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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Weedy have u ever called in to the Jim Rome show? That "take" was hilarious... you should try your hand at a jim rome show e-mail or call, for sure.
  2. To be honest... I thought this would be a thread about the Edmonton Oilers (given's the thread's title)... BURN!
  3. All I know is... in 2004/2005 me and several friends were at bullshead a lot and Many, many, MANY fished taped at 24-26 inches, and some better. we stopped coutning the 21-22 inch fish. We were not overestimating fish sizes... as many got taped. After taping the first 3 21 inchers you know what your looking at when you have one. and there were LOTS that size and bigger, as a matter of fact I'd say over half the fish caught each day were above 20 inches easily. And the pictures of bullshead fish now--- guys they look THIN compared to the footballs of /04 and /05. And now after a bunch of years of a LOT of fish getting put in, the widespread observations are that no one is catching truly large fish anymore (22-23-24-25+) and yes, people were bonking everything in sight back then too... I'd see 15 fish / day leave the lake.... on a slow day. That's fine, the lake was created for two kinds of fisherman, we gotta accept that. But... fish the next year should have been able to get to the 22-25 inch range easily, but they are not? What happened? There's SOOOO many fish in there..... You don't have to be head cashier at Walmart to figure this one out
  4. I'm not scared of bears, cougars, and the like... or being in wilds with them. But BEES scare the beejeesus out of me... LOL
  5. There needs to be one of these vids for fishing... like rods breakin, peeps falling backwards outta z boat on hooksets, etc LOL
  6. Get outta my backyard foo! LOL Nice pics man
  7. I gotta say I'm not going to complain about a win... I thought the flames should demolish the kings but having said that I thought the Kings played a HELL of a game. And we still won it... thanks to Kipper. He was very, very solid, and stole this game. Can the team rebound from a hard and very exhuasting game tonight and get the ducks tommorow? I hope so!
  8. Headscan. I also learned. Never trust your wife with YOUR digital camera for any period of time. The result: your first 4 large steelhead on a crap 7-11 wind and click camera
  9. No need to change the regs, just change the ridiculous overstocking....
  10. I have now learned that getting pictures developed in Cardston takes a frigging WEEK!!! ARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Also... I have learned that waiting for pictures to be developed, really sucks.
  11. LOL... she beat the willpower to even reply to a forum thread out of you? ... sad... You need to also... SUCK IT UP PRINCESS!! lolol
  12. LOL.. all I mean by my post is... don't come in here and make a gay joke and then say it's wrong to make a retard joke, or VICE VERSA.... If your in this thread prepare to be leaving it with a feeling of uncomfort at the end. The premise of this thread was "anything goes" so if your easily offended (ie "suck it up princess) then do NOT read this thread... period... / soap box
  13. you know what.... your family could have -someone who's fat -someone who's gay -someone who's "mentally challenged" Just don't come in here and be the pot calling the kettle black. If your in this thread..... then SUCK IT UP PRINCESS!!!
  14. couple big steelies - but I don't wanna hijack this thread. I won't have pics for a week (small town developing they gotta send the film away arrghhh)
  15. Um.... this is a FISHING message board. That is completely impossible!!!
  16. The real test is tonight. Will the flames step it up and dominate the kings?... or will they play down to the level of an inferior team, as they have repeatedly done over the past several seasons....
  17. Steelhead are amazing.... Getting to know a small steelhead run and the holding water in it, is worth the time... Grown men can holler and whoop like little kids, EVEN when they are by themselves! Catching steelhead on your own flies is way better than getting them on store bought flies.. Steelhead are amazing...
  18. sweet fish. The guys story about nealr y cryin on stream... haha.. I know how he felt... I near did it two days ago in smithers
  19. secondary scoring and a kipper shutout... where's the love??? WHERE IS THE LOVE. I demand that all you haters show some love now.
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