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Everything posted by Gil

  1. I've been spending the afternoon playing with new adult stone fly patterns. I've been looking for photos of an adult stone fly from the fishes perspective (upside down) but haven't come across any. Wondering if someone could help me out. Much appretiated....
  2. I fished there a while back. I hate it. Broke my spey rod and lost a ton of streamers. However I found a great place just out of Ft. Mc. Caught some really cool huge fish that were sucking back dead ducks. Didn't have any eyes. Weird. PS. watch out for security gaurds...
  3. Great idea. thanks
  4. Correct...The fact is that some areas are definitely better than others on the Bow and while there are no truely secrets spots there are areas that get alot less preasure than others. After walking/floating the river a few dozen times you start to know the river. While I'm more than willing to share such info with friends and the people I fish with, I'd hate to see all such spots broadcast over the net. If you are new to the Bow spend some time and get to know the river first hand, meet some friends and do your homework. Bottom line is post what you like , however don't complain when you can't find descent spot without a line up...
  5. So nice of you to post. Fortunately, I know the area well and still have a few in the region in my pocket for now at least...
  6. I say we give her an award for keepin the place interesting...
  7. Man that must be rough! Sorry to hear some like that happen to you. We moved into the Hamptons a few years back because we thought it was one of the safer neighborhoods. The week we moved in our neighbor was robbed at gun point in their home. You just can't get away from it I guess. Good luck getting things back on track.
  8. I've noticed on occasion people will provide the exact location of a nice spot on this forum. While I'm for sharing knowlegde, experience etc. I'm opposed to providing exact locations of sweet spots. I've spent countless days on the river to figure out a few nice spots. I really hate to see people post spots, which are then swarmed by those that haven't put in thier time. If you feel you must share please PM the person. Thoughts?
  9. Don't tazer them. Shoot them in the knees....
  10. I got the following info from the Bass Pro Shop site, however they don't given an opening date. Does anyone know when it opens? ************************ The Rocky View store will be themed to reflect Alberta's world class river systems, the Central Flyway waterfowl migration area, rolling prairies, Alberta's Badlands, and of course the Rocky Mountains. Huge murals and museum quality wildlife dioramas will feature moose, mountain lions, elk, black bears, grizzly bears, mule deer, whitetail deer, goats, sheep, and pronghorn. The stores aquarium will be stocked with numerous native fish species. The store will also include an expansive boat showroom featuring a complete selection of Tracker, Nitro, Grizzly and Tahoe boats as well as SunTracker pontoons built by Tracker Marine Group- the world's largest manufacturer of fishing boats. Known as a very conservation-minded company, Bass Pro Shops provides major support to national and local organizations for their conservation projects and has received more awards for their conservation efforts than any other outdoor retailer in America. Outdoor education is also a key component to Bass Pro Shops strong commitment to our natural resources and the sportsmen and sportswomen who enjoy them. Weekly free outdoor skills workshops are offered at all stores for kids, women, novice adults and families. It is also not unusual to see various groups, including Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops, as well as school and church groups, and others on field trips to Bass Pro Shops stores to learn about the great outdoors in the comfort of the great indoors of Bass Pro Shops. More than just a fishing and hunting store, Bass Pro Shops will also offer equipment and clothing for hiking, backpacking, wildlife viewing, camping, outdoor cooking and more. A gift and nature center will also serve up a wide variety of outdoor-related items from lamps and dishes to bird feeders and furniture.
  11. Key learnings: - A hopper dropper can be an extremely effective way to fish. Never gave it sufficent chance previously... - You can still catch fish in spring runnoff. Work the banks and slow water... - Can can safely float the river at >220 CMS in early July once the bulk of spring debris has passed. Note: some may disagree... - Some of the favourite sections of the river this year, I considered poor last year. - Some of my best holes this year for me are small sections most people don't notice. I found them out of frustration with the high traffic.
  12. Gil

    Nymph Help

    Some good advise above. One thing I'd add is with the cold weather, fish tend to pool in deeper slower water than you'll find in summer. The takes tend to be much more subtile in cold water so pay very close attention. The other thing is the colder the weather the smaller the nymph. Most of my winter fishing is with #18 and #20. Good luck...
  13. I 've only thought about it but I would imagine leech patterns would still work. They are in the lakes year round and are a staple food...
  14. Born in 1963. One of my earliest memories (I think 4) was fishing with a hand cut rod for brook trout with my cousin and sisters in NewBruinswick. We would spend hours in the woods with no adults just playing and fishing. Had an amasing time. Probably is what started my obsession....
  15. Very funny. Hard to believe some of the quotes are real.
  16. I hate getting the big streamer flies in the head. Clauser minnows are the worst....
  17. I'll third the rubber legs. I put them on everything. I favor the yellow/black and red/black color combos. Note: I also create ribbing on my copper Johns by using two differenct wires black/red, black/copper, green/yellow...
  18. Thanks for all the input. I think I'll try Daiichi for my smaller flies, which I'll be making heavy use of this winter. I agree there probably isn't much reason to put a ton of money into larger nymph patterns....
  19. Good looking fish. If you can afford it using guides are a great way to learn. I've had the good fortune of having a couple friends who are guides as well as being able to fish with guides entertaining clients for work. I've learnt a tremendous amount from them.
  20. Forgive my ignorance (all my rods are 9') are there disadvantages to going longer for a 6 or 5 wgt for the Bow???
  21. I've been thinking about why this topic engendered so much emotion by so many people. I think it's because we all strong identify with fly fishing as a part of who we are. Therefore, we take any critisism such as "only real fly fisherman...." on a personel level. For my part I'm open to learning everything I can from others. If I don't like what's being offered I'll move on. Despite the occasional flare up this has been one of the more interesting dialoges....Cheers
  22. Actually it was a Temco that broke off today. Pissed me off since I didn't realize the hook was missing for I don't know how long....I've used Diiachi in the past but not much...
  23. I've had a couple of bad experiences lately and am looking to change my brand. Thought I ask for advice...
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