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Posts posted by monger

  1. I was at a lake last year where there was big caddis coming off in the evening. I fished a caddis pupae under an indicator with some twitching and caught a number of whitefish. I also found that the fish were in quite shallow water early in the morning and late in the evening eating chironomids. You could try fishing a chironomid under an indicator near the surface (5-7 ft or shallower).

  2. Hi Russ. It sounds like you guys had another fantastic trip to BH. Did you get to do any fishing on the surface or just the regular methods? I don't think we'll go until we do a blast and cast trip once pheasant season opens. It is surprising how a 20" limit appears to have removed ALL the big fish.

    It proves how effective anglers are at removing the big fish in the spring. Hopefully the triploids will be less catchable by all the shore anglers in the coming springs.

  3. I believe the triploids are only 8-13" long and were only put in this year. The fish you caught look like 3 year olds and some of them look like they haven't cleaned up much from the spawning period (anus hanging out). The triploid females won't color up in the spring of their third year but rather stay nice and chrome. The males will still color up in the spring.

    Looks like you had a good trip out with some nice sized fish. Did you catch anything over 20"? I wish they would change the minimum size limit to 23" so we could get one more year out these fish before they get bonked.

  4. Excellent fish Ed. I'm glad your wife had such a great day. Be careful though, mine always get the big fish of the day...it's hard on the ego. Soon you'll have the whole family floating down the river. Days on the river make for excellent family memories.

  5. Jayhad we were using mooching rods with MR-2 Islanders loaded with 25lb mono. I had a 10wt with me but after fighting these fish I think the mooching rods were probably the right choice.

    Here's the little Hali Sundancefisher reeled in (132lb). He's about 6'4" for perspective.



  6. Sundancefisher organizes an incredible trip direct from Calgary to Langara. Between the fishing, the scenery and the amazing food, I am in culture shock trying to adjust back to life here in Calgary. Here's a shot of my first ever Chinook...35lb



    I believe he is organizing another trip for next September as well... I'll have to start leaving hints for the wife quickly.

  7. Thanks Cam. Your explaination just fleshed out the idea I had put forward about the belly pulling the fly too fast.

    I have been rowing my buddy's huge Lavro for 20 years. I understand how the current effects drift boats ( and in this boat's case---the wind!).

    Good luck on your quest for more Chrome. I will have to give it a try soon.

  8. Thanks for the great reply Cam. I'm curious why the spey rod allows for a slower swing? Is it because you can hold the belly of the line out of the water and just fish the sink-tip? That way there is not so much drag on the line ripping the fly around the arc?

    What would you recommend for a rod and what type of lines does one need?


    Now you got me thinking about a trip next year!


    This year I am stuck with a trip to Langara to fish for Chinooks and Coho. Five more days...

    Hopefully SundanceFisher will want to stop trolling long enough to cast some flies to some Coho.


    Cheers, Rob

  9. I understand the desire to use quality tools for the job. I'm just not convinced that these fancy reels are necessary in Alberta. But we are a society with lots of money for toys and a desire for the next great thing. Fine reels are certainly a pleasure to use and to take pictures of :saycheeze:

  10. "The high end drag system really helps protect finer tippets"


    I guess that's why I read about so many Bow river fish screaming way out into the backing. If you completely turn your drag off the fish can run to Carsland.

    I wonder how we all landed fish 20 years ago with crappy equipment? Man is marketing effective.

    I have some quality reels but the one I have used the most this year is a machined reel that I got for under $50 (and the fish don't even know).

  11. Is it possible to catch these elusive fish by wading with a length challenged 9 foot single handed rod, or is there not enough places to cast with one hand? I think I might be patient enough now to go and cast all day for a few bites.

  12. Thanks for the last post Mvdaog. I do think we are all inclined to be "bad" people. Some are just more inclined to hurt others while the rest of us wrestle with how selfish we will act on a daily basis.


    Destructive behavior often has a root in someone's perception of their worth usually based on what has happened to them so far. There is also some evidence of direct genetic influence on anti-social behavior.

    I wonder how many of you have considered spiritual warfare as a cause for undesireable behavior? There is a reason why 12 steps programs lead back to God. There are many things that Man in all his wisdom can't fix. Drugs (legal or not) can't fix broken people.

  13. Pot experimenting...


    I have a buddy who is a Psychiatrist who tells me there is a growing body of research that is showing that pot does some interesting permanent damage to brain cells. Just another thing to mess up kids/people with the illusion of short-term "happiness".

    If people respected themselves more maybe it would spill out on to the rest of us. Now there is a good hijack topic

  14. I use Berkley transition (it's gold out of the water). I find I can use 10lb test for all my lake fishing with this gimmicky fluorocarbon. It always breaks after a hundred fish or so. I just attach it to the mono with a simple cinch knot, but that's the only knot I've ever needed for leaders. Maybe some day I'll get more fancy with my knots, but I haven't seen a need for it yet.

  15. Good show Jeff. Nice to see you sharing your passion with your daughter. I can't believe those things are still eating stuff.


    Diggler: The 27" Bulls weigh 7lb. I have not seen a picture of a Bull much over that (if at all) on here. There may be a few Bulls over 30" that will break the 10lb mark, but they are quite rare.


    Rick, I like how you think. Please stop being so practical because you're interrupting this brilliant argument.

  16. Murky, fast water... the fish don't care about your tippet. You can get away with 10-15lb mono/leader for fishing leeches, buggers and big worms. With heavier tippet you can really keep the pressure on like Toolman said. Palm your reel so they really have to work to get ANY line from you after the first big run. Don't let them rest.

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