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Everything posted by kipper

  1. At least this explains why the water level in the South Saskatchewan River through Medicine Hat is so low! I am somewhat concerned about the lack of water. People bitc* about a few ducks getting "offed" in a sludge pond when the government diverts water fromm the S.S.R. at a most critical spawning time for the fish . I am more than 100% sure that we have lost most of this years eggs to the low water situation due to water diversion and this isn't the first time that have screwed with the fish habitat in this neck of the woods!.
  2. sorry this should read 495 dead birds as 5 were "rescued".
  3. ..just wondering..I hunted ducks for years and never did a duck that landed in water sink...and if I am not mistaken oil is less dense than water so an oil soaked bird would still float to a certain degree? Anyway it is tragic but is it possible there were only 5 ducks and not 500..never saw any of the 500 dead ones.Just a thought
  4. I have been tying a "trailer" onto the hook bend with a clinch knot for a few years now(barbless) and have only lost one fish to the knot sliding off of the hook bend. I have been catching more fish on the "trailer" but some days it's all on the line hook. I must confess that I have not tried this setup in a stream situation but I don't think it should matter. I usually try a lighter nymph pattern on the line hook and tie a heavier one, such as a metal beedhead, as a trailer...works for me.
  5. I may be wrong but I believe the closest Bass lakes to Calgary are around Jaffray on HWY #3. There are 3-4 good bass lakes in the vicinity some of which are by Lake Koocanusa in Kikoman Creek Provincial Park..Baynes Lake, Turtle Lake are a couple that come to mind.
  6. They are not there as the result of global warming..those two are escapees from the West Edmonton Mall
  7. Bring warm clothing..mother nature traditionally dumps on the hills on the May longweekend Streams are not open to fishing (Graburn and Battle) until June 1. Elkwater Lake has Pike and Perch but not walleye or whitefish. If you are staying within the park boundaries and want to fish trout you are limiting yourselves to Spruce and Reesor. If you are more interested in running you picked a good spot..the terrain will be challenging and the elevation is about the same as Banff on the plateau.There is a rather large population of cougars in the hills now so you may want to be able to run faster than your partner
  8. Somewhere around a 6-7 wt for sure for stillwater/big river and and a 4-5 wt for all the other stuff.
  10. Not a bad imitation of Rex Hunt, but next time try to kiss the fish with a smile on your face yibidahyibidah!
  11. I may attempt to fish at Bullshead tomorrow provided the road in is passable..with the snow drifting the way it did in town I wouldn't be surprised if there are 5 foot drifts out that way. May have to pack the snowshoes and mukluks.
  12. I don't think we want to go there Michelle Lake has a similar situation when there is a lot of run-off which is about every 5 years or so. The"creek" isn't a creek in that sense..it is an intermittent stream.
  13. I am hoping to get out again Monday or Tuesday if the weather isn't too crazy. I don't want to spend too much of my time de-icing my guides. with the temps. they are expecting at One-Four on the weekend a guy has got to get out the longhandles and buy a few handwarmers. May see you out there.
  14. I think I know what you are getting at ? although.. when I was there there wasn't a heck of a lot of open water and the two fellows next to me moved next to you because of an iceberg that the wind blew toward them to shore. I don't think they meant to intrude on your "spot". I believe they were catching a lot of fish too...should have anyway.. cause I gave them the "cronies" to get the job done. I am not a real talkative fellow myself and when I am fishing I usually don't go out of my way to meet people but if I get the chance I am more than happy to help someone catch a fish. I don't mind sharing the water to a certain extent either especially this time of year when there isn't that many places to wet a line.
  15. Fished Bullshead today from about 1:00 p.m to 5:30 p.m. I was quite surprised as to the amount of ice there is out there but it was windy today and that took some more off..I'd have to say about 1/4 of the lake is ice free. I managed to catch quite a few fish... most were 17-18 inches, couple close to 20 and several 14 inchers. I was broke off once..may have been due to wind knots and a over zealous hook set I had several hooks straighten out which was a pain in the *ss and my indicator kept moving which resulted in a lot of "down time". It was a cold wind blowing and I was thankful I still had gloves and a toque thingy in the truck but even at that it was cold at times..of course the cold disappeared when a fish was on! Didn't see you out there BH..not your truck anyway..maybe another time. Jared I will get hold of you..it is supposed to get cold this weekend and they are calling for snow. I don't think we want a repeat of last year's trip.. however the blizzard did not seem to bother the fish any
  16. B.H. I should be out at Bullshead around 1:00 p.m. tan coloured 4x4 with a "VIMY" hat on the dash. see you out there.
  17. I am scheduled to work on the 19th..but may be able to leave early if I have something important to do If I am able I will be seeing you out there.
  18. kipper

    Bwo Nymph

    Thank-you very much for the info....I've printed off the pattern and I'm heading to the tying bench.
  19. kipper

    Bwo Nymph

    I can't seem to locate information on the Blue Winged Olive nymph pattern. Does anyone have a "recipe" for this pattern they are willing to share? Thanks.
  20. looks and sounds like a fantastic day on the water Jeff..great pictures. I was going to head out there today however it is raining in town so it is more than likely snowing at BH's elevation. I am heading out that way tomorrow for sure..got a boxful of chirono' patterns to try out that I've been tying this winter.
  21. totally..all the funds generated should go back to the resource..which would include protection - through enforcement, education and other Fisheries Management priorities...I would hope.
  22. Yes! I agree totally bigbradbent, currently out of province licence fees are way too cheap. I don't understand why someone from B.C. can get an annual licence for the same cost that residents are paying either. We should at least double the cost of the annual and bring in a limited 5 day, 3 day a 1 day licence structure for Canadian Residents at a considerable increase in fees.
  23. runoff?..that is a rare commodity in south eastern Alberta.
  24. Eyeglasses truck keys camera boxes of flies sunglasses reel and flyline several fly rods multiple cases of hypothermia broken pinkie finger and a extremely painful tailbone injury I don't remember much of fishing in the 70's
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