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Everything posted by birchy

  1. I think I'm going to have to buy this: http://www.outcastboats.com/outcastboats/b...e.cfm?boatid=30
  2. Once BBB answers I'll post another pic of one of my trout and let you guys guess..
  3. The only thing I can think of is that his must be deformed.. or non-existant or somethin.
  4. My constructive criticism is that you have 2 naked dudes in there..
  5. Oooh Burn! Of course I'm kidding Mr. Andersen. Or is it, Neo? Anywhoo.. I'm am REALLY enjoying the book so far. And I'm not a reader.. so that's saying something. I will definitely be recommending it to others from now on.
  6. So am I the only one who thinks this song is hilarious or what?
  7. Might as well have a theme song too! Some of you may have heard this.. some may not have. But .. well, just listen. http://youtube.com/watch?v=8O3Plt8DyMk
  8. Awesome MTB!! That's sweet in every sense of the word!
  9. I've yet to find a better site for camera reviews than Steve's Digicams
  10. Finally got it in the mail yesterday.. thats pretty cool!
  11. That's an excellent 'toon. One of the guys on here actually just sold one a little while back in the "Trading Post".
  12. The small dark nymphs are around all year.. like the guys said, hare's ear, pheasant tail, prince nymph.. you pretty much can't go wrong.
  13. I was just there and the fishing is SLOOOOW right now. I didn't catch nothing all week. Talked to a friend of mine out there and he said "yeh, there's a guy that fly fishes down in front of my place pretty much every day from dusk till dawn.. he's been fly fishing for years and really knows his stuff.. I was talking to him and he said he only caught 2 ALL week." So I didn't feel so bad then... Although i'm sure you'll find a way to catch something Toolman.
  14. Still haven't received mine in the mail..
  15. I'm assuming I didn't win a prize though?
  16. IT IS!! hahaha.. so cool! Can't wait to see it!
  17. I think alot of people forget who Penner was playing with last year. He doesn't have the same talent around him right now but he'll be okay in the long run.
  18. Aleks subbed the guy with an armbar I believe at 1:06 of the first round. That's what I read at least..
  19. Wow . . she's really good at what she does! How about putting the mic by his mouth when he's talking?!?
  20. Exactly what I had in mind actually. Specifically the fire orange.. so I can see my loops better.
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