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Everything posted by sirocco

  1. Hi everyone, I'm putting together a "newspaper article" on the Bow River for my french class. Since it's a "news-report", I would like to include some insight from some of the people that are closest to the river -- fly fisherman. If you feel so inclined, please take a moment to answer one or more of these questions: - What is the Bow's cultural significance and its importance to us as residents living next to (or near) it? - How do you see the current health of the river (i.e. nutrient content, bacteria content, toxic substance content, garbage quantities etc.)? - How do you feel about the current and future threats to the Bow (global warming, urbanisation etc)? - How do you see the river in 10 years? Please feel free to e-mail me at erik@ehphoto.ca with a reply or simply reply to this topic. However, I do not want this to turn into a debate so please do not comment on the opinions of others, or if you must, please do so in a separate topic. Thanks a lot for your help! Erik
  2. I think Birchy is in this business.
  3. nice, thanks.
  4. The action it has in the water looks great. Is it just rabbit strip and foam?
  5. Nice video Jay, thanks for posting it!
  6. Yeah I'm uncertain of my abilities as well. I'll give it a try though..
  7. Nice. Should be fun to cast!
  8. That bully fly looks great. How long is it?
  9. $10 on one of DBT's boxes of flies.
  10. Now I know everyone who has fished in the mountains can relate to this...
  11. Just wanted to let everyone know that I've updated my site with a few of my more recent photos. Here's a direct link to my site: www.ehphoto.ca
  12. Good to know Don, thanks for the heads up!
  13. Thanks for the replies. They do have them at Safeway and other Grocery stores but they are the gilette brand and cost $1.30 per blade. I checked at the Wal-Mart in the NW and they were out.... so I think I'm just going to buy 100 off of ebay at $0.20 a piece... Thanks for the help!
  14. I've heard that exacto blades aren't as sharp.....
  15. No I haven't. Do they bend like double edge razor blades?
  16. Does anyone know of a store here in Calgary that definitely has double edge razor blades for trimming deer hair? I've looked at Michael's, Shoppers Drug Mart, and a few dollar stores with no luck...
  17. No worries! The pic is 1.5MB directly out of the camera, and the upload limit on this site is 100KB. Therefore I had to dramatically downsize it... essentially I saved it as a low-res jpeg (I could go into all the details for web saving but they wouldn't help you much). Lots of programs can do this for you with a few clicks of the mouse, although I'm not familiar with any specific ones that do it well. Hopefully someone else can help out in that department and in the mean time I'll do a little research. Or feel free to send me the images and I'm always happy to post them for you! Cheers
  18. Beauty Spot!
  19. Excellent read, sounds like a wonderful day!
  20. I will offer a 13x19 giclée (inkjet) print. Unfortunately I don't have any frames or mattes...maybe someone can help out with that?
  21. edit - It's a Tioga #4 but it has the exact same dimensions as the Teton #5 so it shouldn't make a difference...
  22. Hey Colin, Putting on the Snowbee XS WF7 Ultra Fast Sink and the Snowbee XS WF7 Floating. They're both 90ft long.
  23. Hi everyone, I'm trying to avoid buying a new reel for my new 7wt. I have a 5wt Teton which is rated for 4-6wt, and I'm hoping to use it on the 7wt. This would mean I would have about 55yd of backing. Is this a safe way to go, and is 55yd of backing enough for the Bow? Cheers Erik
  24. That fifth photo is chilling. Sorry about your bad luck.
  25. Hi Courtney, Glad to hear you and Val made it home safe. Thanks for keeping me busy this past weekend... I enjoyed every minute of it!
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