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Everything posted by Teck71

  1. I may be a little clueless ( well hell I am if you listen to my wife) but what book always loookin for a good FF book. and Awsome pictures. Teck
  2. A weekend at the in-laws Don't how the mother in-law does it but she always plans thing for the weekends with the best fishin weather. It's uncanny really I think she is about the only person in the world that can predict alberta weather.
  3. New duct tape had to be used somewhere. as I always say "Can't Duct it F@$K it"
  4. So I hit the Little Red Deer River on Saturday, had a great day but for the fact that I popped a hole in the Arse of my new Bare Neoprenes, now I need suggestions on the best way to patch the hole? Any suggestions would be welcome. Teck
  5. Great topic Playdoh, As a noob as well alot of my questions have been answered here. I think Rickr is right Attitude is 90% relax enjoy, the way is see fishing for me it is 20% action, 20% solitude, 20%location, 10%challenge and 30% fish catching. so as long as I can do good on 3 of those it was a good day. so tight lines and thanks for askin the questions I didn't Teck
  6. Hear ya, fishing since I can remeber not a hook in me. 1 season FFing 3 1 to back of the arm 1 to the back of the head 1 to the Cheek (luckily I wear a Beard so you can't really see the wound) Last weekend when I hooked my cheek I was more affraid for my son who I was fishing with, thought he was going fall over have an asthma attack and drown in the river, before I could beat him sensless for laughin at his Oldman.
  7. Fish report Rivers: Upper bow (north of weir) numerous little rainbows -12" 5 white fish 2 pike 30" 2 rainbow 18" 1 rainbow 20" lower Bow 1 brown trout 15" 1 brown trout 17" Clearwater river twice for a skunking (the river she mocks me) Little Red Deer 2 White fish 3 brown around 14" Fallen timber creek 5 browns under 14" 1 brown 17" Dogpound creek for a skunking James River for a skunking 1st season with a fly rod and got enough to bring me back next year Teck
  8. AMAZING just boody amazing. there goes a work day shot ta H3ll
  9. I hear ya, I was looking to learn to tie some flys over the winter but now I think I might be pressed for time. Teck
  10. Not sure, but I always wondered "if you choke a smurf what colour does it turn?", and while we are asking question "why is abbreviation, such a long word?"
  11. I have posted a few times but as far as most questions I have had a simple search of this board or the archives has answered it to my satisfaction. but I can honestly say that due to tips found on this board my 1st season flyfishin has been alot more productive than I would have thought. so thnx all Teck
  12. Four married guys go fishing. After an hour, the following conversation took place: First guy: "You have no idea what I had to do to be able to come out fishing this weekend. I had to promise my wife that I will paint every room in the house next weekend. Second guy: "That's nothing, I had to promise my wife that I'll build her a new deck for the pool. Third guy: "Man, you both have it easy! I had to promise my wife that I'll remodel the kitchen for her." They continue to fish when they realized the fourth guy has not said a word. So they asked him. "You haven't said anything about what you had to do to be able to come fishing this weekend. What's the deal?" Fourth guy: "I just set my alarm for 5:30 AM. When it went off, I shut off the alarm, gave the wife a nudge and said, "Fishing or Sex" and she said, "Wear a sweater."
  13. Congrats on your new condition. My youngest is a Sophie as well must be the name as she came out the same way. Enjoy fatherhood it is the best trip of all
  14. Last week I picked up a blackberry, outa the Bow. figured someone was fishing and either the boss or wife phoned once to often. I know I have felt like that. but I very rarly come off the river with out a few things in my bag, I figure leaving the river as you found it is nice and all but even nicer if you leave a river better than you found it. and I always find some thing to haul out or fix no matter where I have fished and ussually only takes a bit of effort. now if all could do that we could have a pristine river in the middle of the city, and while i'm on the subject of impossible might as well ask for teenagers the don't talk back. Teck
  15. I would be all over that like a fat kid on a smartie. Picture it FFC shirts as far as you can see at policemans flats catchin fish, snappin pics of poachers then chuckin jars of salmon eggs at the A$$h0les we could be the Hells Angels of the Fly fishin world. Thats right the Fly fishin 1%'ers watch out Teck
  16. 36 Yrs old Chronologically 6 Yrs old emotionally 18 Yrs old mentally 50 Yrsold physically add them up and I am 110 yrs old. Teck
  17. Congrats 5weeks early, all 3 of mine. were 3weeks late and only came after being induced. I figure 3weeks late is just torture you start sleeping in your clothes at 2 weeks and by the time 3 weeks rolls around you start looking at the bathroom plunger and thinking maybe a little suction will help. Congrats And if it is your first enjoy Fatherhood Teck
  18. About 3 months, still more Cussin than catchin, but lovin it all the same Teck
  19. And that leves me with the question Experience BOB And if fishing with BobLoblaw and he suggests changing things up and fishing downstream "run, run hard run fast"
  20. Well Now ya gotta love makin jokes about those from The Rock, HUh Well me Ma And Pa they's gettin a wee bit on in years, and the hydralic they ain't workin like they used to, so's they's heads off to the Doc. Doc studys and looks at me Pa ups and down (mainly down ya knows whats I mean B'y) hands them the little blue pill and 'me PA storms outa da room yell bout ders be none of dat. eh!" so the doc hands Ma the pill and tells her ta crush it up and slip it in his morning coffee. h'll never notice. and see me if theres a problem. So a weeks gone by and me Ma shows Back up at the Doc's place and hands him the pills back Doc asks her what the problem is don't they work? Ma tels the Doc " jaysus b'y they work makes him a wild man I gives 1 in his coffee and he get half done thows me on the table and takes me right there,not once but trwice. It was great. but by lard tunderin Jaysus we'll never be able to go to the Tim Hortons agin" And may the rock forever be in your heart B'y Teck
  21. Congrats birchy with those Stats that is very productive year. I'm Jealous Teck
  22. Here, Here LoneFisher I think it is time for us to go back and burn down the White House again. Who'll bring the Beer.
  23. Bro in law has a ranch in Fallen timber just south of Bergen. try the Fallen Timber Creek I had some decent luck there 2 weekends ago nothin huge but some fun on the 4 weight. Hope to run into ya out there Tight lines Teck
  24. On week days i will hit the bow for an hour or 2 by home but on weekends it is morning Before everyone wakes hit the bow at 5:00am back by 11:00 am and the family is just waking up.
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