flat tires and two headlights. The waiter replied, Well sir, the head cook said while you wait for your parts, you can gas up!

  3. there just seem to be a few 60- 80 who are still feisty enough to think the river is theirs and a girl should not be fishing unles they are with their husbands, it just isnt done, this single female thing... i think it just weirds them out or confusses them or something.


    On the "plus" side.. they'll be dead soon. :o

  4. Wow, those are some sweet bulls. Awesome pics... you always seem to get the big hogs no matter where you go.


    That's because he's one of the guys that has an excellent knowledge of how trout feed and what they're feeding on. Once you get that down pat you'll have a good chance of catching the big boys every time out!

  5. Steady pressure..


    Like Don said.. with barbless hooks you can't give them slack otherwise that hook will pop right out.


    I've also had times where the trout jumps right when i'm applying some extra pressure to turn him (murphy's law) and I've PULLED the hook out myself when they're airborne.


    I think the trick when they jump is steady pressure.. don't give them slack, but don't yank on them either, and you'll increase your chances.

  6. Try closed cell foam.


    See here...


    Item is about dry flies, but these work for nymphs....the main indicators I use on streams ... sometimes use Rowley indicators in lakes.






    Thanks for the tip Clive!


    I'll have free indicators for the rest of my life!! well.. as long as I'm a computer tech anyways!


    *edit* - I did read this before when you posted it... but it didn't click in my head what "closed cell foam" was until I re-read it today.

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