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Everything posted by sirocco

  1. lethfisher, FYI the TFO Professional Series isn't distributed in Canada (the site you're using is TFO USA). If you did want a 10' 6wt. you would be looking at the Lefty Kreh Signature Series 10' rods. All of TFO Canada's rods can be accessed through the Springbrook website: http://www.springbrook.ca/
  2. My philosophy is simply that if I'm going to put as much time as I do into tying flies, then I don't want to end up having that time go to waste by using bad hooks. I like the chemically sharpened ones as well. That being said, I haven't tried all the brands, I just started with the "good" stuff and stuck to it.
  3. There's cement out there called Head strong and it has a sister product called Head Strong Thinner. Distributed by Springbrook so it would be available through most major shops in town. But I haven't heard of any general thinners.
  4. Nice looking pattern Max.
  5. Sorry guys, I'm back in school as of today and I'm behind on my normal tying quotas. I'll have to sit this one out.
  6. I would also recommend taking a course. I took the troutfitters beginner course, and it's definitely tailored to the absolute beginner. I had been tying for a while and I knew a lot of the stuff but it helped me refine my technique, and if nothing else it forces you to find the time to crank out flies.
  7. Just wanted to toss this question out to the more experienced fisherman out there... In general how long do you tie your trout streamers? From actual fishing situations, what lengths seem to be most effective for cutthroat, rainbows etc. (NOT bulls)? I'm trying to gauge the maximum size that, for example, a 16 or 18 inch cutt would at least attempt to eat. I've been tying some 3 inch flies and I'm wondering if that might be too big.
  8. I saw the dude on man vs. wild take a chunk out of a live brookie and a live salmon. i think he's still alive.
  9. Looking for a photo to post for this made me realize how few photos I actually took this year; I spent way more time fishing than shooting!
  10. I would have liked to fish a bit more, but I'm sure that sentiment will never change. I met my goal of a 30" bull, and my most memorable days of the year were spent fishing. Here's to a swell 2009!
  11. My first attempt at a Deceiver style fly. Let me know if the proportions look good. Hook: Daiichi Saltwater size 1 Thread: UNI 6/0 white and Danville 3/0 monocord for the head Tail: 3 gray Schlappen feathers; 2 grizzly saddle feathers for lateral lines Body: Silver mylar Wing: White bucktail for a base; White and gray Polar Aire over top Throat: Red marabou Flash: Blue Angel Hair
  12. Are tying materials on sale too?
  13. ABL Imaging is reportedly the best place in town. In fact, a few guys I know send their stuff in from out of province just to get it printed there. But they'll be the most expensive of your options. I'm pretty sure the Camera Store gets their stuff printed through Nova Photo, so you might want to price compare if you go with them. It might be cheaper if you go directly through Nova.
  14. I'll have a load of time after the 10th to participate. I'm just stuck prioritizing right now!
  15. I've been really impressed with a package of Hook & Hackle marabou that I got just recently. That opinion is only based on one package though. Have you been using Hareline? I've noticed that ratio with their marabou.
  16. Oh, sorry that my mistake. Their numbers are on the rise as well.
  17. It depends on the location of the mine. It sounds like it's on the Flathead side of the range, and if it remains there the Elk drainage bulls should be okay. However, the name of the mine implies that it's connected to Lodgepole Creek which is on the Elk drainage side of the range, and if so, then the Elk drainage bulls would be at a similar risk. That's all pure speculation on my part though. As a side note, the Flathead population of Bull Trout is one of the largest remaining populations in North America, and has been making a terrific comeback due to the isolation of their spawning grounds and largely due to protective measures that have been put in place in Montana to help them out. It would be a true shame if all of this hard work was quashed by this proposed mine. Yeah, so does anyone know who to write to?
  18. Hi everyone, Has anyone ever tied with Spirit River's A-Lure beads? I bought some for use on egg-sucking patterns but the holes drilled in them are too small to slide onto a streamer hook, or actually any hook for that matter. Is there a tying technique to get around this, or am I just missing something? Also, can you use caribou as a substitute for deer hair in terms of spinning? Cheers Erik
  19. I didn't think I would have time to contribute but I'm glad I made some time. I wanted to see if I could tie an entire fly from a single feather and I'm fairly pleased with the results. Hook: Mustad Size 4 Streamer Dubbing: aftershaft from Natural Grizzly chinchilla feather Wing: Natural Grizzly chinchilla Collar: Natural Grizzly chinchilla
  20. thanks for the tips max. for simplicity's sake I think I'll just stick to the lead-free stuff.
  21. Hi guys/gals, any suggestions on what to use to substitute for lead wire, other than the lead-free stuff? I know I could always use heavier cones or eyes but I'm specifically looking for wire. Thanks!
  22. Springbrook makes a number of fly boxes that use slit foam, including one nearly identical to the C&F box in the link. They hold a ton of flies. Most of the shops in town carry Springbrook so it shouldn't be too hard to find one.
  23. Hey Paul, I put this out to all my facebook friends and it's generating a few more signatures. Others might want to do the same. Honestly people, it takes less than a minute to sign your name.
  24. There's only a handful of us that I know of. It's definitely not a pastime for Calgary's youth.
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