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Everything posted by dryfly

  1. Here you go Terry....I have over 2,000 goose images...just had to look. Not quite the same, but the right idea. I've given flight images to a few teachers as they cover "flight" in grade six. Have some nice series. Fun stuff.
  2. Don... serious old fart moment...you other guys just ignore us. On August 6, 1966 I was camped in a ridge-pole tent up on the Skyline in the Porkies. Woke up at 4 AM with the roof caved in. We had 3 inches of wet glop on the tent and ground. We drove into the Pass to see the boss and he wondered WTF were were doing in town instead of working--no snow anywhere except the Porkies. (I've no idea why I remember the exact date.) End of hijacking.
  3. fisher26 said, "Looks like the crow in August... Except there is snow by that river." I take it you were not here in 1992! Have a boo here... pacreseltoro ... time to take up golf when things get that bad.
  4. Just change your avatar and things will become much clearer. Mother Nature is indeed fickle.
  5. Tako! Wrong. (I guess it is all explained in your avatar. ) Definitely a take off. Trust me I was there. See below. There were tracks going from left to right. And you know? Their little feet point ahead. And THEN ... it took off. No more tracks. Surprise. Just call me Tonto. Here are the same tracks from another angle showing the pointy feet ...
  6. Thanks Pythagoras. I've a few snaps. My granddaughter and I spent hours (and hours) across the road after C'mas as she is a skater and the pond ice was sweet this year. We explored and saw lots of cool stuff. We saw the pheasant "tracks" so the next day I sent her on a pheasant hunt--this time no skates. One flew up about 5 meters in front of her in the tullies (sp??) ... she screamed!! Was hilarious. Me? I'd have simply died. Naturally I took some pictures of the cool patterns. Can't have too many pictures. TERRY!! Be careful out there. We could be fooling you. Could be one of these ... watch yourself down on the river .. specially near dark..and if you hear drips of blood ... aaarggh!!
  7. Pheasants are terrifying when you're alone in bear country, almost as bad as beavers when its pitch black out HA HA HA ! Scare the crap out of you AND ME! But yeah, good guess on the bird.
  8. Bird wing tips.. the marks happen when they land and take off. Don't think it is a pheasant because there is no tail trail...here are pheasants taking off and landing...across the road at Xmas. He he he...BBB "'look i'm injured dance'" They don't do that in February--they only do the dance when they have young. Here is a pheasant taking off....
  9. Took a series yesterday that melded rather well. Here is the small version... A 2000-pixel image is shown if you click here. (The really big one is 10,000 pixels wide.)
  10. Monger, ya may wish to hold off a day or three with the tube....
  11. adc and I went to Police this morning and put up seven of these signs at strategic locations around the water and campground. We are seeking permission to put up a temp large sign. (There are replacements for when these get destroyed, shot or stolen.) There is some open water near the aerators and island, but 80+ percent of Police is ice covered--in fact a couple of guys were ice fishing.
  12. That's a real life DIY story. Pretty funny .. now anyway. In my formative "homeowner" years (way back) I had a (do NOT laff) Readers Digest Home Handyman Book. I have to tell you it was absolutely fantastic ... covered EVERYTHING in a way I could understand. (You sound like me Sundance..) It covered concrete, framing, electrical, plumbing, flooring ... repairs and installations. Excellent book as it was deadly accurate and well written with lots of pictures showing damn near anything. Used it a LOT in the years I developed the basement, poured sidewalks and garage floor and built the garage. I did all of the framing, electrical (which I later had inspected) and plumbing. That book was my bible. I HATE all of that now...which explains why, after nine years here, we still do not have baseboards in the basement. True 45° miter joints are a myth. They do not exist in the universe. That's why they sell paintable silicone caulking.
  13. Plano rocks. Kingfisher's is a biggie--and oh so organized. Nice KF. This is #2 for me ... great for camping. Can fit all trout tying tools and supplies in this Plano.
  14. Oh Timmy ... that garish line simply haaasssss to go. Perhaps something in a fuchsia with a hint of rose.
  15. A class act Tim. Good on you! Nice outfit. And even this grumpy old geezer loves the colors. Perfect! Clive
  16. dryfly


    Brownstone..nice. We saw a few on the way to Cape St. Mary's two years ago. Poor photos..far away. (HA HA...was going to sneak some across the tundra...ooops...you cannot walk on that stuff ... wet, soggy, sinky spongy...) Seeing huge herds of caribou is one of the great Canadian experiences...saw thousands in NWT two years in a row..many years back. They are awesome to watch migrating. Taste great as well. Thanks for the cool pictures.
  17. Were I going tomorrow I'd just wear jeans under. When it is colder I wear polyprop underwear under the jeans. Careful with the feet. Neo sock feet unfortunately never as warm as bootfoots. (Love my old bootfoots!) But DO NOT (repeat DO NOT) put on too many socks. You are better with one snug pair than two thick pairs that are too damn tight--yer feet will freeze if too tightly packed.
  18. "seen jumping at the end of Clive's line during one of the wind storms he brings from his house. " Amen to that. I sure have the wind jinx at Bullshead. I should start windsurfing .. THAT will make the wind go away. A sidenote....We also look forward to Police evolving into a decent fishery (which it has been on occasion in the past by all accounts) with stable pops of larger fish. There are a few there now, but they are not the norm according to recent test netting. Hopefully the spring test angle will shed some light on fish demographics at the start of the new regs.
  19. Three Rules of Geezerism Always write things down Never pass a urinal Never trust a f*rt ...and if you get an erection do something about it whether with someone or alone.
  20. WB.. I understood they grow faster AND bigger AND lived longer because they are not subjected to the physiological stresses of aborted breeding processes. Guess I need to read up on trips. Hijacking! Allan is WAY younger than me (a couple of years anyway), but he is to be admired for his advance level of geezerism. Man, you just once have to hear him break off a big fish. You want to have your young ones out of ear shot..usually the next county. As for stoopid pipple and stoopid rules...he is the master. The only reasons I stick around him are: To learn more bad words. To learn more about the art of geezerism. To see just exactly WTF he will do next. He makes great soup and sandwiches. He likes me to stand up wind when I smoke a cigar...which suits me cause his waders are as bad as mine. He memory is bad so I can tell him the same joke several times--if I can remember the jokes in the first place. Clive PS: SJW ..we maybe need a password-protected forum for old people. Password will be "drool."
  21. Hey beed....sizzle. Recall all of those! Sweet stuff. Monger said, "Man Al, you and Clive are cranky old buggers." Al ... FINALLY the recognition we deserve. We HAVE arrived at a higher level of oldfartism. Cranky Old Farts R Us. I think Andersen qualifies too. Thanks for the compliment monger. Made my day. If I am gonna be a crank it is nice to be acknowledged.
  22. Hi Steve: Finally making the move, eh? We will go fish the Crow again one day ... this time when it is not snowing. I still have the fly box you gave me and some of the caddisflies in it. Welcome back! Cheers! Clive
  23. We all talk about going to the Crow and the Bow here and elsewhere. They are no more crowded because of that. I fish the Crow a lot and it is not busier now than ten years ago...you just pick your times to go and avoid other times. BUT .... most of us who brag about going to the Crow or elsewhere never speak of the other places we fish. I fish at least half of the time on other waters I'd never mention anywhere. So the publicity is selective. (You put a pail of manure on the porch ... it keeps the flies out of the kitchen.) "I noticed a thread that was trying to organize a group trip in southern Alberta." Geez..if a bunch of guys (who fish southern Alberta a few times a year anyway) decide to get together and fish together in the same time and space once a year that's just fine ... have some laffs and beers. Heck of a good plan. I fished below the dam today. Fishing was slow, but I hung a good rainbow, some rockies and unhooked a small bull. And anyone who cares, knows exactly where I am talking about. Been going there for 15 years. And just like all of the other times we saw no one where we were.
  24. acknowledged rant Weedy1...re fees. Agreed that an increase is good. Yabutt!! Canadian Resident from outside Alberta: Age 16 and older $25.66 This is bullshit!! Youth (less than 16 years) No Licence Required This is bullshit! Non-Resident from outside Canada: Age 16 and older Annual $70.90 ... A good start but not near high enough! Limited (5-day) $47.63 Limited (1-day) $26.63 Why can't a poor, working stiff Albertan who gets to fish one day a year buy a one-day license for ten bucks?And don't give is the old "administrative fee" bullshit. This is blatant discrimination against poor Albertans. Youth (less than 16 years) No Licence Required This is bullshit! The minister wrote me and said they don't want to charge people under 16 so that the sport is encouraged. Fine. For young Albertans I totally agree. But what bloody business is it of ours that some younguns from Germany or Saskatchewan learn to fish?! Not our problem. Make 'em pay. We are NUTS to give away the resources to outsiders. Anyone that pays taxes in Alberta should be incensed that we have to subsidize the fishing recreation of non Albertans. And never forget. A guide from SK or BC can guide three anglers a day and make $500 per day on our resources and, provided the guide does not actually fish, HE DOES NOT PAY ONE BLOODY PENNY TO DO SO! BULLSHIT ... You SRD guys in Edmonton read these boards. Fix this nonsense!! The licensing fees we charge outsiders is bullshit. Ask me how I feel about subsidizing recreation of foreigners from BC and other countries. FIX IT IN 2009!! Maybe it is time again for Mitchell to write another 18-page letter. Ask me how I feel. And no, I don't feel better after this acknowledged rant. We should all be equally pissed at the license fees charged to outsiders. Tell Ted..... The Hon. Ted Morton Minister of Sustainable Resource Development 420 Legislature Building 10800 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5K 2B6
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