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Everything posted by luukesh

  1. You could check the classifieds section of this forum too......might find a good deal on a rod/reel there.
  2. Can't wait for it to hit 6 degrees in a couple hours.....gonna be messy.
  3. Yep, hour and a half drive from spy hill to k-town, decided to call it a day.
  4. Public library has lot's of books as well if you don't wanna spend the cash on em.....you can check the website for availability.
  5. I will second Birchy's Axiom suggestion.......love the six weight. Can't beat the warranty too.......three visits to spring springbrook and counting
  6. Thanks for the report Max,so sick!!
  7. luukesh

    Line Pressure

    This thread confuses me......I blame pilsner
  8. http://www.sexyloops.com/flytying/ptn.shtml You could start with a pheasant tail.....might wanna use peacock ice dub instead of hurl though.
  9. Sweet!! Thanks man, do you have all those materials in stock at troutfitters?
  10. luukesh


    Pedestals are dope......nothing beats tyin on the ttoilet.....oops ive said too much
  11. Haha, sooo funny.......he's got it quarantined like a crime scene. Is he gonna have it DNA tested or what......
  12. I go by "the messier the better" motto.......depends on the water your fishin though..........those flies look really nice
  13. luukesh

    Sink Tip

    Love the T8's.......just one question for you nymph swingers out there.....how long of a leader do you generally use on a sink tip nymph rig?
  14. And the ladies love a Mac!
  15. Yep, with the bad comes the good........found some "interesting" things during the bow river cleanup.........it seems that every construction worker out there discards their ear plugs directly into the river.
  16. This is a great thread, all very good stories...... especially Teck's.
  17. I just high-fived myself.
  18. Nice flies SilverD http://gallery.mac.com/mvmstudios#100179&bgcolor=ltgrey Here is a link to a really well made video for tying intruders......for anybody interested
  19. Intruders are streamers which are tied sparse for easier spey casting, but maintain a large "fishy" profile in the water......i hope I'm close on that description. Just google "intruder pattern"......should be lot's of images. Also there was an article about spey on teh bow recently which featured a "troutruder" pattern....cant remember which mag it was, maybe somebody else knows.
  20. I have a Ross CLA........not very happy with it. That said I did some research on it after it failed me and other people love the CLA's. Bauers are dope.
  21. .......different strokes for different folks.........
  22. I grew up skateboarding in the early nineties......at least you don't get beat up for flyfishing!
  23. Holy moses, that's a top-notch setup. Whats the difference between having splitshots between instead of above? Hope thats not a retarded question, or im blushing.
  24. "Been shoppin for a Pentax K10D with an upgraded kit lens etc; locally London Drugs, Blacks, Saneals.. about $1350. Through a Canadian Ebay Power seller outta Ontario with Canadian warranty $1026, no shipping ....guess which one I'm goin with?" If said "Canadian Ebay Power Seller" is Henry's be careful.........heard shady things about them.
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