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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Yeah I really don't understand it, I like bullet fast carbon rods over 8' and slow deep flexing glass rods under 7.5'. The two are the exact opposite of each other. Maybe it's just me, I like George Jones and Metallica too
  2. I wanna buy this; http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...A:IT&ih=015 probably go for around 400 but I have seen them sell to Japan for over 750... not bad for a non-organic rod built in the late 60's early 70's
  3. Yeah won't those Mexicans just freak out :P
  4. People named Dave make me nervous
  5. So that's why an old NDPer took a run @ the Conservative nomination
  6. cause I had a huh? moment after I made my post
  7. Dogs treed a small black bear sow with a couple of cubs in camp quite a few yrs ago, one of the cubs only went up the tree about 6' and was hanging there, one of the guys we were campin with has a "here hold my beer and watch this" moment, went over and grabbed the cub by the scruff of the neck and pulls it outta the tree, the cub goes nuts starts squallin' and fightin' back. Mom hears all this and bails outta the tree bent on rescuin' her cub, she lands in the middle of the dogs who of course were intently watching the show and a helluva bear dog fight breaks out around Numbnuts knees. About this time it occurs to this guy maybe he'd better put down the cub and get the hell outta there but the cub ain't havin' nothing to do with the ground and tries to climb back up Dumb and Dumber's arm. And around and around it goes, one most hilarious shows on Dutch Ck ever. When it's all over the guy's all pissed off because we didn't rush in and rescue his ass. The guy still holds a grudge thirty yrs later...doesn't like me laughin'
  8. Mac MacKenzie (same guy who did the big bronze at Cochrane), all 145 lbs him put the run on a little 3 1/2yr old grizzly in the Flint's Park area of BNP back in the early 70's. Bear caught Mac walkin' across camp in the middle of the day and decided to run Mac off, making a series of bluff charges gettin' closer each time. Mac said later he'd looked around and there wasn't a decent tree for a couple hundred feet and then he got pissed off. He pick up a stick and on the next charge started hollerin' and swearin' and ran straight at the bear. That bear swapped ends and left so fast it was effin' hilarious,
  9. That was the old Taco, the new mellow Taco lives over here @ FFC :P
  10. I personally can say I only jerk the chain on resident Texicans.... they're so cute when they're indignant :ph34r:
  11. Those are european brown bears, same as our grizzlies but not quite so aggressive. Betcha that vid is shot in Finland, them Finns are stoic bastards and don't scare worth a crap.
  12. Anyone catch the second bear in the beginning of the vid? Panicking and running would get you killed in this case. Edit; the second bear is a cub in a tree
  13. http://gallery.fishbc.com/albums/Skipper/BIG_bluff.wmv and he did exactly the right thing in this situation...stood his ground, tough thing to do when your mind says STAY and your feets say WE'RE GONE
  14. Seen that quite a bit when I was farmin' ...... cloud up over your dried out ground, throw you the bird and eff off and rain somewheres else. Ahh farming... Lord I miss it, put a quarter million dollars worth of inputs in the ground and spend the next 3 months starin' at the sky.
  15. yup ur right........................................................................... ...............................
  16. Watched 50 head empty longtrottin' headed home packhorses go up over and around a backpacking tent some wise and knowledgeable hiker had pitched in the middle of the trail one time. Musta interrupted a heckuva party because 3 bare asses unloaded outta that tent, 2 round and pink and 1 hairy headin' for the bush. Betcha they were a tad more observant about where they pitched camp afterwards
  17. Man could a guy go duckhuntin'...........................................................................
  18. Practice on those big sz 24s then see what you can tie on Mustad 32s Don't crowd the eye
  19. Armstrongs are all right too but they get sick of people fairly quick so I'd imagine asking for permission to fish the lake could be hit or miss unless they knew that person.
  20. Yo Happy Burfday Mang, 18th anniversary of your 30th birthday.. ain't TOO shabby, have a good one and remember I owe y'all one OMR cutty trip.
  21. My backup plan Tako..... work in Saskatchewan
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