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Everything posted by Taco

  1. How the hell would I know? in my past life i always used glucks........... you know.. tip the bottle past 45 degrees and gluck gluck gluck google it d00de search google sheesh do i hafta tell ya everythang??
  2. hell, fish do well on rock.......................thins out the weak
  3. Site sponsor and if you go through the banner 10% off
  4. Sound as if ya had some korn likker as a side dish...... and if by nuclear hot sauce you mean sambal oelek you'll think one end of ya has gone nuclear in about 12 hrs or so
  5. oh i've been floatin' around, just usin' a different nom de guerre is all
  6. did you hafta say that, i'm struck @ home babysittin' damn dogs whilst the bitter half is workin' the weekend
  7. *hit, did he send you the one with the baby chick and the fried egg yet? the man twisted, hope i don't get like that when i retire :D
  8. I shot my cousin in the ass with a pellet gun once just to check his reaction... all I can say is that he almost achieved escape velocity and lucky he was wearin' a pair of fairly new jeans. I'm not quite sure that he has ever forgiven me although he later became a lawyer and now makes a livin' suin' people. I sometimes lay awake @ night and wonder about that but not often.
  9. Rumor has it in the ongoing barbwire DNA test south of highway 3 where they expected to be only 20-25 grizzlies left...so far they they have found over a hundred.................unconfirmed rumor only
  10. and cheap appeals to my dutch heart... I'll crimp my own damn hooks thank you :D
  11. Just as long as the Texan I'm harassin' ain't got a big gun
  12. Who's judgin' Hoss? I'm a smart assed sumbitch, I was just practicin' my proclivity.. . Sheesh, a sensitive politically correct Texican, I think I just felt old Sam Houston spinnin' in his grave. ;)
  13. Guess that what happens when 7 generations of cousins procreate......line breeding gone astray
  14. Whoa.... LMAO thanks for pointin' that out... that somehow got lost when I usin' the Max to English translator
  15. I'm of the firm opinion that it's a tad early for them to start chokin'
  16. Badaboombadabing! give the man a seegar, now all ya have to is convert a goodly portion of 6 billion people to your way of thinking Of course there a better way Paul, there usually always is and if it's cost effective eventually it will become standard issue.......for a time until something better comes along
  17. Paul that all well a good but the reality of the situation is that the raising food for billion of people is probably the most invasive thing that we can do to the "natural" environment and it has HAS to be cost effective or millions will starve. The price of milling wheat in the North American market has a direct effect on the cost of a pound of millet in sub-saharan Africa. Up a few cents and somebody loses one meal a day. Food no matter what market it's destined for has to be cost effective. Alternatives Paul it's a about alternatives
  18. One thing I never see in all this... alternatives, whats gonna replace the cost effective protein source when fish farming is banned in these inlets? Move'em on land or to the open sea? Technology ain't there. Wild fish? Could be harder yet on populations. Unfortunately we have over 6 billion people to feed in this ol' world..............................Alternatives please!
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