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Posts posted by monger

  1. Thanks Jeff. He was a big bodied bird, but not much of a beard. My partners both got Tom's as well. One was a huge bird with about a 9" beard, the other a jake. The jake actually had a bigger beard than mine. It was only around 5" (I actually didn't bother to measure it since it was so short). It was nice to get out of Alberta and escape this storm you guys got to enjoy. We brought our rods along, but the it was -10C in the morning and most of the lakes are still frozen on the west of the mountains as well.

  2. When nymphing, treat the river like a bowling alley, and put a drift through each "lane" beside you. Then move up ten feet and do it again. Look for spots where the water is transitioning from a riffle to a pool and along current edges.

  3. No problem Yugo. I only fight over spots with Rick. I wouldn't hassle visitors. Hopefully your tendon calms down. I ruptured mine a while ago and it takes a long time to get back to wading. My calf muscle never did recovery fully. Hopefully you get a chance to exercise some of Rick's private trout again soon.

  4. Troutlover, the reason Bullshead can maintain it's water levels now is because water is sent downstream in a pipe as opposed to the open creek bed. The amount of evaporation from the creek was huge, and therefore a vast amount of water was removed from the reservoir. Today, there is actually more people being served with less water loss. The effeciency of this water transfer leaves us with year round fishing. The irrigation districts are now looking at piping water in a lot of areas that used to run open ditches. It makes sense, but there will be quite a bit of "man-made" habitat lost along these areas where water used to flow through the Alberta "desert".

  5. You guys down there in the tropics get to see everything first. The Bow is just polluted with Mallards waiting for the ice on the ponds to melt. It was nice to see a Killdeer today as well. He better be careful along the shore because giant pieces of ice were calving off today and exploding into the water.

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