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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Fishing guides and outfitters should treated exactly the same as hunting guides and outfitters. Period
  2. No sweat Mike I'm a dutchman remember and to us thrifty dutchmen the best beer in the world is both free and in my hand...no worries, if we don't get run off again by the authorities this comin' summer I'll be over a time or two moochin' Lynn glad to see you're home and run his ass ragged for me :lol:
  3. Cool .. Теперь, если вы не пользовались изображения я бы попытался трансформировать. Тем не менее в ожидании моей камерой, как "Федерал экспресс" занимает 3 дней, чтобы доставить из Калгари
  4. actually hoss, it stayed pretty much on topic until you jumped in :rolleyes:
  5. Hey rickr we made a mistook... it's puta not punta
  6. Cool google es mejor en lo que la pieza de basura traductor yo estaba utilizando pero he de decir adiós adiós porque tengo que levantarse a las 5am. Damn Hutterite ruibarbo vino de todos modos!
  7. I kinda feel sorry for the goat...... think what the rest of the flock had to say :P
  8. Utilizo http://www.freetranslation.com/ y es silvestre lo que proponiendo
  9. Yeah I know my Spanish sucks and is somewhat pretentious but the web translator is frikkin hilarious and I'm bored and half in the bag. Better?
  10. ¡Rickr de infierno puede azotar su asno!
  11. ¡Bote Norris cantará como un canario y el temblor en botas cuando él encara el puño del destino!
  12. ¡En caso de que cualquiera se pregunte, hay jode todo en la televisión!
  13. Tengo miedo para preguntar los demás, especialmente acerca de la salsa secreta
  14. Take care of yourself Blondie and made sure Mike caters to your every whim least till spring. 'K? B)
  15. Sorry for the hijack LS... too bad you ain't closer to Claresholm, I could send you to a helluva mech shop down here.....lot cheaper than Kalgree shop rates too.
  16. She's not fer sale Toolman... I worked long and hard for that truck... besides she fit's in with the decor 'round here. Ya ever see my Xmas decorations? The brand of beer I drink? And last but not least, my door bell? redneck_beer.bmp
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