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Everything posted by birchy

  1. That's called a "retaliation penalty" my friend. If you've watched hockey before.. you may have heard of it. She's all over boys.. 6-4 Oilers.
  2. Yeeeaah son!! Down 4-1 and come back to win it 6-4! Penner and Hemsky with 5 points a piece! Who the hell are these guys and what have they done with my mediocre Oilers?!
  3. Have you seen this awesomeness yet? Just released ~2 weeks ago.. Click here if the movie does not play. If any of you get one of these.. you're taking me fishing next season and we're going exploring in the bush!
  4. I like that one as well.. but yes, add the flyfishcalgary.com underneath or something.
  5. Good job man! Thanks for sharing!
  6. Big win tonight for you guys!! Now we get to face a pissed off Columbus team on Thursday night.. thanks.. ya big jerks!
  7. That's how I started out before I got a fly rod.. spinning rod/reel with one of those translucent yellow torpedo shaped bobbers with a nymph rig underneath.
  8. The Bulin Wall wins the battle of the goalies.. 39 saves for a 2-1 win. Yeah boy!
  9. Our best friends have one in their place, and from what I've seen, they work great.
  10. haha.. I'm not creative at all dude.. couldn't do any better.
  11. Was it not 5-0 for the Flames again in this one? 5-3 final.. I would've been cringing if I was a Flames fan.. A win is a win though. And it's always good when it's a division rival.
  12. Me: Knock, Knock You: Who's there? Me:The Interrupting Cow.. You: The Interr.. Me: MOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  13. Holy crap Chicago has a good team. I think they'd be a serious Cup Contender this year if they still had Khabby in their net! Sheesh.. if we still had Roloson.. I think that'd been about a 6/7-3 game! We had no business being that close..
  14. Back from Europe last evening.. hopefully now I can finally watch a game!!
  15. I just looked for my uncle and aunt's place.. and it's a picture of the garage from the back alley. haha
  16. I used to sleep walk alot when I was a kid.. never peed on an outlet before though.. Well.. got a grand total of about 2 hours of sleep last night. Ive nicknamed the guy "scratch and snore"..
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