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Everything posted by sirocco

  1. Thorne's is pretty good to deal with: http://www.thornesmanufacturing.com/
  2. sirocco


    Yetis just chillin in their native environment. Couldn't resist
  3. Great job Clyde. Incredible tying.
  4. sirocco


    Haha, no tub test yet. He just might work though.
  5. sirocco


    Built a model of a glacier with some friends for a school project. Figured I'd tie up a yeti as a finishing touch. It was a fun little experiment!
  6. I really like that first pic Harps. Good job.
  7. I've had a helly hansen rain jacket for 6 yrs and it's just now starting to show its age. That being said the Patagonia does look nice. Maybe swing by the helly outlet at brentwood.
  8. Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll give those a try.
  9. What's the best and/or easiest way to tie CDC loops for emerger style flies? Are there any good step by steps for this? I'm mainly having trouble figuring out the tying sequence and how to form the loop. I always end up needing that elusive third arm
  10. Thanks for the heads up Harps. So how many redds are there in the photo? Does each one belong to a particular female and then they're fertilized by multiple males, or do fish actually pair up?
  11. there is a good 6 inches outside and it hasn't been letting up much here in the north west. if you do come down... be careful. Lots of traffic accidents this morning.
  12. Nice, way to go Brent.
  13. Many thanks to Val and Courtney for coming out. I really enjoyed both the tying seminar and the casting. At least now I won't just be flailing in the water... I'll be doing educated flailing!
  14. Woo Hoo.
  15. ADD REPLY -> Attachments -> Browse -> (select the photo) -> UPLOAD. Make sure the file is less than 100kb or it won't upload. If it's larger, use an appropriate imaging program to compress it. Or you could use photobucket or a different photo hosting site but I don't normally do that.
  16. My fishing partner and I usually see a bear 50% of the time in there (angling and non-angling adventures), and it's almost always a surprise encounter within close quarters. I can't stress this enough, don't go alone. Besides, some of the walks in are sketchy as well and it's good to know someone's there in case you fall and break something. We've fished it a few times in the last couple years and for us it's been a disappointment. Perhaps some of it has to do with angler skill but for the most part the cutty fishing is slow, if non-existant (yes, we both got skunked one day) and all of the bulls are seasoned and usually uninterested in anything we have to offer. We don't normally mind poor fishing, but when you each have to pay $20/day on top of a regular license it's hard not to come away somewhat bitter. I suggest you check it out in any case, it's probably one of the most beautiful spots around, just don't go with any expectations, because if you do you may find the rumors to be grossly over exaggerated.
  17. Wowza.
  18. Thanks for posting this. I picked up most of what I found last year and really, it isn't that difficult to pick it up and dispose of it. Even if you pick stuff up in the remote locations you eventually find your way back to civilization and a dumpster.
  19. Ditto for me as well, unfortunately.
  20. Nice looking spot. Glad you're having a good trip.
  21. sirocco


    That's way cool.
  22. sirocco


    Wow, it's a close poll! A question for you pedestal tiers: Have you ever had issues spinning deer hair? I will be tying a lot of big deer hair streamers and will be cranking down on them a good deal, so I'm concerned that the pedestal base might move on me.
  23. sirocco


    Hi everyone, I've been tying on a C-Clamp since I started, and I like it, but I'm wondering if a pedestal has any significant advantages? Please vote so I can gauge the general preference! Cheers Erik
  24. I like GSP. 200 is a bit thick though.
  25. Hi everyone, I tied up a TA Rainbow tonight and I have a couple questions about the sculpin wool... The way I tied it in was by cutting 1/2 inch wide strips and then securing them in their centre. I did this in sequence along the shank until I got to the eye. It turned out all right but.... 1) When you tie the wool down, are you supposed to tie them in one after another in a row like I did, or are the strips supposed to be stacked one on top of the other? 2) How much wool do you need to use for this type of head? I thought I used quite a bit, I probably tied in 5 or so strips before reaching the eye, and I'm wondering if I would get the right result with less? Hard questions to answer without visuals, I know, sorry if they don't make sense EDIT - Better way to phrase the second question... Does it need to be packed really tightly to get the desired result?
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