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Everything posted by DutchDryfly

  1. Well after seeing me use the DH rod in Austria, a friend wants to try this DH stuff also. Before investing in a new rod, he bought the conversion kit for the TFO TICRX 7-weight he already owns. Only problem now is that we have no clue what scandi line this rod would handle. I am guessing something in the 400 grains but am not sure. So if you have an idea of grain weight or recommendation for a line please feel free to post. And yes, I tried search google first but no luck for Scandi lines. All that is talked about for this rod are Skagit lines. Rob
  2. For on top big klinkhammers all the way up to size 6 and if they are fussy use small #22-24 black cdc flies. Try when you are there also some muddlers and clouser minnows. You will be surprised how big of a fly a grayling will take.
  3. Unfortunately I am in Scandinavia at that time, otherwise I would have be willing to help if you sent the ticket. But if you can get the plane-ticket to me before July 5, I will cancel my trip and lent you a hand. In order to not let the costs go out of control, I will catch my own food.
  4. Hallo Hafi, Ik zie dat je niet alleen op het prikbord zit en een mooie reis tegemoet kan zien. Rob
  5. Most anglers, including myself, suddenly develop this behavior when fishing in Germany. Don't know why, but for some reason I seem to loose all my fish right in front of my feet.
  6. The first and, until now, only country where you have to kill your catch is Germany. Not on all waters but on most waters. As for the Swiss, they have very limited access to fishable water in their own country. Most Swiss will fish fish in Austria, Slovenia Croatia and the Czech Republic. As for sustaining a kill only fishery, almost every month trout are stocked in those rivers. As for catching your limit, this is implemented on most European waters. Stop when you caught and killed your limit. But you can fish C&R all day long without having to count the fish.
  7. That is also the only BWO I carry with one adjustment. I use natural colored biot with a layer of olive tying thread beneath. Once the biot gets wet it will get translucent. Rob
  8. Well I got the rod yesterday and gave it a try. After looking at lots of different DVD's (Rio, Henrik Mortenson and Spey to Z) the transition to DH was not that difficult, just had to slow it down a lot. I have the Switch cast pretty much under control, placing the anchor where I want and getting the line out to 75 feet. So the next step will be the single spey, then the double. After that it will be the weak side that needs a lot of attention, as I am not used to use the left hand on my SH other then for double hauling. Fortunately I ran into a bargain for the right reel with spare spool on a clubday that matches the rod perfectly. Got a hold of the Vision Extreme 7/9 which not only has the perfect weight but also the color as the reelseat.
  9. I do not understand the need for softer rods, as you are not fishing for finicky trout when CN. When fishing CN I use no leader just one piece of mono (Stroft ABR 9.4 lb) and attach two dropperlines to that (Stroft ABR 8 lb) I have had very little violent takes, due to the fact the fly is going at the fish instead the other way around. Rob
  10. For a CN rod I would go for a 10 feet 3/4 weight just as you already mentioned. The action should be fast and powerfull. Fast action rod will be more able to pull the heavy nymphs from the bottom at the end of the swing. Remember that with CN you don't cast. So I would advice the Z-Axis 4100-4.
  11. Well, as I also needed a faster and longer SH#4 for Czech Nymphing, after consulting Gary I ordered the Gary Anderson Hybrid 1193-5 & 964-4 with matching Elixer line. Now I just have to wait till the rod arrives. Clock seems to slowed down a whole lot since I called Gary. He wanted me to call for getting me the right rod after all it is axpensive. I told him it was not as expensive as the rods are overhere. For example the Z-axis switch will cost me USD 1050 and leaves me with only 1 rod. Local shops are complaining that everybody is now buying on the internet, where the prices are at least 1/3 less. Go figure.
  12. If this $150/person includes travelcosts I will be there !!
  13. My top 4 which are almost always on my line anywhere in the world: Elk and CDC (various CDC colors) BWO ( Better winged olive) Blue dun Adams Don't need anything else !!
  14. Not yet, but I think I need some more information to make a decision. You guys have it easy, great rivers and lots of rods. Here we have almost no doublehanders, so all info is gathered from the net.
  15. Well after more thinking about where and what the rod would be used for, I am now thinking of the Deer Creek 5/6. After doing a search on Internet I found that it will be a nice trout rod for the fishing I tend to do with it. The only thing I am not sure about is the line on it. I found some reference to a CND 5/6 but we do not have those lines overhere. Main thing I read was that the line should be somewhere between 430 and 450 grains. So what lines would you recommend for this rod. Please list as many as possible so maybe I get lucky and will be able to buy it local.
  16. Unfortunately there are no open good rivers in Belgium after the third weekend in September. There are some spots still open, but usually those are the sewers with no decent fish. The season will open at the third weekend of March, so just have to wait a little longer. Planning on going to Scandinavia in July for four weeks and thinking about a stay at the end of the season in the place you call your homewaters.
  17. Well, after much reading about the two handed crowd I am certainly thinking about buying a rod. As it is used to fish for trout on medium rivers and Czech nymphing I was thinking about a switch rod. So far I have narrowed it down to the following rods, Beulah Switch 4/5, Z-Axis 5110-4 and the one I really like Gary Anderson Hybrid 1193-5 & 964-4 or the 1194-5 & 965-4. As I do not know much about those rods, the only one available to see overhere is the Z-Axis, I would like some recommendation and input. Rob
  18. The dry fly only is only in place in our lease. We did that because the adjacent clubs can fish our waters when their waters are non-fishable. We have only a small part and are paying the stocking ourselves, so we do not want any damaged or dead fish because of Czech nymphing or fishing with heavy streamers. And it gives us the chance to identify and kick some poachers, they will even poach our waters when we are fishing. As for the tying bench, I have a dinner table for four and am by myself, so part of that table is already reserved.
  19. BBB, you are correct, only the prices in Belgium are not that high. The maximum price is around 60 euro a year. The land is owned by a hotel, but the owner is doing nothing with the river. We are renting his part of the river and in conjunction with the club that is owning the adjacent land and river, we organize clean-ups and also put new fish in the river. Our part is strictly C&R and dry fly only. Lady, if you know the landowner and he has not rented the river to a club, you can fish with his permission AND the State license. There are also parts of the rivers that are public, but they are most of the time not the best parts. Rob
  20. Greg, the distance from my home to the rivers in Belgium I fish is about 300 km one way. I used to drive early in the morning to Belgium, fish and drive home in the evening. But lately I feel I am getting older and it is getting harder to do it in one day. Hence the new ride. The two species I fish for are brown trout and grayling. With a few friends we have leased a part of the river Ambleve Catching those
  21. Well, after my vacation was canceled I had some money to spent. What better way to spent it on something that can take me every weekend to the rivers in Belgium and also provide a sleeping place. I better learn to speak some French, as I am planning to be at least three out of four weekends a month fishing in Belgium, starting from the third saturday in March (opening day).
  22. I am currently using Stroft and will not go back to my old brands. It is everything I want in tippetmaterial.
  23. Fishing with a bobber is no flyfishing in my book. (have done it when everything else failed, but there are better rods for that kind of fishing) Catching fish the first few outings should not be a goal, getting understanding of the water is much more important. Rob ( at phase 5 but will go back to 4 if a huge fish is around )
  24. As I have to agree with most of the great advice given, I have to disagree with the advice to start with nymphs. I always start learningsessions for newbies with dries. Why, because then the newbie can see what the current does with flies. If you don't understand the currents, there is no change you will ever properly fish nymphs or streamers.
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