I work in production, and I cannot remember a time when it has been busier for me..the only thing that has slowed me in the last 3 years has been the weather...the "big" services went through lay offs and sending their equipment south this last winter also and there was lots of talk of how the oil patch was going to slow down...not from where i stand..alot of this speculation (from the field point of view anyway) came from "Calgary" being fed up with the price of big services .. ie- treating/fracture equipment..which aside from the actual drilling of the hole is probably the single most expensive step in completing a oil/gas well..with only a small handful of companies in Canada with this sort of equipment, CalFrac, Schlumberger, BJ sevices, Halliburton, Tri-can. They can pretty much charge what they want..the prices of these services has risen like no other in the field and Calgary started "rumors" that they were going to slow on completions until the prices came down.. This is just what I've absorbed from the field over the last year or so (and does not depict global conditions).. I would'nt worry one bit..I got in this oil racked at 12 bucks a barrel .. and have been busy ever since ..