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Everything posted by reevesr1

  1. Not that this is that big a bullie, but it was a total surprise. Fishing a fairly fast run catching little cutties in BC with my sons. This hit a stonefly and I thought I finally had a nice cuttie. Was very surprised when I got my first good look at it: My biggest flowing water fish to date. It's been on here several times. Caught in April a couple of years ago. Only 2 months to go!!
  2. I've worked with Russians. And Swedes. And Finns. And Norwegians. And Canadians. And Americans. Add French, Malaysian, Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Italian, Spanish, Egyptian, Iraqis, Iranians, Lebanese, Nigerian, Algerian, Congolese, South Africans, every single South America country and probably a whole bunch others I can't think of right now. After you boil off the cultural differences, they are pretty much all the same. I've never noticed any difference in work ethic. I'm quite sure the same would apply to hockey players. The myopic may not agree. And if somebody offered me double the money I'm making now to go work in Russia, I might do it. Why should hockey players be different?
  3. Yah. Nobody in North America cares about money. Only those damn Russians. You know, like the ones who play(ed) for the Red Wings. Bunch of money grubbing bastards.
  4. Rob, Don't remember. Remembering the time of year, it would have been worm/stonefly/something smaller. I don't think I got it on the worm though. Stonefly maybe? Edit: and it could have been a leech as well-I do dead drift them lots in the spring. Funny part of that is that in 4 consecutive fish (it was over 2 days) I caught: Burbot, sucker, whitie, pike.
  5. I caught a couple on The Bow this year I think. Here's one: Not the best shot, but they are difficult to handle!
  6. Take it from someone who has organized several half assed events. They were all fun, regardless of how good a job I did organizing it. And I rarely spend much time organizing, I just expected people to have fun and wonder of wonders, they did. The pain in the asses that never seem to have fun didn't show up. Luckily.
  7. 58 million what? I think we automatically divide your monetary amounts by 10. Here is a list I found that breaks it down by country, as of last Tuesday. I am in no way saying this list is accurate. From The Guardian (so maybe the English have problems with math as well). Dontations by Country In the end however, who cares who gave the much? Charity is a personal thing. We should give what we can according to our ability, regardless of what country we are in.
  8. Wolfie, I don't know what to say to that. Anyone who could think about what is going on in Haiti and say "God helps those who help themselves".... perhaps I am misunderstanding you, but if I'm not, that is more than a little sad. I don't know any details of Canadian soldiers in Haiti. But my bet is they went in to help the people of Haiti in a time of need. That is sort of what Canada is known for, to it's immense credit. I would hope the families of any soldier who lost their lives there would want to help Haiti again in another time of great need. I have gladly given, gov't matched, and my company matched. My wife has given as well. I don't know if the money I gave will help, but the thought that it might is all I need.
  9. I don't care how rich you are, 10 Billion is a lot of money! Donated to vaccines in developing countries. Good for you Bill. Gates Foundation Donation
  10. I am rectorated by the above comment.
  11. Jared, I'd use marshmallows to beat you. I know you use maggots.
  12. One more statement like that and I'm going to have Barak shut off the TV to Canada. See how you guys like it if all you have to watch is Degrassi reruns. Maybe you guys should blackball all Americans. Too funny.
  13. Ditto. Add c-train to that. And I can get first run books at about 1/3 the price, no waiting for stuff I want to be available at the library. Add to that the battery lasts for a LONG time (haven't charged mine in 2 wks) if you don't have the wireless turned on. Best electronic purchase I have made in years. I don't know what Apple was really trying to make here yet, as I haven't seen one. But if it is a good e-reader it will sell. Next big market in consumer electronics, IMHO. As to Apple market research-hard to argue with it. But they have had some spectacular misses over the years. I just doubt this is one of them.
  14. I got a Kindle (book reader) for xmas. Love it. This is Apples foray into that market. 2 yrs, they'll be everywhere. I have Apple Stock. Yayy!
  15. So who becomes the judge? Let's say Bob gets paid $1000.00 for winning some snowboard competition. He is now a professional and would be ineligible for any bonus from Canada Olympic committee? What if a Junior player made the hockey team? Would he be eligible? No, keep it simple. If the rule is medal winners get money, then medal winners get money. If the professionals want to donate, and they probably should, then they can donate. But that is their choice not mine. If they win gold, then about 500K goes to the hockey team. That's what, $0.20 or so from me? I'm ok with that since I'll watch every game. And the amateur/professional ship sailed long ago.
  16. Uh oh. I can feel the keyboards being tapped from here. Read up a bit on #2. It is not nearly as cut and dried as you may think. While some products may make sense from a carbon footprint to buy local, it is most certainly not true for all. Economies of scale is a powerful, powerful thing. When looked at on a carbon footprint per item basis, many if not most agricultural products have a smaller carbon footprint from beginning of life to your plate when grown, and transported, in bulk. I read somewhere that transportation accounts for only 11% of the total carbon footprint of food items (and I don't know what that included), and that packaging, fertilizer, cooking (25%), etc. took up the rest. The same article said if you want to really cut greenhouse gasses in your food choices, cut down on the amount of red meat you eat. Edit: Found the one article from Forbes and another from The Observer. Both UK, both worth a look: The Observer Forbes
  17. You guys are world class geeks!
  18. Keep it as simple as possible. This is meant to be friendly and if people can't work out any differences (and really, what differences could there be) between themselves, then neither gets a point. If we need a arbitration committee then we are saying it isn't really a friendly "competition". There would be no point.
  19. I think you just need one that says "Taco". The ***hat part would be redundant.
  20. I'm good with that Brad. Great suggestion!
  21. I know he puts it on the ground. But so have a lot of very elusive runners through time. But I think he had 7 lost fumbles in 16 games. I'll take 1 fumble every two games to have him on my team any time. And yeah, I hate all Sooners. But I do like to watch him run!
  22. I love this analysis of FAAAAAVVVVRREEEE. From ESPN Another post game analysis said if you look at the Jets and the Vikings, in both cases they had a great combination of pass/run early in their season's with Favre, but as the year went on, they passed more and more and ignored the run (the Vikes have AP for go eff sakes, how could you not use him more?). Anytime anyone questions his Favreness on this, people start rolling out the "he's run this offence for 15 yrs. Nobody knows it better." And the end is always the same. He makes the big mistake in the end. Can't help himself. He'll come back next year and do it all again. The best, and yet at the same time utterly overrated, quarterback maybe ever.
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