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Everything posted by dryfly

  1. Flyangler, Dark chocolate, eh? Me too. You tried this stuff? It comes in orange flavor too! To die for. Super Store in Lethbridge has a whole display of Lindt chocs. Yum! Clive
  2. It is a good question. And I'll catch hell for my response--my perspective. In short, a swap is WAY down on a list of things to do--well it is not even on my list. Yeah, I am busy ... close to finishing the last of 4 winter work gigs ... been doing Stream Watch stuff ... have to tie some more Cuba flies and pack for Cuba. Am batching for two weeks prior to Cuba too .. so hafta do household chores and cook--well I do most of the cooking anyway. A swap takes a time commitment and a swap is not even on my radar screen. Sorry. Here's my big concern. The last one I participated in returned me some really good flies (ass covered) ... but on a couple of previous ones (not this group), I was unhappy with the flies that were returned. A couple of crap flies, but mostly just patterns I will never use.
  3. Women don't know what they want and won't be happy until they get it!! Am I in trouble again? Am I in trouble still?
  4. I've never fished the Bow in winter so my perspective is different. Been fishing the Crow since it was first opened year round...that was the winter of 1991 or 1992 and I think we first went real winter fishing in Feb 1992. Anyway ... Having taken a few falls over the years the biggest threat to personal safety on a smaller river like the Crow is falling on the ice and breaking bones or smacking your head. Those ice sheets can be deadly slippery on warm days. Will I remember that tomorrow?
  5. Pike trip update!! rocknbugs, please note....you okay with this? adc and I are advising that item #1, SPRING TROPHY PIKE HUNT, will not be attending 3M. We had noted in the opening offer that "We may or may not be able to go [to] 3M ." After some discussion with our contact we can't make the offer to go there. However, we will provide a full-day guided pike trip to whichever lake in Southern Alberta presents the best chance at a large pike--or simply some decent pike fishing--hopefully. Because 3M is off, we are also be opening it up to two anglers and will provide 8 or 9-wt rigs including flies for two anglers and we can do at least one extra pontoon boat and two if need be. Lunch, refreshments etc still on us. Thanks to Toolman for doing this great auction. Clive
  6. Livingstone at sunrise ... Turtle at sunrise.... OM Valley N of my house
  7. That REALLY hurts! Sorry to hear. Too bad we don't have public floggings. One or two lashes would curb 80 percent of vandalism, car thefts, willful property damage and assorted other minor offenses that cost a LOT of money and generally annoying.
  8. Hey Don..great plan..."This would only be fair as nearly all the real crappy weather in Alberta was delivered in one form or another by a US State." Good thing we don't get much blow in from Connecticut. Might have to be censored.
  9. This here's adc fishing from his! Kidding. Sorry needtimetofish, can't help you--just couldn't resist.
  10. Good one netspinner....also... Click here for the 2-page PDF flier ...iIt is nearly 1MB so takes a few seconds to d/l. Prints very well.
  11. Dustin & Toolman, I'll donate one copy of my sold-out book, The Essential Guide to Fly-Fishing. See here.. http://members.shaw.ca/clives/Flyfish.html Have a handful of copies left that I am saving for assorted things--like grandkids. Will mail to wherever. Signed or unsigned. Clive
  12. SENIORS HALF DAY WALK & B.S., on the Bow River, with Host/Guide Toolman. -Current bidder: "SOLD" @ $300/ADC&Dryfly........Now that's one heck of a bargain. HEY! adc what did we buy? I wonder when the nap break is?
  13. "tampons" Hell, are there strings attached to the auction?
  14. Greg, On that pike trip ... we will offer the use of an 8- or 9-wt fly rod and reel in case someone is interested and does not have pike tackle. We should also ask that payments for all auction items be received by (???) before goods and services provided. I'll email adc about how this moolah should be handled. Clive
  15. RED FACED! This time I WILL mail them. PM your street address (and last name) and I will mail on Monday as the PO is across from the tanning salon. I need Vit D badly--getting cranky!
  16. I have two free "adult admission" tickets for the B&S Show on Feb 14 to 17. Will mail free of charge to the first one who replies. Will mail Monday--should arrive by Thursday. Reply here then PM your mailing address. (Last year I did the same thing and forgot to mail the tickets--they were in a stamped enveloped and got mislaid. )
  17. maxwell, take all of the tax receipts you can. My donated pictures last year cost me money out of pocket--a few hundred. That and a few other donations and I'll probably get $1k back -- or at least reduce my tax payment by $1K. It is not like you are cheating or anything. We all donate for the love of the cause, but why be out of pocket?
  18. This is going to be trouble....a pissed off moose in yer front room would not be happy.
  19. Thanks TM. Say .. can you make a list of the donations offered so far and maybe out in a new thread ....and can Dave pin the new thread.....just a thought? Clive
  20. "It's Been Awhile Since I Posted A Really Bad Joke!!" Not near long enough ...
  21. With art donations Revenue Canada does (DID) allow for "artistic value"....so you donate a framed print that cost $50...they would allow a minimum "artistic value" of $100 so you could get a receipt for $150. I usually ask for a minimum tax receipt of $135 for a framed photograph. It is too bad guiding or other intangibles can't be billed. BUT it does get fuzzy, eh? Maxwell donates 8 hours for a trip and I donate just time to make a website ... someone else works, gets paid and cuts a cheque...that person gets a tax receipt. These things are not uniform, but any other way could get very abused too.
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