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bhurt last won the day on December 28 2012

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About bhurt

  • Birthday 01/18/1977

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  • Location
    The Bow River

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Brown Trout

Brown Trout (8/10)



  1. Steve, When we getting out again, had a blast with you and darrin last time.
  2. I really like using my gass 6120 in the winter time on the bow
  3. I was at mac with a 4x4 and absoultly no problems pulling out of there last night
  4. we currently have 25 people from High River staying at our house, friends of my father and their neibours
  5. Peter, I tend to disagree, some of the smallest players I have ever coached are some of the best hitters as they have to have skill inorder to hit where on the flip size the bigger players think that they can run over people. I will always take a small skilled hitter over a big unskilled player. At the end of the day it comes down to who is more skilled and technical fundelmentals. Skilled hitters are very important in football (not to sure in hockey) because if you hit wrong in football you can seriously injure yourself (And I am speaking from experince as a player I still get headaches from the concussions I took as a player). I like to think it is the same for hockey but I do not know.
  6. If you ask me I think this is a awsome idea at that age the players should be working on skills such as puck handling, skating, shooting etc... I belive that hitting should be allowed at a older age as the players are more mature. Are we teaching our kids a game of skill or are we teaching them a game on hard hitting goons? Now I am not saying every player out there is a goon but you diffently see alot of them out in minor hockey. Now we talk about equipement and that it is there to protect you, other then wearing a full suit of armour there will always be injuries, that is why skills and fundelementals should be taught first before anything else, A skilled player will skate circles around a hard hitting goon any day, but if your taught to hit first then what happens to the skills down the road? As for the coaching anyone who has ever coached or ref ( I coached minor football for 13 years) knows that finding quaility coaches is probably one of the hardest things, as from my experince there are coaches out there that are not there for the players but for their own ego's and will do whatever it takes to wins. Also finding quaility coaches is a hard thing cause of the *hit and abuse parents give to either coaches or refs, this is the main reason I got out of coaching football, most coaches do not get paied for what they do and they do it for either the love of the game or in my case wanting to impart the knoweldge I have to the younger generation. All in all this is about the safty of the younger kids and nothing else, to try and say anything else is just stupid.
  7. People remeber that alot of professional theives will scoop out a place and see what times people are home and away so they know the best time to strike. If you have a light timer set it to random so no matter what happens lights are going on and off while you are away that way it makes it hard for theives to tell when to break in.
  8. I remeber when I first waas learning to cast streamers it just happened to be in the pitch dark. Anyways away casting I was doing then wack felt something hit me in the back of the head and next thing I knew my hat was floting in the river, I stripped in my line to realize that my hat was coming in too, wow, I hooked my hat and had so much energy traveling through the line it never stop the cast.
  9. Pie is better, espically sweet sweet cherry pie........
  10. I have caught some of my biggest fish todate in a blow out bow, just gotta be careful while walking the shore line (The water carves under the bank and it can colapase without any warning. And of course unl;ess you are a complete fool, do not gwet into the river during run off, its not what is on the surface you should be watching out it is what is underneith.
  11. I have been using the stretch floss legs for a couple of seasons now, I have not had any discolor on me yet. Only complaint I have (which is a minor one) is when the fly hangs bottom I end up most of the time stripping a leg or too off to get the fly instuck then it turns into a cripple pattern for me.
  12. From one artist to another it was awsome to be able to talk with Diane. Overall I really enjoyed the show again this year, for those that feel like the show is a waste of time u should really come out and chat with some of the people that are not locals lots of knoweldge out there and we can always learn and grown. Got alot of diffrent persepectives to fishin and will diffently be using them in the yaers to come.
  13. Been getting ready for the streamer season and have been ting some streamers when I get home from work and have some time I will take a couple of photos and post them for all to see. Not the prettiest flies but man do they ever work well.
  14. How come that doesnt surprise me......
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