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Everything posted by Gil

  1. Wonder what they are eating. Fish i caught the last few days on Oldman and bow looked health.. I agree not much rising.....
  2. Pretty good but didn't take me into the backing. In the summer, he would have been put up a hell of a fight I'm sure...
  3. Wow surprised there is a launch at Police. Looked like a total write off. Any news on Glenmore?
  4. I picked this guy up in April during a float with BiggyJ Good times....
  5. I spent two days on smaller streams last week in southern Alberta. Fishing was pretty good with fat healthy fish caught. My friends had similar luck.
  6. I was up at the Lake Louise lodge and was happy to find they carried "Rutting Elk" from the Grizzly Paw in Canmore.
  7. I went down to FC launch today. Surprised to see it wasn't in to bad of shape. If fact I'm sure I could launch mt drift boat without an issue. That said I also went to Police. Totally distroyed. River access is going to be a real issue for a very long time....
  8. Any update on Glenmore or Police launch?
  9. I have a Hyde Pro High side. While I love the boat for the river, drift boats with their flat bottom and no keel aren't really meant for a lake especially if it gets windy....I think you would be disappointed it you do a lot of lake fishing.
  10. Imovie if you are an Apple man....
  11. I'm looking for a landscaping company to put in some drainage tiles level my back yard and a few other minor things. No idea how to find a good company. Any recommendations would be welcome. Thanks
  12. Very poetic Brian....
  13. Does anyone know if you can buy a monthly pass at Racehorse campground? If so how much? Thanks
  14. I had it a few years back. Dr said it was a viral inner ear infection and not much could be done. Tried taking meds for the symptoms but didn't like the way I felt. Went away in a few weeks. Good luck....
  15. Small and white for smaller water. Bright orange for deep, larger waters.
  16. I think the important distinguishing factor is indicated by the word "bait"...
  17. I've heard there are a number of studies that show jamming a big ass streamer in your hand with a barb is less painful than barbless. I've also heard of several studies which aren't worth the paper they were written on.
  18. Found it..... http://flyfishcalgary.com/nymphing_primer.php
  19. Rickr wrote an excellent paper on nymphing a few years back. I sure it's still kicking around here somewhere. If not you might bug Rick for it....
  20. Lower Oldman would work. Shuttle service is going to be an issue....
  21. The post is not related to a specific request for get together. It's a general question therefore doesnt belong in "get together" section"....this forum needs to be less hung up with rules or trying to constrain the opinions of contributors, threatening members (yes we hear about the PMs) and more about friends fishing and fun,.,,.get back to the basics and forget the authoritarian posturing....
  22. I'm thinking of going for Vibram soles as well when I get a new pair. Noted yesterday my boots where falling completely apart. Only one year old. Might be fishing to much....
  23. Actually I like your list.
  24. For the Bow, I'd consider the following: Nymphs: SJW #10 and #14 for the winter Prince nymph #14 Copper John #14 Z wing Caddis #14 Stone nymph Dry Stimulator for stones/hoppers various sizes Hopper patterns various sizes Caddis parachutes 18 - 14 BWO 18 PMD 18 Streamers Muddler minnow Bow river Bugger Leech patterns
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