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Everything posted by DutchDryfly

  1. If you can schedule it the weekend of september 25 and 26, three more Dutchies will attend.
  2. While the 40+ is a nice line for speycasting, it is not suited for bunny flies. The fronttaper is to fine to do that. You would be better of with a line with a heavier tip.
  3. I would suggest the following leaders: 13 feet floating polyleader 10 feet intermediate polyleader 8 feet sinking leader and if you really need it a 5 foot superfast sinking leader
  4. Welcome to the darkside. If you think this was nice, wait till something hit on the swing.
  5. Congrats to Canada but next time not as much suspense, please!! And dutch, I want to see that Meiser in september!
  6. Also the sharp edges of Qtips Will cut your tip.
  7. 58 million USD by telethon, which will be doubled by the government. And I agree, any gift is equally worthy, as it is given by heart. Now I only hope it is getting to the right place, after all there are still funds in bankaccounts, which were donated for relief aid after the tsunami and have not been used so far.
  8. Clinton needs to get his figures right, I noticed that a total amount of 9 million was raised in Canada and doubled by your government. We (The Dutch) raised 58 million which is also doubled by oer government. It seems Clinton has the same problem as Gore has with figures.
  9. Cortland Peach would be my choice
  10. Bob already has a claim in at USPS. If the rod does nog turn up in the next 10 days, he will build me a new one. So all the things said about Bob on Speypages are correct, he is a great guy. The rod I am expecting is the Highlander S 13' for a #6 with matching line.
  11. Give Bob my regards. I am currently waiting for a rod he built for me. Unfortunately USPS screwed up and sent it to Norway instead of my home.
  12. In no particular order Single Cortland 444 Wulff TT Double Elixer CND GPS Scierra MWF
  13. I also have a Brodin ghostnet, but please do not use it on smaller fish. I actually had to kill a grayling because it lodged itself in one of the netholes.
  14. My 11'9" #3 weight
  15. 5 or 6 piece 2-handed medium-fast action with fast recovery tip scandi rod between 13' and 14' and a 250-275 grainage
  16. You did the right thing, let nature run it's couse. On the other hand I will kill a fish if I caught it and it was heavily damaged by catching it. No matter what the rules say, I will not put back a fish I injured just to have it die slowly. I will kill it, puncture the blatter and put it back in the water.
  17. For my short 3 weight I use the Danielsson Midge. No drag, but who needs drag on a 3 weight. I cut back the running line as I am not throwing 90 feet casts with it and spooled some Gel Spun Backing on it, just in case. It matches very nice wit all the very light rods.
  18. According to Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies by Paul Marriner Tag: Black chenille Rib: Fine oval silver tinsel Body : Rear half flat silver tinsel, front half black wool Wing : Fox squirrel Hackle : Orange tied as a collar and slanted rearwards
  19. Did not check, just donated.
  20. Noticed that foreigners are also able to donate. Made the donation and I don't think many can say they even convinced foreigners to donate. Hope to meet you in September.
  21. I must really start tying again as the season has taken a toll on my boxes. Lately I found myself more and more swinging flies for trout and grayling with the doublehander. To my surprise they tend to have a liking for sized down salmon flies. This winter I will be tying some tubeflies and try those.
  22. Fishing with my buddy Noud for the first time in saltwater. We arrived at the campground in order to fish from shore. Unfortunately this was not possible but the campground had also some rental boats. As it was Noud's birthday I booked a boat as a present and in the early evening we went fishingafetr we had tied three clousers each. It was our first time in the salt and there was more water then we were used to. Luckily I asked at te campground for a shallow spot and right in front of the campground there were some shallows. Shallow in a Norwegian fjord means about 30 meters deep, so the sinking lines were on our reels. As we reached the shallow we started to catch some cod, not big but a lot. It was the most fun we both have ever had while fishing. Noud later told me he never imagined of catching anything, so hit after hit was a nice surprise. After a few fish Noud's rod started to bend very deep and it was clear it was not a small cod on the end of the line. The best birthday present I have ever given anyone : Getting ready to land Surrender The present
  23. Thanks, guys. My present to myself is the Meiser 13"#6 S, so that will be used on the Bow next September.
  24. Phil, May be we meet at the river in September. I just booked my vacation and will be landing in Calgary September 20. I certainly know you are going to enjoy your trip, as I am returning for the 6th time and many more will follow. Rob
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