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markd last won the day on February 24 2017

markd had the most liked content!

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Mayfly (4/10)



  1. How about some random camping areas where no quads/bikes are allowed.
  2. Take the money from the olympic bid and build better medical facilities and reduce emergency wait times. http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/waittimes/waittimes.aspx
  3. Or check out Edmonton: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/northern-lights-fly-fishers-trout-unlimited-january-seminar-tickets-29706189011
  4. Is there a cheap high speed internet service in Calgary?
  5. Quickest way to make a million owning a fly shop is to start with 2 million.
  6. It seems like SHAW rates keep going up every 2 months. I might just join the growing ranks of people who park at Mcdonalds and use their free wifi
  7. Hey you hockey buffs out there, when was the last time that no Canadian teams made the NHL playoffs??? Pretty sad that its our national sport and we are currently sitting with 4 teams right at the bottom, and a couple teams 7 points out of the last playoff spots.
  8. Fish tales in the past has had rod building classes. $75 plus materials
  9. Getting tired of the high rates from Shaw and Telus. Looking to downsize to a less expensive ISP and local TV ( and maybe netflix ). Any suggestions. Thanks
  10. try hendrix resturant equipment in the past they had a special on tuesdays $2 a knife http://www.hendrixequip.com/t-storeCalgary.aspx
  11. the Sex Dungeon is more of an advanced fly( wait till next winter for that one)
  12. 250 to 300 yards of 30 pound gel-spun
  13. Uni-bobbers are half the size of the small thingamabobbers..1/4" vs 1/2"
  14. Country Pleasures said they had them on order but would not get them until early January.
  15. Our first seminar of the year is tomorrow at 10 AM. We'll be tying a selection of Steelhead flies including Intruders, Traditionals, and Dries. Don't forget, at the end of the seminar we will draw for a selection of Intruders in a box. Hope to see you there.
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