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Everything posted by FlashGordon

  1. right on Max and Headscan,thx.... speaking of loops has anyone ever heard of using larva lace to make loops,secured with a drop of glue i had a guy tell me about this and to be honest he's never streered me wrong but i haven't had a chance to try it he told me that loop to loop he couldn't pull them apart
  2. i have the same problem with the typical leader not turning over....think i will try one of these polyleader set-ups
  3. 1264 TFO Pro Reddington CDL 9/10 i have a kinda skagit/scandi line that bhurt threw in with the rod i bought of him,i guess best description i can figure is it's scandi by length(34' chopped for the rod) and skagit by thickness,no idea what logo it or the running line is phil rowly quick release indie,since for the most part it's so far away i use x-large so i can see the damn thing,i like the quick relese so i can reel my leader into the eyes 6'-9' leader 3 bugs at about 18" apart with one or two split shot 6" above top fly mostly snake roll or circle c depending on side of the river the spey rod has been great even just a modest 50' (give/take) cast is done w/o effort (34+12'6+9) and i have been working on shooting a cpl rod lengths i think all i need for this set-up is a sink tip for streamers i find mending and being an indie ninja is tougher with the heavier line used on the spey,that's prbly more me though but i am still partial to my single hander....i want to put time into technique/lines with it next summer and for 'toon fishing it will be the rod ...i'm thinking opti stream and overlined by one weight....been picking brains and chatted a few times w. Maxwell about this kinda stuff,he puts a lot of gear through it's paces i truly love fishing dries as far as controversy goes but it comes down to fishing...and if it's nymph rigs,streamers or dries i'm there....
  4. sorry but that image made me LOL!! would be kinda (very) funny to witness ....in a sick way hope your arm heals up for your trip Lynn
  5. another good tip... keep the worms in your mouth so they don't freeze
  6. ohhhhhh the ultimate shack nasty... i'll be sure to keep you up to date when you're working and i have SIX DAYS OFF....ya,six days off,just like last week....and next week....to go fishing...you know fishing,cause i have six days off this just in
  7. i think your friend meant you 'need' to be 'headed' out fishing with 'SanJuanWorm'.....not sure how well he mimics an earthworm but he catches fish.... just stay upwind of him
  8. good cpl articles there headscan....the first one is an interesting read.
  9. thx Gregg ...ya in my case it does apply to my rod but I guess it also about other readers too... ideally I want have minimal gear to fish every application....eg. go from small mayfly spinners to streamers without having a backpack full of spools and lines.... how about local lakes and rivers so with traditional you have a set amount of line out...no stripping or shooting...so 'painting' the water or fishing a grid pattern wouldn't apply?
  10. So I'm looking for the definitions(?)of the different spey lines..uses and characteristics Traditional Scandi Skagit I would like to hear different peoples views on what works for them cause I don't think most applications are cookie cutter,everyone has different casting styles etc. So feel free to provide input even if you have to repeat something previously mentioned.Talk about running lines and sink tips would fit in here as well.Chopping heads to rods etc ...you name it.
  11. we've been meaning to talk to you about your 'kung foo' ...ever notice how everybody fishes upwind from you?
  12. ya true enough.... just wondering what your vacation plans are this year....do you own a dog? haha
  13. i use this for checks....it will tell you the details but doesn't remove it but all i do is go to the location and delete the file or files.... i run corporate symantic antivirus and it never needs any maint. it just runs in the back ground..updates itself ....i have adaware but as long as i delete browsing history nothing ever shows up...and i just use windows firewall mac systems are less prone to online threats too FYI ...if not totally risk free
  14. ya those things are creepy....walking through that area seems like something from a movie and not a disney movie either there must be a fair amount of that going on because i see lots of signs of it(i do a fair amount of walking some days)....frozen minnow containers,tags that say fresh/live bait and on few occasions I have noticed spent worm pieces on the banks or on the rocks.....one time just up from the southland dogpark north of the back channel there were pieces of worms all over the place....
  15. sorry...dbl post stupid work comp is goin out the hanger door in 3.4
  16. funny i was just readin and watchin videos about Jurassic Lake earlier today.... ...good on ya I'm jealous!!
  17. i was thinking a chat area might be a good idea too....it would be a good way to 'meet' people for future fishing trips,tricks and ideas...might also make for some heated dicussions behind the scenes too haha what about a spot on your profile to post your pictures (fish,flies,gear,scenery etc)....like a personal gallery flip side tho i would hope that either of these options would not take away from public posting tight lines
  18. is this for real? of all the pictures posted on this site(by flyisherman)i've never seen blood from a fish....and even the questionable pics are nowhere near the disrespect shown in that gallery....fish on dry grass,rocks etc etc ...you've seen them i'm usually pretty open minded.... keep it within the regs then give'er but this isn't good...but i see now there's more to than keeping it inside the regs....i guess i could be wrong in thinking that some of these fish(at least)didn't make it....a sport resource must take quite a hit with habits like these happening.Here I am being to freaked out to even take a picture of a fish that I thought I may have played too long but I will admit that might be a little over doing it.I'd just like to make sure that fish is around to catch again. i guess i'm still open to misinterpretation of what we're looking at....maybe all fish released fine,can't see it
  19. no idea about the ice but to fish Badger you're better off in a boat... let us know how it goes cheers
  20. wow loop is friggin sweet lookin gear....congrats you'll love the D/H casting....
  21. badger lake
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