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Everything posted by luukesh

  1. Wish I could single-handedly make that exposed landfill at Bonnybrook disappear!!
  2. Fish Tales got the TFO Switches......was gonna grab one and then someone mentioned the opti switch...
  3. If you are looking for access points that are a little less trafficked, google earth is the ticket.
  4. luukesh

    Photo ????

    love the depth of the clouds on the "somewhere somewhere" photo, nice!!
  5. You might wanna check out the stretch of highway(40) between Grande Prairie and Grande Cache if ya get the chance......Kakwa,Little Smoky, CutBank, Simonette(sic), etc etc......good streams and no crowds. A guide would be a huge help......theres one from the area that lurks here........ PS careful during hunting season.......peeps with guns everywhere!!
  6. That was really good.....thanks for the link. Thats the way fly fishin photos should look!!
  7. Had a similar misfortune on the highwood with an 8116 blueline recently......stumbled on the rocks and jammed the tip into the gravel. Looks and feels fine still.......got a bad feeling though!! Sure glad Loop makes some tough rods. Does Whistler do repairs and warranty and such? They list themselves as a loop service centre, not sure what that means.....
  8. Had a similar misfortune on the highwood with an 8116 blueline recently......stumbled on the rocks and jammed the tip into the gravel. Looks and feels fine still.......got a bad feeling though!! Sure glad Loop makes some tough rods. Does Whistler do repairs and warranty and such? They list themselves as a loop service centre, not sure what that means.....
  9. Yep, break out the 25 pound test and throw a worm in the rain.......
  10. luukesh

    Deep Kakwa...

    Dope Pics, sometimes I wish I still lived up there........
  11. Wow that is an awesome looking fish!! About the most healthy lookin brown ever seen, no wonder he took ya into backing.
  12. Hey Max is that #7 opti you speak of current in the loop line?
  13. Nice fish and nice photos, might I ask what camera you are using?
  14. ^^^^^^^^Go Stand In The Corner^^^^^^^^^
  15. You are brave man, nice report Rick, and nice fish. And on the down low.....orange sjw? I got cabin fever here, time to dig out the rain gear.
  16. runoff streamers are being discussed here...... http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=4528
  17. If you're gonna start tying don't buy the starter kit, just look up the materials for the usual supects and start there.....(ie....juans,johns,caddis,prince.....maybe a boatman, clouser,leech, and buggers if ya wanna tackle the deer hair). I received one of those kits kits for xmas and ended up with a lot of sub-par materials which will not be used. That said there are probably better starter kits to be had. Also confidence in a select few patterns is better than being overwhelmed by way too many.....from what ive learned so far anyway. and you could do the dry-dropper thing right now......
  18. Yep same goes for the Calgary area. A few idiots ruin it for the rest of us......more money equals more toys equals irreparable erosion and such, I blame big oil!! (j/k Rick). I'm thinking Montana for the weekend instead.
  19. Seen a few of those delicas around......wish vehicles like that were a little more common around here, a smaller offroad capable diesel would be perfect for my line of work. Think I'm gonna settle on a forester for now.
  20. Thought I would throw this up.....kinda cool vid. http://gallery.mac.com/mvmstudios#100291.
  21. I like my patagonia's........but never leave home without the UV knotsense.....
  22. Thanks man, will try that out.
  23. Didn't wanna make a thread for this question..... What kind of indicators are the best for spey casting? Ive been using a thingamabobber........moves down the leader quite a bit, I'm sure theres a way to secure it.
  24. The TFO warranty is not so much a warranty.....they still selling something......been to Springbrook for a new tip several times, never needed a receipt. Thats the way I see it anyway.
  25. luukesh


    Haha, nice one......bet you could find a bully willing to eat it......
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