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Everything posted by Jayhad

  1. My old man just had his jeep done with leathers for 2800 for all four seats, I'd guess if you are just using your exsisting seat covers it should be way less. If you are mechanically inclined you can do the job yourself. I've rewrapped a few seats hardest part is the opening the brass retention rings and actually getting the seat cover to seat correctly on the frame...... pretty much it's really time consuming but not hard
  2. Thanks nerd, there was some pics there i didn't remember
  3. I have the wireless link as well, I always disconnect it and hardwire it for first person shooters. Plus a major improvement is made on the COD franchise is you download the game to the machine and play off of the machine and not the disk. I play COD Black Ops and these fixes are noticable
  4. Bigtoad, I was on the Blackstone last summer and a CO rode up to our party on a Quad, he even blasted across the river on his quad to get to our side...... but the fishing was incredible. I would suggest topo maps and find areas where quads can't access..... I think pretty much if you can hike there easily, they will quad there. You might want to try the Rocky Mountain Dirt Riders Association website http://rockymountaindirtriders.com/ they have an access section
  5. 4500s are pretty rad reels, excellent sealed drag. The only difference between the 4500 and the 4500cf is that the CF has a carbon fibre spool that makes the real cheapier. I prefer the look of the 4500, the spools swap from either 4500 or 4500cf. There really isn't a "better" between the two. The 4200 is a great real from Sage at a great price. As for the rod why not a 690 or 6100, i'm sure like many others you've always wanted a few extra inches
  6. NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't have to look very far into the past to see the many mistakes humans have made in the attempt to enhance OUR fishing experience(read catch more fish). If you want streams to be rehabilitated pressure the govt for rolling 4-6 year fishing closures on sensitive waters.................. but I understand it easier to monkey with the system and still fish rather than allowing a natural recovery
  7. If you like the Z-Axis 5100 but you dont want to break the bank look at the 1054 CPX from Redington. Lifetime warranty, and the 10' CPXs are cannons. I fish the Z-axis 10's but I just ordered a 6wt 10' CPX, I was ultra amazed at how well that stick cast.
  8. perhaps your thermal switch that operates the fan is gone, you can test this by "hotwiring" the fan to your ignition so when the car turns on so does the electric fan..... if it stops over heating thats the issue
  9. I've never tried a dropper loop, why not just tie of the bend Good work I spend hours not doing what I am supposed to at work but never thought of power point patterns.... nice
  10. Jayhad


    THose are great pics thanks dude, that first one is sick, he's just waiting to get popped.
  11. Got to agree with Ctown, everytime I've bought a waterproof jacket from a Fly Fishing company I've been disappointed, sooner or later you will realize that there is no way the jacket was designed by an angler and all you bought was the fancy branding. My MEC jacket was under $100 and as Buck said it's bulletproof.
  12. I'd be interested if attendees spent more money this year than last year, there was more exhibitors then the last years, good to see the show growing. I would think the commercial spots helped drive attendance..... who knows about the weather I was surprised by the amount of cars in the parking lot on saturday. Was it busier then previous years? Myself I spent around $400 and got somethings I have been waiting for a while to obtain. Got to cast some new sticks and some new lines... made a decision to buy a new rod...or two, and got to meet some new folks and see some friends. All in all a good weekend and i'm glad I didn't have to work the show this year......haha suckas. The things that impressed me the most were; Silver Doctor's LAW vice, damn I just a Nor-Vise which is rad, but that LAW is something else great workmanship. I didn't tie on it but it was superb to look at. The new Redington CPX 1064 and 1054. They are 10' 6 and 5 wt 4 piece rods and I must say they are absolute cannons, I typically fish 10' Z-Axis and these CPXs are as good..... (if not better due to cost) they weigh slightly more then a Z but the swing weight is very comfortable. I have ordered two of the 6wts for boat rods. with a lifetime warranty they are a real steal. What did you all find?
  13. Jayhad

    6 Wt Setup

    Sage Flight 690-4 Package should be slightly below your price range, American made rod, great line and a super rugged reel. Flight Series rods are available separately or in line weights 4-6, 8 and 9 as part of a complete, perfectly balanced outfit, including a Sage 1800 Series reel, RIO floating line, backing and leader, plus a protective rod/reel case.
  14. What part of the river are you fishing? I would assume most of the guys hooking up aren't fly fishing? I would also suggest checking a BC fly fishing forum. Traditionally this time of year is more diffucult as a fly angler on the vedder as it's packed for the meat fishery. march-may is much better
  15. There are cheapier boat rentals..... even one has been advertised on here lately, send a PM to Dutchie
  16. LEDs are a far superior replacement.... edison bulbs haha, 1897 called and wants it's bulbs back. get in to 2011
  17. Great one Buddy, awesome music selection the last song is perfect. Everyone should also check out Humble's Pigs in the Wind that I don't think he dropped on here.
  18. Rick, velocity is not really needed, 400-500 feet per second is adequate, distance is a different story. There are people out there already doing this but it is pretty much on the down low. The range of the weapons is about 100m at the far end but if you are good you never need to shoot outside of 50m. It is good sport.
  19. I was on the same sheet last night, but it is getting thin quick, very slushy, with this week of sun i probably won't fish it anymore.
  20. I just recieved a Nor-vice, I think it's the way to go if you are going to be pounding out the same patterns typically. Compared to 17 year old Regal, there is no comparison.... the jaws hold any size with out issue. You just have to learn how to tie on a different system.
  21. Rick, I've had some great luck along that section over the last little while, it is a great spot and the fish are willing if you match. The river was a good 6' over the leading edge of ice last night so be careful if you get out there this week. Nice bruin, I've seen 2 MONSTER browns in there this week.
  22. Jayhad

    Great Afternoon

    I agree 100%, I got to fish for about 45 minutes before my buddy snapped his stick. In that time I had a 2 rainbows to hand..... midges as well..... i love chinooks Rad bruin
  23. No JayVee WFN is everywhere, PS have you had enough fill of the eyes yet to come back to the trouty side??? when you do let's
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