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Everything posted by birchy

  1. How the H E double hockey sticks do I get the rabbit fur wrapped around the thread as dubbing??!! I'm thinking I need some wax.. but don't have any old candles or anything around.
  2. Now that I think about it.. I suppose the materials that I have are going to dictate what I tie first!! haha. I have my "Fly Tying Bible" which is great.. problem is, I don't know what half of the materials I have are called. Some of the stuff is labelled.. most isn't.
  3. Bono's got some skillz!! People that are good at everything they do.. drive me nuts.
  4. I got my box load of stuff from Tiana and Kerry and I'm ready to start tying!! I don't know what half the stuff I have IS.. but that's okay. What's the simplest fly to start out with? Other than a BAW of course..
  5. I don't think Bono comes to Calgary that much... But you're right.. definitely see the resemblance!
  6. Not a big fan of NetGear myself.. if you can take it back and get a Linksys, great! If not, give this a try Lynn: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,1568517,00.asp
  7. LOL.. seen that one before. Too funny!
  8. Seriously? Guides fish for free? (Forgive me for being naive)
  9. Sweet! I think I'll be good at this "tye flying" thing!
  10. Yeah.. that's what I'm trying to figure out... if EBay is a better deal after the $20 shipping..
  11. http://www.pfluegerfishing.com/products/products.php?p=28 Anyone know what it's retailing for?
  12. Thought I would share this. We watch this thing at work at least once I month I'd say. (once a day when we first found it) Cracks me up EVERYTIME!
  13. All the best Lynn. I'm sure it'll be fine. Only problem I had was them breaking a few scapel's on my skin.. cause I'm so tough.
  14. That ol' jalopy would fit Toolman's spey rods perfectly. I'll ask around for you Ladystrange.
  15. Sage drools.. TFO rules! LOL (instigator)
  16. Found it: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...holesale+sports
  17. Hawgstoppah either created a thread or added to a thread awhile back listing the top dries, nymphs, and streamers we should all have for southern alberta waters. For the life of me.. I can't find it now. I'll keep looking!
  18. My wife and I are using Primus TalkBroadband Voice over IP. Basically takes advantage of your existing high speed internet connection.. So far we love it. Very cheap.. in the past we've had both Telus and Shaw cable telephone. You can do some pretty funky stuff with it too with their online "portal".. basically a website you login to and administer your phone. - You can see all incoming and outgoing calls, so if a telemarketer calls you can select their # and add a "call treatment" to block that number, so if they ever call back they get a recorded message "this person is not currently accepting phone calls". - You can set it up so if a person has a private name/number, they'll get a message "this caller does not accept unidentified calls. Please press 1 now to record your name to identify yourself, or press 2 to enter an access code." If you have a close friend who calls you all the time but their number is blocked, you can give them this access code you set up and they can enter it to bypass this step. Once they identify themselves.. THEN your phone rings and it displays "privacy guard call".. when you answer it, it says "you have a privacy guard call from *insert recorded name here*, press 1 to speak to them, press 2 to announce yourself busy, and press 3 to put them through to voicemail. VERY COOL. - You can also set up call forwarding online so it will automatically route incoming calls to your home # to a cell phone or other. - You can add a "secondary #" for an extra $4 a month which gives you a different area code. So if you have family in Vancouver you can add a secondary # to your account with the 604 area code and your family from Vancouver calls you just as they would call a local #. - There's also a "find me/follow me" feature that I haven't used yet. But basically you can take your VoIP box when you travel.. plug it in, and your phone acts just as if you were home. No long distance charges if people call you from home. Those are just a few of the things you can do. So far I love it. Will never go back.
  19. I think I've been convinced to make the switch to Frog Hair..
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