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Everything posted by Teck71

  1. Poor baby Tako..... depressing wish I could be 21 again and make all the same fun/immoral mistakes I made back then, that made me the slightly twisted humanbeing that I am today.
  2. I use a chevy venture right now, and it gets the job done but i am thinking next summer might look into one of these Mitsubishi Delica
  3. was planning on going, but my better half informed me reather sternly that sunday is mothers day. so i'll be staying here and visiting in-laws, hope all have a great weekend. Teck
  4. I am sorry to Hear of your loss, In the past year I have lost both of my dogs, Cira developed sever arthiritis and we made the hard choice, and she was soon followed by her Sister Hunny 2 months later who just pained away for her. all the best in this time. Teck
  5. August 23rd works for me, i'll definatly be there.
  6. Sounds good, I'll grab afew as well there some of my xmas shopping done for next year
  7. Dang another one missed, I'll be in the Grande river in Brantford that day.
  8. There is fish to be had. and a few of us do fish it when it is open. In the summer you'll see a few wetting a line there, though not nearly as many as you'll see down south. Teck
  9. Now Taco what's wrong with a Bass boat I used to own a 19' ranger back when I lived in Picton ON. it was the tool needed to get the job done, rowing or paddling on the Bay of Quinte is just a friutless endeavour, and it was a blast rippin along being pushed by a 200 marine Merq.
  10. Aw come on rickr That's when I'll be back in Ontario, any way I can convince you to switch to end of august???? please Teck
  11. I could not make it last year due to a prior commitment. but this year i would love to help out.
  12. Got the signature 6wt now lookin to get a 4wt in the finesse. the warrenty and price will keep me coming back. Teck
  13. Thats to bad about the fishing, but it is a little hard feeling bad for ya knowing that that probably left you with the option of drinking tequillla and cervesa on a warm sunny beach. hope ya had a blast Teck
  14. I still say my POS deterant works the best and is the cheapest way. Just drive a vehicle that looks like *hit and could breakdown any moment and it get avoided. had a Ranger for 4 years that you didnot need a key to start (busted ignition) and broken Stick on the shifter (used big ass screw driver) and never locked it. was always there when I came out. oh and Glad you got your ride Back Din to bad the asshats only got a slap on the wrist though. Teck
  15. I would say a 6wt 9' and a 4wt 7'6" sould cover all fishing.
  16. naaa they do well in south and central Ontario seen them as far north as North Bay. they are cool insects though, but I don't think we need them here
  17. all depends on how they handle it, if the go in guns blazing and make change upon change while not refering to staff and store managment input then yeah I say Bass pro will have an easy meal. or if the treat the aquisition as business as usual and just add their distribution and cash flow with out tinkering with the overall managment of the store, then I think they may have more of a fighting chance.
  18. Have a friend that works in there, she is checking for me, but she did say there has been talk of them getting into hunting and fishing supplies.
  19. UFA = United Farmers of Alberta Wonder how this affects the store?
  20. Depends on what the water is like at that time.
  21. Life must be rough, we all feel for ya Tiana. see ya at the fish out. Teck
  22. Don't corrupt the young Lad Rick.
  23. Have fun, I truly suggest taking a beginner course, hear hansons is good, I took the one at fish tales and they were awesome. a good all around rod is a 6wt 9ft, for the price you cannot go wrong with a TFO rig.
  24. I'm a newbie tyer but i'll cook up a dozen for ya what do you need? it will be good practice as well. (maybe this bit should be taken to the tieing bench for a help your fellow angler out thread)
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