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Everything posted by birchy

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/portal/ttv/arts...ctid=1482436596
  2. http://www.templeforkflyrods.com/rods/finesse.html#T
  3. Korkers with interchangeable hiking/studded felt soles. IMO
  4. I believe it's wins, then season series, then I think if those two are the same it goes to 'goals for'. I.E. - Calgary 42-40-2 Van 42-40-2 ( season series Van 5-2-1 ) Vancouver would be in….
  5. Here ya go mang! http://cgi.ebay.ca/Danvise-Rotary-Fly-Tyin...1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. Anyone notice any significant difference between the supple butt vs. stiff butt leaders?
  7. We must be all buying them from the same guy.. Another 5% off maybe? haha
  8. Sweet vid! Can't wait to go after more of them boyz this summer!
  9. Article in the "Metro" newspaper today.. Enmax says that during earth hour the power consumption spiked 6% HIGHER than normal. Columnist is saying "the battle of Alberta" and "colder than average temperatures" are most likely to blame. So much for that idea... *edit* Found a Calgary Herald article: http://www.canada.com/calgaryherald/news/s...5c-913213ba229a
  10. What do you see when the Pillsbury Dough Boy bends over? Doughnuts?
  11. Why isn't there mouse flavored cat food? Why is it that if it goes by ship, it's called cargo. But if it goes my car, it's called a shipment? When signmakers go on strike, who makes their signs?
  12. Purchased a brand new Danvise on EBay today for $64.80. Free shipping to Canada!
  13. I've been running it for quite awhile now and have had no issues that I can think of.
  14. This is coming from a die-hard Oilers fan.. The Calgary Flames won the cup in 2004.
  15. Every year.. everybody thinks Detroit is amazing. But they always have padded stats because their division sucks. Nashville is second place in their division and are fighting for the final playoff spot.. nuff said.
  16. All I have to say is... I guarantee that if the 8th place team is from the Northwest division, they'll take out Detroit in the first round. You guys can quote me.
  17. In my experience you should be able to clean almost anything with Ad-Aware, Spybot, and Advanced Windows Care. If you have Shaw Internet, I recommend downloading and installing their "Shaw Secure" program which is based on the F-Secure software. It's a complete anti-virus/spyware/firewall package that is included in the cost of your High Speed Internet account.
  18. I hate inkjets.. Forgive me for asking the extremely obvious stupid question... but did you peel off the little plastic covering before you installed it? Not trying to insult your intelligence but you have to understand the people I deal with at work on a daily basis!! Just yesterday alone.. we had "my extended desktop isn't working.. my laptop screen is blue but my monitor screen is all black and I can't see the Windows login!!" My coworker walks over and presses the power button on her monitor.. voila! and.. "we have an URGENT issue on the 25th floor.. we're having a meeting.. everyone's there, and jane doe can't get the projector to display the image!!' Coworker walks up and looks at the video cable. These projectors have cables with one end DVI and the other end VGA. DVI to the projector and VGA to the laptop. So what did this genius do? DVI from the projector... around... and VGA BACK INTO THE PROJECTOR!! She's like "I don't understand why it's not working??!" My coworker says "it's because you have the projector plugged into ITSELF.' and everyone in the room proceeded to have a good laugh at her cost! Of course.. none of those wise asses could figure it out either.
  19. Don't quote me on it.. but I'm pretty sure it's okay because it's considered crown land...? Can anyone else confirm?
  20. Do any others have some opinions on this vise? I'm thinking of getting one because of this thread: http://flyangler.ca/forum/index.php?showto...&hl=danvise Rainbow.. are you TEE?
  21. Just wade out and camp on one of the many 'islands' in the middle of the Bow.
  22. I think I won't bother with one this year... If the C.O. asks to see my license I'll show em my fists!
  23. And this one seems very fitting in light of recent threads:
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