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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Some montana streams have a lot more fish... but a lot less really HUGE fish. They do fish "better" if better in your eyes is strictly numbers of fish. Howveer, there are a LOT more people on popular parts. If you guys think the bow is busy go fish yellowstone park on a weekday in the summer California fishing doesn't hold a candle to anything we have in alberta, it's just famous becuase it's "all they have" pretty much. Hat creek isn't as good as even the sheep river IMHO, and the sheep isn't exactly alberta's best Oregon has some cool places, especially down south... fished a trib out of klamath lakes and it was really sweet. Alaska is pretty sweet... but it's hit and miss. If you hit it you'll never, EVER forget it. If you don't, you'll wonder what all the fuss is about when you spend 3 days and 35 angler hours for one king salmon. I fished some cool and special places in the states, and although each is a unique experience, I'd say the fishing isn't "better" than what we have right here.
  2. I need one of those to keep my freekin KIDS outta the food when were not watchin them!
  3. Knock knock . . . who's there? . . . Owen. . . . Owen who? . . . . . . OWEN THREE since you posted that! LOLOLOL GO FLAMES GO!
  4. Allright fine! In the spirit of this thread... YOUR A GAY PEDOPHILE WITH A CLUB FOOT!
  5. Well it's so far back in this thread it's irrelevant now, but to defend my position to someone who called me on not being a true flames fan you have no idea. Want me to post pictures I drew in grade 7 or 8 (1989) of the flames cup run???? Or pictures of me and my son going to the dome to watch game 7 of the 2004 run on the jumbotron?? No bandwagon hopping here... I bleed red,yellow and black man.... I'm just so sick of people whining about other crap like refs, conspiracies, bogus calls, etc. Being a fan of a team means you are always looking through at your team with the rose colored glasses on and can't see it from anyone else's point of view. So I try to look at the Flames objectively, as a longtime fan. And what I see is Kipper not being Kipper, and a good hard clean body check (who CARES who hit who it was CLEAN, and a really GOOD CHECK). And then we get a player "defending" him (which I think is just a dumb move, look what it COST the team, or could have cost the team). What needs to happen, is for the stars of this team, to BE the stars of this team. Iginla did that last night... and we won even though Kipper was a tad soft. So if Iggy and Kipper fail, then Dion needs to step up, or Lanks, or Lombardi. We need the rookies to play harder and find the back of the net more. I think the Flames have played with a decent amount of effort and energy so far, but there a bit unorganized. It will get better. I think they'll finish 6th to 8th place in the western conference again... and once you get to the playoffs, anything can happen.
  6. And that made my spew rice-a-roni all over my keyboard. That's friggin awesome. Can I get a blown up copy of that in 1024x768 for a screensaver?
  7. And still the funniest thing I've EVER seen I think in my life. Talk about a complete meltdown... I love it!
  8. For Lynn Spelling Checker Eye halve a spelling chequer It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steaks eye kin knot sea. Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say Weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me strait a weigh. As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong. Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me sew.
  9. Hawgstoppah


    All I gotta say is "BEEEEEEEYAHHH!"
  10. You can't blame everything on the refs guys. Rene Borque's a idiot. Period. Not the refs... they called the play the way the play happened. End of discussion. How about calgary's 4 five on three's? Must be a conspiracy against the US teams. Pfffssshhhhh Calgary's powerplay hasn't been all that great either. They should have buried 3 or 4 goals on the PP tonight, but they didn't. The PP was anemic at best. And it's about time Kipper played a game for us. Maybe he heard us all bitchin'
  11. That third edmonton goal, sure it was a nice individual effort, but Kipper has GOT to stop that... no one should score taking an off balance shot from the high slot on Kipper.. Kippersoff, is KipperSIV so far this year.
  12. I gotta agree with you. He blows now. They keep going to him becuase of the past but if you look at his performance last year and so far this year.... we'd be better off trading him, or playing McElheney (sp?)
  13. Pretty sure I know what lake Would be happy to show you some stuff on the crow, if we can get out before november. some of my favorite water closes soon. if next weekends nice I'll be in the pass taking some pictures for a job I am doing anyways
  14. This is an effective grizzly bear detterent. I can vouch for it! (for anyone who DOESN'T know the story behind this, it's too long for this post... lol )
  15. If he went today (the 17th) the BWO's were in Winnipeg at 10AM
  16. Holding water + Fertility. There's a lot less of both in the sheep than even the Highwood. And the Highwood is only about a quarter of what the OMR and Crow are. It's a fast, shallow stream with very little "pool" water for a LOT of it's length. Look hard enough and you'll find some real gems on the sheep though
  17. Wow. Policeman's flats sucks for w+w??? Are you nuts? Maybe the crowds now suck (about 40 cars there today) and that's the reason it sucks on days like this, but go ona chilly midweek morning... I've had my fair share of 50+ fish days w+w up and down from Police. On average I've had a LOT of GREAT days in the area over the years.... against only a handfull of brutal ones.
  18. Yeah... there's nothing quite like the Bow valley in the fall, is there?
  19. Looks like a good time was had on the ____________ LOL
  20. LMFAO! Nice Pics clive........ AGAIN!
  21. This thread is missing a complete turn off topic to a different topic that raises hatred between members. I just fished with smelts on the bow river, got a large spawning brown trout off it's redd, and I was gonna eat it but then decided not to ... so I threw it in the trash. Before all this though, I took several pictures of it on the rocks and grass :)
  22. This post is missing a Youtube vid... and I'll go along with the "cake" theme Click here if the movie does not play.
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